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Wave Energy Machine IELTS Process

by Tl

The diagrams show the design for a wave-energy machine and its location.

The diagrams show the design for a wave-energy machine and its location.

The diagrams illustrate the interior design of a wave-energy machine along with the possible locations to install the machine.

The wave first travels into the lower chamber of the machine, which causes the water level to rise and creates an upward air flow that turns the turbine above the chamber. At the same time, the other turbine is caused to spin due to the atmospheric air from outside flowing into the upper chamber. This process generates energy using the speed of the turbines caused by the different air flows.

While the mechanism of the machine is comparable from machine to machine, the location of each machine correlates with the amount of energy generated as well as the costs involved. The nearer the machine is to mainland, the lower the output, with the best energy generators being far away from land. Coincidentally, machines with lower output also requires lower costs to install.

Overall, the wave-energy machine utilises wave energy to generate electricity. The location of installation, however, creates a difference in administrative costs and output level.

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Wave-energy Machine

by Anya

The diagrams show the design for a wave-energy machine and its location.

The diagrams show the design for a wave-energy machine and its location.

The given diagrams depict how a wave-energy machine is designed and where it can possibly be situated.

Overall, the machine, with two chambers and a turbine, make used of wave to generate electricity for use. Its possible locations are closed linked with the level of output and installation expenditure.

Starting with the general layout, one can obviously see that water enters the lower chamber along with the wave direction. When the water levels increase, the air flows upwards to the upper chamber and releases to the atmosphere. Simultaneously, the air from the top goes through the upper chamber down to the bottom one. Air circulation is the key driver of the turbine movement, which produce electricity.

When it comes to the location alternatives, if the machine is installed far from the shore, it can generate higher output thanks to larger waves; however, the costs of installation are higher. In contrast, a closer distance to the land means a lower production volume but being more cost-saving.

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