IELTS Computer Delivered Tests + Band Score

Computer Essays

by Lyzze

Are computers a good thing?

Are computers a good thing?

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Using a computer everyday can have more negative than positive effects on children.

Do you agree or disagree?

In modern societies the number of time children spend surfing the internet have increased. Computers are one of the major technological device used around the globe. It is present in our homes, schools and working environment. Children who used the computer daily are exposed to a wide Range of information that can help them academically, socially and professionally. Despite these benefits some people argues that if children over used the internment the results can be quite damaging.

Children who spend quality time on the internment are exposed to a huge amount of information that can help them to improve their grades and complete research. For example, while attending college almost everyone had a laptop to store information, and search for answers to questions that were very complicated. Theses student preformed better on exams because they became independent learners. Without the help of teachers they are motivated to use the internet to gain the information, as a result they retain more that if they were taught.

Also, the internet is used as a medium for communication, as social network such as twitter and Facebook are great ways for children and teenagers to communicate and express their feelings to friends and relatives. This alternatively help them to communicate better. Further more, children are developing life long skills that are necessary for the job market. Most companies, requires that employees are computer literate, and spend thousands of dollars training their staff, so when they are filling vacancies they employ those who are already computer literate. Therefore, parents who allow their child or children to surf the internet on a daily basis are helping them to develop critical skills.

On the other hand, there are long term effects that are associated with over use of the internet. These problem includes health issues like obesity, which can develop when children become addictive to the computer and decrease their outdoors activities. Moreover, this can also lead to antisocial behaviour. If children spent too much time using the internet and less time acquiring skills necessary for social interaction they can find it difficult to communicate appropriately. The most damaging aspect of spending too much time online, is the use of phonographic materials that can devalue the values parents are trying to instill in their children. These websites are everywhere online, even if your child is on an educational site they can pop up there as well ,and trying to close the site won't work, as they open automatically. Due to this the internet can be considered as unsafe for children.

Overall, in my view, using the internet on a daily basis have both pros and cons, that are of equal important to young people. Therefore, parents need to have rules as to which site their children visit and the amount of time they spend online.

Comments for Computer Essays

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May 02, 2014
Essay feedback
by: IELTS buddy

Just a couple of comments that you need to be aware of:

Be very careful to analyse the topic and task carefully. In this question, the topic is 'computers', not 'the internet'.

You have written it as if 'the internet' is the topic. Of course if you are writing about computers, the internet can be one of the ideas to discuss, but it is not just about this.

You do have some good vocab and grammar but there are some noticeable grammar errors in places that will prevent you getting the higher score for grammar.

May 02, 2014
Thank you.
by: Anonymous

Ohh thank you very much I have never looked at it from that view point. This is really good feedback .

You are amazing!!! do you do personal online tutoring ?

May 03, 2014
I took your advice, please review.
by: Anonymous

Using a computer everyday can have more negative than positive effects on children.

Do you agree or disagree?

Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own experience.

In modern societies computers are one of the major technological device use around the globe. It is present in our homes, schools, and working environment. Children who use computers daily are exposed to a wide Range of information that can help them academically, and professionally. Despite these benefits, some people argues that if children spend to much time on the computer the results can be quite damaging.

Children who spend quality time on the computer, can access the internet, where huge amount of information are available,that can help them to improve their grades and complete research. For example, while attending college ,almost everyone had a laptop to store information, and search the web for answers to questions that were very complicated. These student preformed better on exams because they became independent learners. Without the help of tutors they are motivated to use the internet to gather the information, as a result they retain more that if they were taught.

Secondly, life long skills that are necessary for the job market are developed when they start using a computer at an early age. Most companies, requires that employees are computer literate, and spend thousands of dollars training their staff, so when they are filling vacancies, they employ those who are already computer literate. Therefore, parents who allow their child or children to use these devices on a daily basis are helping them to develop critical skills.

On the other hand, there are long term effects that are associated with over use of computers. These problem includes health issues like obesity, which can develop when children become addictive to the computer and decrease their outdoors activities. Moreover, this can also lead to antisocial behaviour. If children spent too much time using the computer to play games or surfing the internet, and less time acquiring skills necessary for social interaction they can find it difficult to communicate appropriately.

Overall, in my view, using computers on a daily basis have both pros and cons, that are of equal important to young people. Therefore, parents need to have rules as to how much time their child or children are allow to use the computer each day.

Feb 02, 2015
It was good i like it
by: Sakina Essa

It was very good i like it because it helped me in my homework a lot!

Oct 07, 2015
Worst essay.
by: Anonymous

In this essay there are so many mistakes

Dec 02, 2015
by: jagpinder singh bhelley

In today's modern world, computers are needed everyday. Around the world, children use computers from the time they are little. It's true that children should have fun when they are young; however, in my opinion, a child who knows how to use the computer will be more successful in the future. My reasons for this view are personal, academic and professional.

From a personal point of view, computers can help young people to learn more about the world. For example, some children use the Internet to find information on different subjects. In this way, they learn to find answers by themselves. By using the computer when they are little, children feel more comfortable around computers. They also know how to use the computer for different reasons.

From an academic viewpoint, children have to learn how to use this new invention. For instance, when I was in college, many students used to bring their laptops to class. They used to take notes, do research and share information. They wrote their essays, made presentations and created useful lists. Children who can use the computer when they are young have more confidence than other children.

From a professional perspective, the computer is found in every kind of office. Today, employers will still hire people who cannot use computers and give them computer training. But tomorrow, companies will expect people to have these skills already. As a result, by encouraging children to use the computer for a short time every day, parents are preparing their children for future jobs.

In conclusion, it is clear that computers are now a part of our regular life. Children who can use computers easily and confidently will do better in the future.

Jan 17, 2016
by: Anonymous

Your essay has so much potential. It helped me a lot .Main theme it's very analysed. Although I'm not the perfect to judge you I think that your introduction shouldn't be so analysed. Anyway your essay was perfect

Sep 08, 2016
Good article
by: Matthew

Our company

Dec 10, 2016
some new way to explain ideas.but there is few mistake .good essy
by: Anonymous

Some new ways to explain ideas, but there are a few mistakes. Good essay

Jan 15, 2017
good essay
by: paras goel

Nice one helpful for me πŸ˜ŠπŸ˜†πŸ˜†πŸ˜†πŸ˜†πŸ˜†πŸ˜†πŸ˜ŠπŸ˜ŠπŸ˜ŠπŸ˜ŠπŸ˜ŠπŸ˜‡

Jul 14, 2017
Computer Essays - Good
by: Anonymous

It really helped me.

Jan 13, 2018
Thank a lot for writing
by: Zaw Zaw Win


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Computer Dependence

by ragini

Students are becoming weaker in reading and writing as they are depending on computers very much. Teachers should enforce them to reduce this habit.

Do you agree or disagree?

Undoubtedly, relying on computers are making the students handicapped in reading and writing skills to a very large extent. Of course, teachers must discourage this dependence on computers for their students.

In a last few decades, computer has not only touched the business but also it is incorporated profusely in education. The primary class students have their personal I-TABS, instead of books in their hands. So they do have the habits to type on monitor of computer and are not used to writings on text books. Moreover, computer auto-correct the spellings and grammatical mistakes and the students no more take care of them and become worse in their writings. Additionally, most of the teachers notes, the students get in the form of word or power point presentations, which are up to the point. And students no more use to read the vast content of books and gradually getting poor in reading too.

Certainly, teachers can play a vital role in improving their students writing and reading skills. Because school is the very first learning point and teachers are the first-step educators for them. And if they encourage the students to bring books, textbooks, and pens instead of computers to the school. They likely to do same. Secondly, teachers should move to traditional methods of teaching instead of advanced method of teaching and learning. for example; using the book, reading method, dictation method instead power point presentation.

To recapitulate, computers have made the students addicted for them, so their reading and writing skills are not worth it, and teachers are the only guides to them; so as improve their habit of overuse of computers and reinforce their study skills.


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Impacts on Young Children

by Renu rai

Do computers impact on children?

Do computers impact on children?

Using a computer everyday can have more negative than positive effects on young children.

Do you agree or disagree?

Modern era is technological era. Computer become a integral part of our life. Youngsters use it in many ways. In my opinion it has more positive impacts than negative on young generation.

First of all, Computer help the children in their studies. They search many type of information related to their studies through internet. They get more ideas related to any particular topic which enhance their knowledge.

Secondly, it helps to improve there skills. With the help of social sites like facebook, twitter they interact with their friends, kith-kin. It helps them to increase their capability to communicate with others. Moreover, they become perfect in their work, they become literate in computer. Which would help them in their career also. Then everywhere is demand of computer it would helps to organisations to find perfect match for job. Then, they need not to trained staff, they can get efficient persons.

However, one of the major drawback is that it invite many health problems among young children they spent long hours in front of computers which effect on their eyes, obesity is another problem for them. Furthermore it increase gap between parents and their child they spent most of their time on computer rather than talk to their guardian.

In nutshell, I would like to say that even computer has many pros and cons. Parents should fix sometime to use the computer and also restrict on websites.


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Comments for Impacts on Young Children

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Jun 20, 2015
by: Anonymous

The content or idea is in line but the delivery (the grammar) is below par

Jul 04, 2015
Thank you
by: Anonymous

Thank you very much for helping me to improve my English listening and speaking. Furthermore, I learn a lot from the IELTS LESSON.

I do hope that you will share more new things to me.

Best wishes,

Tem Thim

Jan 04, 2016
by: jai


Jan 08, 2016
by: Anonymous

super!!!!it helped in my asl

Jan 11, 2016
by: bhavun


Jan 25, 2016
thank you
by: nikunj dhillon

thank you very much . this helped me a lot in my debate competition.once again ttthank youuuu

Jan 26, 2016
could u help me
by: Anonymous

the part that you write "the major drawback is that it invite ...."

i think isn't true.

"the major drawback is that it invites ..."

is it right?

Feb 03, 2016
thanks a lot
by: Shreya


Feb 03, 2016
Thnx thnx thnz buddy i luv ur site
by: Anonymous

Thnx u

Sep 18, 2016
wow great!!!
by: himi


Mar 12, 2017
by: Anonymous

so many grammar and spelling mistakes... god!

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Chidren and Everyday Use of Computers

by Gloria

Using a computer every day can have more negative than positive effects on children.

Do you agree or disagree?

The application of technology has led to dramatic changes to our modern society, while the use of computers for children daily, however, has caused a debate among parents and teachers.

Through using computers, children could have easy access to information and update themselves quickly. The Internet provides a wide variety of information about the current affairs and children could use it as a platform to gain knowledge and form a reading habit. Also, computer-generated animations can be an educational tool for them to understand the development of technology and those English motivated cartoons such as Cinderella and The Lion King can teach children the right and wrong which is more efficient than the force-feeding teaching method.

The disadvantages that related to the widespread use of computers for children, however, can not be ignored as well. Children are those groups of people who have no self-control and can be easily addicted to computer games and entertainment programs, which may not only occupy too much homework time but also can cause children inattentive in class.Plus, staring too much time on the screen may lead to headache and eyestrain and as they reduce the time to interact with their peers face to face, the feeling of isolation and lonely will be increased. Both of those problems could pose threat to children's health physically and emotionally.

Overall, personally I suggest that parents and teachers are supposed to supervise and restrict the time that children used on computers, and only when they gain the skill about the allocation of time, can they be allowed to use computers autonomously.


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Reliance on Computers Essay

by hamdaan

plz evaluate my task-2 and give desired band.

Students are becoming more and more reliant on computers.

What are some of the problems associated with reliance on computers, and what are some of the possible solutions?

It is often argued that today’s generation are more addicted to computers. This essay deals with the problems associated with dependence on computers and then gives a solution.

Often children are reliant on gadgets for any piece of information they want and they end up spending a large proportion of their day on computers. Also, youngsters now-a-days get ready made information without much effort and become very lazy, as a result become obese and has brought about intricate problems in children. Researchers believe that spending more than 8 hours on electronic devices can increase heart attack rate manifold times. For instance, if a child spends 6 hours on computer per day, this will affect the retina of the eyes, also leads to postural imbalance and lack of social behavior towards others.

This problem can be tackled by increasing awareness among children through schools, universities . Moreover, parents must also be informed about the negative aspects of spending too much time online. Though children are responsible enough for their actions, parents also must keep an eye for any noticeable behavior, also parents must encourage their children on spending more time outdoors. As an example, educational institutes must encourage students to do more offline research such as survey or opinions of different people on day-to-day issues.

In conclusion, one of the major problem with over-use of technology is that children get detached from others and become lazy since all the information they need is given to them easily.

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Dependency on Computers Essay

by Aashish Gupta

We are becoming increasingly dependent on computers. They are used in business, hospitals, crime detection and even to fly planes.

What things will they be used for in the future?

Is this dependence on computers a good thing or should we be more suspicious of their benefits?

Computing machines increasingly plays an important role in our daily lives. In forseeable future, with advances in technology, computers will be used to build robots that are economically viable and can perform routine tasks. It should be seen as a positive development as this will free up more time for humans to focus on more productive work.

Enhanced processing capabilities and development in programming languages making them more efficient will propel the robotics to new highs. Computers with increased processing power and lean code will help make robots smaller and affordable for the masses. This in turn, will boost their acceptance in the market and subsequently, economies of scale could be achieved bringing the cost down even further. For example, currently many households employ house-help to do daily chores like cleaning, they would be replaced by robots once they become affordable and accessible for the general population because of sufficient technological advancements.

The evergrowing relationship between machines and humans should be welcomed because it will reduce person’s workload. Machines can perform boring, repetitive and menial jobs that are traditionally done by humans which will eventually result in people having increased amount of/relatively more time for themselves. They can utilize this time to learn a new skill or can devote the saved time to complete a meaningful assignment. For example, a recent study found that an average human being spends almost 2 hours daily on completing routine tasks and could potentially save 4 weeks worth of time in an year, if those same duties are performed by robots.

In conclusion, enhancements in the field of computer technology will result into the building of compact and economical robotic machines and the increasing role of these machines in our day to day activities should be appreciated because it emancipates humans from routine toil.

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