IELTS Computer Delivered Tests + Band Score

IELTS Information: FAQS about the Test 

This page provides you with all the IELTS information you need to know about the exam. These IELTS Faqs are all commonly asked questions. 

Your Questions Answered

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What is IELTS?

IELTS stands for the International English Language Testing System. It is an exam owned and managed by IDP Australia, The British Council, and Cambridge Examinations.

It is a test to measure the English ability of people who wish to study or work in countries, places or organisations where English is the main language of communication. 

It uses a band scale of 1-9 to indicate ability, with 1 a virtual non-user of the language and 9 completely fluent, or expert. 

You are tested under four criteria: speaking, listening, reading and writing. There is an Academic Test and a General Training Test (see below).

Previously, there was only a paper-based test, held mostly on Saturdays, which you would take along with other candidates in a room. Now though, some centres also have a computer-based IELTS test, which you can do on any day.

Age Limits

There are no age limits for the test but it's not generally recommended for those under 16. Learn more here:

 Age limits for the IELTS exam.

The Format of the Test

The test that can be taken is either the Academic or General Training papers.

  • The Academic Test is for those wanting to study abroad, such as at universities or language schools. 
  • The General Training Test is for those wanting to immigrate to another country for work or to live.

You can also choose IELTS UKVI (see below) and there is a Life Skills Test which has a different format and purpose.

Both tests have the same scoring system and have four modules:

  • Speaking
  • Listening
  • Reading
  • Writing

(12-14 minutes):

The speaking is in three parts and an examiner will ask you questions in two of these parts and in the other you will have to do a short talk about a topic.

Listening (40 minutes):

There are four different sections, each one getting harder. You have to answer 40 questions whilst listening to the audio.

Reading (60 minutes):

There are three different sections and you have to answer 40 questions on various reading texts. 

Academic and General vary in this module, with each having different kinds of readings. 

Writing (60 minutes):

There is a Task 1 (20 mins) and a Task 2 (40 mins). Academic and General Training both have an essay for Task 2. However, for Task 1, in GT you have to write a letter but in Academic you have to describe some kind of graph, map, process. or diagram. 

Learn more about the IELTS Test Format.

What is IELTS for UKVI?

If you are sitting the IELTS exam to support a UK visa application to live, work, or study in the UK, you might need to take what is called a secure English language test (SELT).

Both the IELTS for UKVI (UK Visas and Immigration) Academic or General Training and the IELTS Life Skills test are approved for applications for UK Visa and Immigration (UK visa renewal, British Citizenship, Settlement and Leave to Remain).

The IELTS for UKVI test is the same format as the normal test but you are video recorded during the test. It does though cost slightly more than the normal test (see below).

How are IELTS scores calculated?

IELTS scores are calculated using a banding system.

Your overall band score will be from 0 – 9, with 9 being the highest band you can achieve. This would mean you have fully functional use of the English language.

This overall band score is an average of each band score that you are given for your writing, reading, listening and speaking.

Get more IELTS information about IELTS scores

Where do I get tested for IELTS?

You get tested at an IELTS test centre (though tests at home online are starting to be introduced - see below). This will normally be with the British Council or IDP, two of the institutions that administer the test. It may be at one of their language schools or it could be held at another venue.

International House also have test centres and some test centres may be held at other organisations, such as universities.  

There are more than 500 IELTS test centers around the world, and so most big cities will have somewhere that you can get tested. If there is not one in your city, then you will need to travel to a place that does have the test. You can also contact these test centres for further IELTS information.

You can now take either the paper-based test or computer-based test (though some centres do not yet have the computer option). Both of these though will take place at the IELTS test centre where you booked the test, or a location nearby.

You can locate a centre using our search function - Find a test centre

Here is further information on the locations of test centres in LondonCanada, New Zealand and India.

Can I take the IELTS test at home?

In 2021, IELTS announced that people would soon be able to take the test at home.  

This is now an option and it has the same content and format as the normal IELTS Academic in-centre tests. But it's only available to certain countries. Learn more about the IELTS Online Test and make a booking.

How do I register for IELTS?

To register for IELTS, you first need to find your local IELTS test centre (see above). They will help you to complete your IELTS registration and provide you with any other IELTS information you need.

They will advise you of whether you need to take the general training or academic module. They will also provide you with an IELTS application form to complete, or you can download this from the official IELTS website.

You will need to complete the application form and sign it. You will also need a copy of your passport (or national identity card – check with your centre if this is accepted) and two recent passport sized photos, which are signed on the back. You cannot wear glasses in these photos.

You’ll need to return the IELTS application form to the centre with your payment in order to complete your IELTS registration. You’ll need to check with the IELTS centre for information about any other methods of payment by post.

Once your IELTS application form has been processed and they have all the IELTS information from you they need, your registration is complete and you will be contacted about an IELTS examination date. You will need to take the same ID you used to register (i.e. your passport or national ID card) to the test.

In some cases you can complete the IELTS application online, but you will need to check this with your local centre to see if they provide this service. 

Be careful to avoid IELTS scams where you may be offered the chance to buy an IELTS certificate without the exam.

How much does the IELTS test cost?

The IELTS test cost is the same around the world; however, it will obviously be affected by your local currency.

These are the latest costs in sterling (as of July 2023):

  • IELTS Academic and General Training - £180 to £210 (depending on location)
  • IELTS for UKVI  Academic and General Training - £205
  • IELTS Life Skills A1, A2 and B1 - £155

You can also check the costs in India, Pakistan and USA.

Contact your local test centre for IELTS information on the level of fees in your currency. 

What happens on the IELTS test day?

If you are taking the test at a test centre, when you arrive, there will be staff there to assist you. Make sure you arrive on time. If you miss your appointment without good reason then you may have to re-register and pay again (see below for IELTS information about missing the test).

You must bring with you the same identification that you used when you registered for IELTS. If you do not have this with you, then you cannot sit the test.

For the paper-based test, the normal procedure is to take the listening test first, followed by the reading, then the writing, and finally the speaking. This may take the whole day, depending on when you are allocated to take the speaking test. However, please note that sometimes the speaking test is on a different day, either before or after the other tests. So always check carefully in your correspondence from your test centre.

There will be an invigilator in the listening, reading and writing test to tell you what you need to do, so just follow their instructions. There will also be IELTS information and instructions in the test papers that you should read carefully and follow.

Put your hand up and speak to someone if there is anything you are not sure about, but the invigilator cannot help you with the questions in the test.

In the speaking test it will be just you and the examiner. Again, just follow their instructions. At the beginning you will be asked for your identification so make sure you still have this with you.

You are not allowed to have a mobile phone or any other items with you during the test. The only thing you are allowed is pencils and a rubber.

Of course, during the test you are not allowed to talk to other candidates, copy other’s work, eat or drink, or leave the room. 

For the computer-based IELTS test, most of the same rules above apply, except of course you will be sat at a computer, with instructions to follow on the computer screen. There will still be someone available for help if you need it. The speaking test is still with an examiner so will be held at another time. 

How do I get my IELTS results?

For the paper-based IELTS test, your IELTS results will be sent to you 13 days after your test date. They will be posted out by the centre at which you took the test.

For the computer-based test, you get your results a few days after taking the test, so you get the results much quicker. 

You will be sent a test report form. This test report form will contain the IELTS information about your overall band score and your score in each of the modules (writing, reading, listening, and speaking). The form will also include your personal data and the date that you took the test, and whether you took the general training or academic module.

If you want, at the time of registration you can ask for copies of your IELTS results to be sent to up to five institutions so they have your IELTS information. There is a small fee for sending it to more than five, but it saves you sending them out. The institutions will have access to a data base so they can double check the scores.

It is recommended to take the test again if you wish to use your test report form and it is more than two years since you first took the test. This is because your score may well be different now if so much time has gone by. 

Find out more about how long IELTS is valid.

Can I check my IELTS results online?

Yes, at some centres it is possible to check your IELTS results online, or you can even get an SMS sent to your phone in some cases. Check with your local centre where you can get the IELTS information that you need.

Can I re-take the IELTS test?

You can re-take the IELTS test any time you like as there are no limits or restrictions on this. You will have to pay the full fee each time.

You should make sure you do some practice, though, if you are not getting the score you want instead of just retaking the test many times. This website provides all the IELTS information you need about improving your score.

How do I get my IELTS test re-marked?

If you feel that your IELTS result is wrong, then you can apply to have an IELTS re-mark. However, there are some things you should be aware of before you do this.

Firstly, it is probably not a good idea to apply for a re-mark of your IELTS test if you think your reading or listening score is wrong. These all have right or wrong answers and are marked objectively so it is not likely that it was marked incorrectly.

It is possible that your writing or speaking is wrong. However, remember that it is marked by an IELTS examiner who is trained in the marking criteria to check your work. They are experienced and they are monitored regularly so they should be able to mark it correctly.

If though, you are sure it is wrong, and you want a re-mark, you need to contact your test centre and apply for an ‘Enquiry on Results’ procedure. You can ask for a specific module to be checked, but the price is the same whatever you choose, so you may as well have the whole test re-marked.

Another important point is that if your score was more than 2 bands different in any of the criteria then it will have been re-marked again anyway. This is part of the procedure. This would, therefore, make it unlikely to change again if you ask for a re-mark.

You have to ask for the re-mark within 6 weeks of taking the test. Re-marks are usually done in London, so it could take up to 8 weeks to get your new score back.

The cost to get the test re-marked is close to the cost of taking the test again, so many choose to re-sit the test instead.

If your score is increased, then your money will be refunded. Your scores may go up if you get a remark, but there is no evidence that anybody's score ever goes down after a remark.

Discuss your IELTS re-mark in the forums or learn more about the Remark Procedures from someone who had a successful remark. 

How do I cancel or postpone my IELTS test?

If you want to cancel IELTS or postpone to another date, you must do this at least 5 weeks before your test date in order to get a full refund. You will still have to pay an administration fee, however.

If you cancel within 5 weeks of taking the test, then you will not get a refund unless you have a medical certificate. 

What happens if I miss my IELTS test?

If you miss your IELTS test then you won't get a refund and you will have to pay for another test. The only way that you can get a refund is if there is serious medical situation and you had to be admitted to hospital. You would need doctor's proof of this.

It is the same situation if you miss one module, for example the speaking because it is on another day. You would need medical proof of hospital admission. If you can't, then you would get no grade for the module you missed, and you would need to sit the whole test again in order to get a band for each module. 

When are the IELTS exam dates?

The IELTS exams dates for the paper-based test are fixed on certain days throughout the year. The IELTS exam dates for the current year can be checked here:

IELTS exam dates

The general training test is not held on every session. The same test and questions are administered at all the test centres.

However, if the computer-based IELTS test is held at the centre you apply to, it should be available on any day that the test centre is open and running the test. You should check with your centre exactly when you can take it.

IELTS and Coronavirus

IELTS tests were impacted by coronavirus significantly during 2020 to 2022. The closures that affected tests are now over however it's possible closures could occur again in certain places if there are outbreaks. 

So the pages we created to advise you about what to do during such closures remain available.

Coronavirus Updates and Advice

There is also information on the IELTS Indicator Test which was set up for people to take the test online during closure of test centres.

End of IELTS Information

In the IELTS Forum you can get more IELTS information by reading other common questions about the IELTS Test which have been asked by candidates 

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