IELTS Computer Delivered Tests + Band Score

Please clarify "not more than..." word instructions in the IELTS Test

by tikoji


After reading all ur doubts, now I'am doubtful.

Clarify if it is "not more than two/not more than three" means can our answer be two and three, or else only one and two words?

Comments for Please clarify "not more than..." word instructions in the IELTS Test

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Oct 25, 2015
Number of word instructions
by: IELTS buddy


It means you cannot write any MORE words than the numbers given.

"Not more than two words"

= You can write, one word or two words

"Not more than three words"

= You can write one, two or three words

Oct 26, 2015
Not More Than Three words type of questions
by: Pankaj Chaturvedi

It means that your answer can contain one, two or three words but in no case the fourth word provided the answer is grammatically correct and gives the same information as given by the speaker / writer.

Aug 25, 2016
by: Anonymous

hi.. i have written an answer 'super market' is that correct? i am confused whether it is supermarket.. will i get marks for that?

Aug 26, 2016
by: IELTS buddy

The correct word is 'supermarket' so what you put would likely be wrong but the official ielts site doesn't specifically discuss that so it is difficult to say for sure whether they would accept it.

Sep 25, 2016
Help me
by: Anonymous

Hi! I've written 2 million, whether it is one word or two!! It's confusing.

Sep 25, 2016
Help me
by: IELTS buddy

"2 million" = one word and one number

"Two million" = two words

Jan 08, 2017
No more than one word.
by: Naef

Please I need to know:
they asked in the listening exam to write no more than one word:
they asked about the date:
My answer was 15th June.

Is it two words or one word?

Jan 30, 2017
31st March
by: Nagendra

Can I write 31st March for the question type one word/a number

Feb 02, 2017
31st March
by: IELTS buddy

You don't need the 'st' but yes it should be ok.

Feb 03, 2017
Word count
by: Nagendra

'Notice', 'board' are two different words, when we see it separately but when we combine these two words we'll get single meaning i.e.,NOTICE BOARD
So, do we consider it (NOTICE BOARD) is two words or single word word, as per meaning it is giving.
@there is no hyphenation between notice and board

Feb 03, 2017
Word count
by: IELTS buddy

It is two words.

Feb 12, 2017
How to write a time range?
by: Alina


In my test, answer to one question was 25-30 minutes. I wrote it as "25 to 30 minutes".

Instructions were "No more than three words and/or a number". If my answer is incorrect, how can we write the same answer by following the instructions?

Feb 14, 2017
How to write a time range?
by: IELTS buddy

It's not possible to write that answer as it is two numbers and the instructions you gave say one.

Which test are you referring to? Are you sure that is the correct answer? Or could it be an error in the test (assuming it is a practice test)?

Mar 10, 2017
Cannot get a point
by: Anonymous

The instruction was: "NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS" but the answer was "Sir Jozeph Banks", hovewer, following the instruction I've written just "Jozeph Banks".

But surprisingly the key was "Sir Jozeph Banks"!!!!! Hoow??? There were required only TWO WORDS!

Mar 10, 2017
Cannot get a point
by: IELTS buddy

It sounds like an error in the book.

Which practice book were you using?

Jul 02, 2017
Ielts reading
by: Anonymous

I have question with two blanks in recent exam my answer was (guiding principles, rules) this means how many words

Jul 03, 2017
Ielts reading
by: IELTS buddy

That's 3 words.

Jul 14, 2017
by: Anonymous

Which is the correct spelling licence or license?

Jul 14, 2017
License or licence
by: IELTS buddy

Licence is a noun, license is a verb. Before learning to drive, you apply for a provisional driving licence, but the DVLA must license you to drive.

Jul 27, 2017
by: Anonymous

Write ONE WORD AND/OR A NUMBER for each answer.

what does it mean??
1.a number and a word both??

Jul 29, 2017
by: IELTS buddy

It means either of these two things:


e.g. 5 people


e.g. 5


e.g. people

Of course what you actually write will depend on the question. If it was:

"There are ........... on the course" the answer would be "5 people".


"There are ....... people on the course" the answer would be "5".


"There are 5 ...... on the course" the answer would be "people".

Sep 22, 2017
not more than one word and/or numbers
by: Sausage

In ielts cambridge 9 listening test 3 section 2 question 20: '5 to 12', is that still counted?

Sep 24, 2017
not more than one word and/or numbers
by: IELTS buddy

I checked and in the answer key it says '5 to 12' so I'm not sure why you are querying it. That is one word and numbers.

Sep 26, 2017
by: Anonymous

If they say not more than three words and in my answer, I wrote two words will they give me marks or not?


The lady reminds John to shut the door and windows and ......

ANSWER, I WROTE -burglar alarm
CORRECT ANSWER SHOWS -set burglar alarm

Sep 29, 2017
by: IELTS buddy

No more than 3 numbers means You have the option of 1, 2, or 3 words.

But if the answer is 3 words you have to write all those words. So your answer is wrong.

Oct 06, 2017
No more than two words or a number
by: Anonymous


Could you please explain below instruction with examples?


Oct 06, 2017
No more than two words or a number
by: IELTS buddy

This is an example:

5 (a number)

5 people (one word and a number)

5 people eating (2 words and a number)

People (one word)

People eating (2 words)

All of those are ok.

Oct 16, 2017
by: Anonymous


I wrote 14 instead of 14 days for one word/number it will be marked correct?

Plz help me.

Oct 16, 2017
by: IELTS buddy

If the missing information needed "14 days" and that was what was in the answer key, then "14" will be wrong.

But it would have to be "One word and / or a number".

Nov 01, 2017
One word confusion
by: Anonymous

Is TIME-TABLE one word or two words???

Nov 06, 2017
One word confusion
by: IELTS buddy

Hyphenated words are counted as one word.

Nov 07, 2017
by: Anonymous

Hi, I am vijay.

I don't understand in the ielts instructions which is given by 'No more than three words'. The actual answer is 'town center area'. I wrote 'town'. Will they mark it correct?

Nov 10, 2017
No more than three words
by: IELTS buddy

'No more than three words' means that the answer could be anything from one to three words, no more than that.

So an answer would not consist of four or five words. But it could be one, two or three words.

But regardless of that, there is still a 'correct' answer. If the answer in the answer key was 'town center area' then 'town' is wrong.

Nov 18, 2017
by: Anonymous


In Cambridge 9 test 1 Listening section, the instruction says no more than 3 words, but the answer key was "clear voice", while I wrote "a clear voice". Is that OK?


Nov 26, 2017
by: IELTS buddy

I just checked and 'a clear voice' should be correct because it fits the answer and it does say you can use three words.

Those are based on real tests but I can't know what they would have done when it was actually marked in the past.

You should have got the mark though.

Dec 09, 2017
Is "two hundred fifty five" one word or 3 word as per IELTS exam rule?
by: santosh

Is "two hundred fifty five" one word or 3 words as per IELTS exam rule?

Dec 17, 2017
one word and/or numbers
by: soroush

I encounter a Question, the answer is "5 to 12" but the question requires one word and/or numbers, how it can be possible? The answer contains 3 words!

Dec 22, 2017
one word and/or numbers
by: IELTS buddy

Which book was if from? It's possible it's an error.

However, that is actually two numbers and one word. You say the instructions said "one word / and or numberS" (plural). If that is what it says then '5 to 12' fits the requirements as it is one word and numbers.

Jan 12, 2018
by: Anonymous

"Not more than Two words and / or a number". If the speaker says 'five star hotel', what should I write? 'Five star' or '5 star'.

Jan 14, 2018
by: IELTS buddy

Either would be ok. Numbers can be written as words or the actual number (though of course with telephone numbers, addresses or postcodes which have sequences of numbers you should write the numbers).

Feb 07, 2018
Two words or no more than three words
by: Anonymous

The instructions says not more than 2 words.
And I answer the question in 2 words.
Like 'castle road' but the answer shown was 'castle'.
Will this be considered as correct answer or wrong ?
Help me .

Feb 09, 2018
Two words or no more than three words
by: IELTS buddy

Not MORE than two words means the answer could be one or two words, so if the answer was 'castle' and not 'castle road' then your answer will be wrong.

But it's not possible to know if 'castle road' would fit without seeing the test you are referring to and hearing the audio.

Apr 07, 2018
Ielts listening test
by: Anonymous

Hi! I’ve done my ielts exam, in listening test the instruction was answer not more than 2 words and or a number. The answer is '17 Bright Road'. I answered "Bright road" in the address part because it only asked for 2 words and or a number. Is this correct?


Apr 09, 2018
IELTS test
by: IELTS buddy

No that's wrong if it says in the answer key it was '17 Bright Road'.

The instructions were '2 words AND / or a number'.

So '17 Bright Road' fits that as it is 2 words and a number.

Jul 08, 2018
by: Anonymous

I wrote word instead of an option in Ielts listening flow is that evaluated or not

Jul 12, 2018
by: IELTS buddy

It will probably be marked wrong. You must follow the instructions.

Jul 21, 2018
Ielts Listening
by: Anonymous

Hi, I just want to check in the listening practice paper no more than two words, I wrote "low" in my answer but when I checked the answer sheet answer was "very low". so my answer will right or wrong?

Jul 22, 2018
Ielts Listening
by: IELTS buddy

If the answer key is telling you you must have 'very low' then 'low' will. be wrong (assuming the answer key is correct).

I'd have to see the test though to know if that is correct or not. It depends what was written in it and what was said.

Jul 25, 2018
listening practice question
by: Anonymous


I'm having a IELTS listening practice test and there's a question that says "women are three times more likely to miss the ________."

When i was listening to the narrator I know that I heard the answer to it correctly which is "likely to miss the OFFICE ATMOSPHERE."

But when the test shows the answers, it says that the answer should only be "office" and the atmosphere is just part of the sentence. (I don't know if I'm making any sense).

Anyway, how will I know if I should only be writting the word "office" or "office atmosphere" or is it ok to write either. I hope i'm making sense.


Jul 25, 2018
listening practice question - 2
by: Anonymous

hi ,

it's me again. In one of the questions in the listening practice test, I answered "18" (number) but the correct answer was "eighteen" (word). is it ok to answer in numbers or should I answer all in words?


Jul 26, 2018
Listening test Queries
by: IELTS buddy

Yes you can write 'eighteen' or '18'.

"Office atmosphere" sounds correct from what you said.

Maybe it is an error in the test you are using?

Jul 29, 2018
by: Harish

In instructions it said "no more than 3 words" and in answer i wrote "two percent" instead of "2 percent" now my answer marked as wrong in a mocktest and as well as British Council website.

Whats wrong with my answer?

Jul 29, 2018
by: IELTS buddy

I don't think there is anything wrong with your answer.

If it said "No more than three words" and you wrote "two percent" then that is correct, as using numbers or words is ok.

Maybe it's an error in the answer key.

Aug 27, 2018
by: Deb

In few of the listening test i find that they ask for " no more than three words" as answers , but if they have mentioned about a number in the answer , say for example number "27" , so should we write in words or in number? its really confusing, please help.

Aug 27, 2018
by: IELTS buddy

Usually the number or words are ok, but to write the number it should also say "NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS AND / OR A NUMBER".

If it doesn't say at the end that you can also use a number then you should write "sixteen" to be safe.

Dec 30, 2018
IELTS Listening number and sign
by: Anonymous

I did a test and it asked to fill in a pie chart with blanks. The percentage signs were already given so I only filled in the number. The question was no more than three numbers and or a word. So is it wrong just to have a number on my answer sheet or do I need to write down the percentage sign as well?

Jan 09, 2019
Assessment pattern in IELTS Listening
by: Anonymous

Practicing online IELTS listening I came to a doubt,

I write 'the student union' and the correct answer says 'Student Union'.

The doubt is I have write the correct answer along with the additional word and the total words are three, within the limit. Is it marked incorrect if I write the extra word with correct word?

Please reply soon as possible.

Jan 12, 2019
by: Anonymous

if in ielts academic listening module if we write 3 words in that 2 words is answer then will give mark for that

Feb 01, 2019
One word is correct or not
by: Anonymous

Listening no more than three word , only I write one word is correct or not

Mar 31, 2019
No more than five words
by: Anonymous

No more than five words and/or a number. What does it mean? And if my answer is 3 p.m., Is it acceptable? How many words in 3p.m.

Mar 31, 2019
No more than five words
by: IELTS buddy

I've never heard of a question giving you the option of 5 words. 3 is normal the maximum.

Anyway, yes '3 pm' is ok. That is just a number (and possibly one word).

Jun 16, 2019
No more than three words
by: Anonymous

Reading general test. No more than three words, my answer was Application Employment Form, but the correct answer was Application Form.

Some help please ,

Jun 17, 2019
No more than three words
by: IELTS buddy

It's not possible to tell you if what you wrote was right or not without seeing / hearing the test you took.

Occasionally in practice tests it turns out there are errors in the answer key and an alternative answer should also be accepted.

Jun 22, 2019
A little help
by: Anonymous

Hello there,
I was taking a practice test. Test 6 from official guide.
The question instruction said "no more than two words and/or a number".
The answer I wrote was "teaching resources". The answer in the key is simply "resources". Does this mean even though answer follows the instructions, it is wrong?


I'd really need to see the test, but if 'teaching resources' was said by the speaker and it fitted in the space then really it should have been correct.

IELTS buddy

Jul 05, 2019
No more than three words confused.
by: Anonymous

The sentence is 'The next orientation session will be held on March 21 in the company conference room'.

Question is 'The-----will take place in the company room.

MY ANSWER 'next orientation'.

But the key says 'next orientation session'. If this came if I give a computer based test will my answer be considered as correct?


You would really need to have the word 'session' in there as that is the key noun in the sentence stating what is happening in March. So no it would be wrong.

IELTS buddy

Aug 15, 2019
No more than three words and / or a number
by: Anonymous

Passage: it's all done for you in one simple pass...
Question: you won't have to calculate how much money you have left because the London pass is ____

Answer in book: one pass
Answer i've written : one simple pass

In no more than 3 words if the answer is 2 words but we write 3 words answer which sounds grammatically correct, would it be marked wrong?

2nd eg

Passage: Cornwall has become known for a food scene to rival London and beyond.


Q: Cornwall can now be compared to____for its food and amazing chefs:

Answer written by me :London and beyond

Aug 23, 2019
No more than three words and / or a number
by: IELTS buddy

I'd really need to see the tests to be sure but I'd say for your first one it looks like 'one simple pass' should also be correct.

If it was a real test though it's really impossible to know what Cambridge may have done for the test on the actual day i.e. whether they decided to allow an answer such as yours.

The same really goes for your second one. I can see how some people may have put 'London and beyond' but it's not possible to know whether they decided to allow it at the time.

Of course if answers do not fit properly or grammatically they would be marked wrong. Normally IELTS show in the answer key if a variety of choices of answer can be given e.g. 'one (simple) pass' meaning that the answer is ok with or without the word 'simple'.

Aug 26, 2019
Ielts academic
by: Anonymous

In instructions they gave no more than two words but in answer it is one word I wrote two words in that one word is correct and the second word is not there in answer.

Will I get correct or wrong?

Aug 28, 2019
Ielts academic
by: IELTS buddy

Your question is not that clear, but I would need to see the test you are referring to in order to know if what you wrote was correct or not. But if the answer consisted of one word then your answer was probably wrong.

Nov 12, 2019
Three Words or a Number
by: Anonymous

IELTS 5 Test 3

Q.25 Answer is 2nd half

But I wrote second half

Is it correct ?

Jan 17, 2020
Write no more than two words or a number.
by: Anonymous

One word, two words, one anything else can be?

Feb 20, 2020
IELTS reading
by: Anonymous

Instruction says, "No more than three words",( please note there is no instruction as and/ or a number) then how to write 29 February 1980. Suggestions please!

Feb 23, 2020
IELTS reading
by: IELTS buddy

Are you looking at an official Cambridge test? If not it could be an error because yes you are right with only being able two write three words you can't answer the question properly.

Jun 17, 2020
by: Anonymous

In the listening section for no more than 3 words,
I wrote 'more confident' as an answer but the answer key says that the correct answer is 'confident'.
Would my answer still be correct?
Those were the exact words from the recording. It was actually 'much more confident'.

Thank you

Jun 18, 2020
by: IELTS buddy

If 'more confident' fits grammatically into the gap you were given then it should be marked correct.

Jun 26, 2020
How to explain
by: Anonymous

I have to explain how to expand or write 59% or 84.4% in report writing
Can explain me

Jun 28, 2020
How to explain
by: IELTS buddy

I'm not sure what you mean. You can write 59% or 84.4% like that or you can can write 'per cent' instead of the '%'. It's up to you.

Jul 19, 2020
by: Anonymous

I was practicing ielts listening from a practice test.
It went as one word or a number only.
So, i wrote 13th.
Question was as _ august.
May i write 13th with the instructions , only one word or a number or i must write only 13?

Oct 03, 2020
diff between numbers and number
by: Anonymous

can you explain the difference between "NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS AND/OR NUMBER"."NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS AND/OR NUMBERS"?

Oct 05, 2020
diff between numbers and number
by: IELTS buddy

Where did you see this? Was it on an official test?

In the first one you can only have one number as it's singular but in the second one your can have more than one.

The second seems a bit unclear though because it gives you no limit on how many numbers. That's why I wondered where you saw it. I'm sure though you would not be able to have more than two numbers.

Nov 01, 2020
One world only
by: Anonymous

In 'one word only' questions I wrote:
18th instead of Eighteenth
and III instead of Three('I' was mentioned as 1 in that sentence)
Will it be wrong?

Jan 09, 2021
Listening no more than two word fill ups
by: Anonymous

I have heard that they said like "keep your personal password secret". I wrote "personal password". "Password" is right and "personal" is wrong. Do i get right or wrong?

Jan 10, 2021
Listening no more than two word fill ups
by: IELTS buddy

It's difficult to say for sure without seeing the test you are referring and so being able to see the gap you had to fill in.

But if it's an official test (meaning it's definitely correct) then if your answer doesn't match the question then it's probably wrong.

Jan 18, 2021
IELTS listening
by: Renesme

There was a question in ielts listening under the type no more than one word or/and a number

Though I clearly listened that it was first January in listening

I wrote 1 January because I thought 1st January would be considered as 2 words

Will I get marks for 1 January?

Jan 20, 2021
IELTS listening
by: IELTS buddy

yes '1' is fine.

Feb 01, 2021
can I write a number when ind=struction does not specify number?
by: Anonymous

To a question the key answer "seven weeks" and I had written "7 weeks", it got marked as wrong answer. The instructions said NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS. So wanted to know if I can write a number instead of the word here if the number is not specified in the instruction?

Feb 21, 2021
Listening test 9 (4)
by: Anonymous

In cambridge 9 test 4 there is a question whose answer is confident but i wrote "much more confident " as no more than 3 words was the instruction so is it correct or not ?

Feb 23, 2021
Listening test 9 (4)
by: IELTS buddy

"Much more confident" does fit so it should be correct. So you should get the mark but of course I can't say what a marker may do if they were looking at your test.

The answer should say:

- (much more) confident

This would show that either were correct ('more confident' should also be correct).

Jul 16, 2021
by: Anonymous


If the question in listening says , ______ to 10.00 am. The instructions say, NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS (it has not mentioned number)

The answer would be 'eight o'clock'? Because ideally it should be '8:00 am' but no numbers are allowed in the instruction?

Jul 19, 2021
Word count in reading
by: Anonymous

70 percent and 40 percent count as two words or three words in reading.

Jul 20, 2021
Word count in reading
by: IELTS buddy

"70 percent and 40 percent" is 3 words and 2 numbers.

"70 percent" is 1 word and 1 number.

"70 per cent" is 2 words and 1 number.

Aug 18, 2021
listening answer instructions
by: Anonymous

Instruction says " NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS", I wrote 2 to 10 in my answersheet but printed answer was 'TWO TO TEN" ....So does that mean my answer is wrong? as far as i know 1 number is considered a word ....or do i have to only write words only if they ask to write words.plz help

Aug 20, 2021
listening answer instructions
by: IELTS buddy

Your answer should be correct if it said 'three words' because as you say 'two' is a word.

Perhaps it's an error in the practice exam you took. Was it an official Cambridge IELTS Practice Test?

Sep 29, 2021
by: Shafeeq

In listening section, I wrote the answer as 31 March, and it showed wrong, but the answer has to be 31 March. How this is considered ?

Oct 12, 2021
by: Anonymous

I heard "simple drawings " as answer. Question mentioned NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS. Instead of writing "simple drawings" I answered "drawings"

will this be considered as wrong or correct in paper based IELTS exam ?

Nov 16, 2021
by: Anonymous

The answer for a question is: leather, grass and glass.
How can I write this answer in three words??

Mar 29, 2022
by: Anonymous


I wrote for a listening question's answer as 'two' and the correct answer is 'two pieces'

So am i supposed to get marks or not if i write one word instead of two words?

Apr 04, 2022
by: IELTS buddy

If a question says for example "No more than two words" then the answer could be 1 or 2 words but no more.

I'd really need to see the test you are referring to but if your answer did not fit in the gap properly and should have been 'two pieces' then your answer will be wrong.

Sometimes answers keys aren't quite right, but assuming the answer key you have is correct, then if your answer does not match it then it is wrong.

Oct 26, 2022
No more than two words
by: Yuvraj

I wrote SPIDERS instead of POISONOUS SPIDERS in listening would my answer get right or not?

Oct 27, 2022
No more than two words
by: IELTS buddy

That depends on whether what you wrote was still correct according to the listening and whether it fitted in the gap in a grammatically correct way. If so, it should be correct but it's not possible to know that without seeing the test.

Dec 27, 2022
How to identify that it is a single word answer?
by: sriram

I was confused to identify answer which is actually a single word but before reading instructions, I thought it may be three words answer. Then answer is getting wrong. Please give me tips to overcome and identify the right answer.

Jun 11, 2023
by: Anonymous





Jun 14, 2023
by: IELTS buddy

Could it be an error in the test? Was it an official Cambridge test? You are right that the answer should not have more than one number.

Apr 22, 2024
General ielts test
by: Anonymous

An instruction says don’t write more than one word or one number but the answer to the question is a combination of credit card number what should I answer?

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One word and/or a number???

by ava

One word and/or a number???

Did everybody finish Cambridge 9?

I am kind of confused about the second test, in section one, questions about India girl's birthday. I could hear clearly, it was March 31st, 1972.

But the answer require to be only one word and/or a number??? How could it be possible ?

March 31st, 1972------------> there are THREE words!!

How can i answer this question?

Thank you

Comments for One word and/or a number???

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Feb 06, 2016
One word and/or a number???
by: IELTS buddy

Hi Ava,

I had a look.

I think it must be an error because in the answer key they have put "31 March", which fits "One word and / or a number".

But then in the actual transcript they have underlined "13 March 1976".

That would be one word and two numbers.

If an error was made like that I'm sure they would let you have the mark if you put either of those.

Mar 18, 2016
the same question
by: Anonymous

Last time I took the Ielts test and I had almost the same question with the same instruction no more than one word or/and number. Question required to put date of birth of a girl, so as I know we can not put date of birth without including either date or year. I was confused, but I put only date and month even though I heard the year too. Am I correct ? How could I know how they marked my answer?

Thank you

best Dake

Aug 20, 2016
by: mathew

my name is Mathew..the answer 'flat 6A' contains how many number and words. my question was no more than 2 words and or a number. could you please help me..


I would say that is one word and one number so you are ok.

IELTS buddy

Aug 20, 2016
Two words and/or a number
by: Anonymous

There was a date of birth of a girl to be written. I heard the exact date like 18 October 1980. But I wrote 18 October because with years it would have been 2 numbers and one word. Which is correct? Can you enlighten me please.


Aug 25, 2016
olive oils
by: issac

i have written an answer 'olive oils'.. is that correct? i clearly heard them saying vegetables and olive oils.. my friend told me that it would be olive oil.. could u please help me out

Aug 26, 2016
Olive oils
by: IELTS buddy

If they said 'olive oils' the answer is 'olive oils'. If they said 'olive oil' the answer is 'olive oil'.

Aug 30, 2017
Two words and/or a number
by: Anonymous

A date of birth requires day (number), month and year, eg. 18 September 1974. A birthday requires a day and a month only, eg. 18 September. Did the question ask you to give her date of birth or her birthday?

Dec 04, 2017
by: Anonymous


I am a little bit confused about the answer.
The answer is 5 to 12 and also the instruction said that ONE WORD AND/OR NUMBERS.

I cant figure out, could you please explain it?


Dec 08, 2017
No More than Three words and/or a number
by: Anonymous

In reading, Question was how many beats a minute a smoker take?

And i Wrote 10-20 beats

But the answer key was 10-20

What should i do??? This is puzzling.

Dec 09, 2017
No More than Three words and/or a number
by: IELTS buddy

In that situation there was no need to repeat 'beats' as it is in the question. It was just asking for the number.

However, your answer wasn't wrong and it fits the number of words so I think you'd probably get the point in the test.

Aug 15, 2018
writing numbers
by: Anonymous


In Cambridge 9 test 2, they said write one word and/or a number. Their answer was 31 March, and I wrote 31/03/1972. They didn't mention the year, is my answer 31/03/1972 correct? Because I think it is considered as one number?

My second question, in Cambridge 9 test 3, question 10 they said write one word and/or numbers, their answer is 5 to 12 and I wrote 5-12, is my answer correct? thank you.

Aug 16, 2018
writing numbers
by: IELTS buddy

I think some other people have mentioned that question of that test because they are confused.

I think it may be an error in that test because if you take a birth date then yes, most people are going to put the full date. The year is mentioned in the reading but it is not in the answer key and the instructions don't let you write two numbers.

Always try and follow the instructions but I do think that one is a error.

As for the other you mention, yes 5 - 12 should be ok. Again it should be in the answer key.

Dec 05, 2018
No more than 3 words
by: Anonymous

i have written "bottom of jar" as answer but in the key it is given as only bottom will my answer be correct or is it wrong

Jan 04, 2019
No more than three words
by: Anonymous

For "No more than three words" type Answer i wrote fifteen months but in answer key its 15 months?? How would we take 15 in this

Mar 24, 2019
One word or/and a Number
by: Zs

I wasn't sure if my number looked fine. For example the answer was 15,but I wrote both 15/ Fifteen. Will I be marked wrong for this?

Jan 02, 2021
by: Anonymous

For (No more than two words) The answer is "global temperatures" and I wrote only "temperatures". Would it be wrong?

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Please explain these confusing instructions for IELTS Listening

by Yugvir Singh

Recently I took a listening practice test, In which the condition was "Use no more than two words OR/AND a Number"....

The answer which I gave was 92.4%, but in the book`s answer sheet the answer was 92.4 percent ....

In another book, i saw the same scenario "Use no more than two words OR/AND a Number". Their answer was 92.4% .......

Now I am totally confused and lost.

Please help me out. Which one is correct? A combination of number & symbol counts as one number? Or one number & one word?

Or they don't even include symbols in the count? Because in one Question the condition was "Use no more than three words OR/AND a Number", and the correct answer was "2-3 weeks".....

Another case is 2/3, is it one word or number?

Please help me. thanks in advance.

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Nov 25, 2014
IELTS Listening Instructions
by: IELTS buddy

Hi Yugvir,

It should be fine to write 92.4% or 92.4 percent.

Maybe it was an error in the answer key and they did not tell you that it could also be "%" (or "percent" in the case of your other example).

Which books are you using to practice from?

I'm not sure if 92.4% counts as one number or one number and one word, but that does not matter. The percentage is needed if it is given in the listening (and is not written on the question sheet) so you would be given the right options to write it.

"2-3" would count as two numbers.

Apr 22, 2015
Mixing up
by: Mahsa

I did not realize that which answer is true ?
Please explain more precise
the tips were not good

Jul 29, 2016
by: Anonymous

If asked to write no more than two words e.g. Techniques, training is "and" classified as a third word although if completing a sentence would not make sense without it...

Aug 06, 2016
by: IELTS buddy

All words count as 'words', so yes 'and' would.

Sep 20, 2017
No more than two words and/or a number
by: Anonymous


Could anyone please explain me about this meaning???

They said using no more than three words and / or a number. Can I write both of these sentences?

Here is the examples.

→ Five dollars.
→5 dollars.

I really don't know among both of this sentences which one is correct????

Thank you for your kindly answering my question.

And I really want you to explain me the detail meaning about "USE NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS AND/ OR A NUMBER"

Sep 20, 2017
No more than three words and / or a number
by: IELTS buddy

It means you can have up to three words (you wrote 'two' in your post title but 'three' in your post). So:

"He ate at"

That's three words, but one or two is ok:

"He ate"

But you can also have a (ONE) number, as it says AND a number if you want, so:

"He ate at 5"

That's three words AND a number. But it also says OR a number. So you could have a number and no words:


So basically any of these would be ok:

"He ate"
"He ate at"
"He ate at 5"
"five" (that's one word)

Of course what you do actually write in the answer key will depend on the question.

Jan 01, 2022
by: Anonymous

Is my answer correct...i wrote DOMESTIC FLIGHTS while the answer was just FLIGHTS and we had to write no more than 3 words

Jan 02, 2022
by: IELTS buddy

It's difficult to answer that without seeing the test and the context. If domestic flights fits and it answers the question properly then it should be right. Perhaps it's an error in the test - they forgot to put down all possibilities.

I can't of course know what the person marking it would do, but it should be marked correct if it fits.

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Word Limits

by Asad


If instructions are not more than two words or number and I wrote complete date of birth including year like 01.10.1986 then is my answer correct?

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Aug 20, 2016
Listening Instructions
by: IELTS buddy

It's difficult to really know if what you wrote is correct without seeing the test to know what was read out and what gap needed to be filled in in the booklet.

It does look wrong though because it said two numbers and you used three.

As I said though difficult to know without seeing everything.

Mar 23, 2019
by: Anonymous

Will i lose marks if the question said write no more than one word and my answer was three words including the right word
Ex: answer must be communication
I wrote: communication between employees
Will i lose all the mark or they will take the right word?

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IELTS Listening: Comparative words (more/much more) in answer

by Faisal

Hello, I have a problem in Section 3 of Listening Part of Test 4, Cambridge IELTS 9. Here a part of the dialogue between two persons (Kira and Paul) is attached in image form. At one point of time during the conversation (the very last underlined sentence), Kira says she feels "much more confident" when asked by Paul how she feels after passing an academic year at her university.

Now in question 29 it is asked-"Having completed the year, how does Kira feel?" and in answer key it is written "confident". Since the question has a limitation of NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS AND/OR A NUMBER, would it be right to write MUCH CONFIDENT or MUCH MORE CONFIDENT as answer?

Thanks in advanced.

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Oct 13, 2016
Listening Part of Test 4, Cambridge IELTS 9
by: IELTS buddy


I am sure that MUCH MORE CONFIDENT would be accepted even if the answer key says CONFIDENT only, as it does say 3 words is ok.

But MUCH CONFIDENT is not grammatically correct (we don't say that in English) so it would be wrong.

MORE CONFIDENT may also be accepted.

Oct 18, 2016
Thanking Note
by: Faisal

Thanks for your help

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One Word

by Preet

In my IELTS test it was given in question to write only one word. The answer of the one question was 12 July.

Want to know does it count as a one word or there is some other way of writing it.

Thank you

Comments for One Word

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Jan 17, 2017
One word
by: IELTS buddy

That would count as 'one word and a number'. I can't explain why the test you looked at said 'one word'. Maybe it is an error in the test.

Feb 03, 2017

In one practice test, I answered question type "ONE WORD ONLY" that was "STOCK MARKET".

I clearly listened to this word and it is the answer for my question but is this one word or two words??

When I was typed this word in dictionary I got the meaning for "STOCK MARKET" as a whole and there is no hyphenation between stock and market. Please give the clarity about word count in my answer.

Feb 03, 2017
by: IELTS buddy

It's two words. Are you sure your answer was correct? Was there an answer key for the test you were doing?

Aug 02, 2017
by: Anonymous

Instructions were no more than three words or a number. I had written 15metres.
Is this right or wrong.

Aug 04, 2017
by: IELTS buddy

That's ok though it should be 15 metres, not 15metres.

Jul 09, 2018
answer key
by: Fernanda

If I write photocard for example, but in the answer key it says photo card, will my answer be wrong? I looked it up and it is not wrong to write photocard.

Another example is that in the answer key was education system but I wrote educational system. Will that be wrong?

Thank you!

Jul 12, 2018
answer key
by: IELTS buddy

The first one should be marked right.

But for the second one it really depends on the type of question it was for. If it had to fit in a gap and 'educational' does not fit grammatically for example it would be wrong.

Dec 16, 2018
A number
by: Jashan

I wrote 65% in case of a number. It was wrong or not?? Question was what percentage was?? My answer 65% in case of a number

Dec 24, 2018
A number
by: IELTS buddy

I don't know what you mean by 'in case of a number' but 65% would be ok if it fits correctly in the gap.

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by Sergio

Hi! I have been studying, my exam will be held in two days, and I still have this doubt:

When there is a word limit ("no more than 2 words"), will the conjunction "and" be counted?

For example "coal AND fuel", or we have to use comma instead.. I would appreciate any help,


Comments for Conjunctions

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Sep 17, 2017
by: IELTS buddy

Yes all words count so just write in the words that are needed for the answer.

Nov 24, 2017
Write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS or A NUMBER for each answer
by: Anonymous

Isn't it suppose to mean EITHER WORDS or A NUMBER?
For example:
five boxes = ok (two words)
5 boxes = wrong (one word AND a number)

Am I missing something?

Nov 26, 2017
by: IELTS buddy

You don't normally get "EITHER WORDS or A NUMBER".

It would be:


Dec 14, 2017
by: Anonymous

If we have two words in answer but wrote one word. Will the one word evaluated or corrected??

Dec 15, 2017
by: IELTS buddy

Your question is not really that clear. If the answer requires two words, for example 'planet earth', then yes you would need those two words.

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Number of words

In IELTS practice allowed words was 2. I wrote 'supermarket' but the correct answer was 'local supermarket'.

Question is how could I know where I should write 1 or words because 1 word answer is also correct.

Comments for Number of words

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Apr 09, 2018
Number of words
by: IELTS buddy

You say that one word answer was also correct. If that is the case then you will still get the point.

When it says no more than 2 words, then the answers could be one word, two words, or possible both - both meaning one word is in brackets which means its optional.

For example, (local) supermarket.

Without seeing the actual test you took though I can't really say for sure what was the correct answer. If it's an official IELTS Cambridge test and no mistake has been made with the answer key, then if it say 'supermarket' then I assume 'local supermarket' did not fit for some reason.

If the one word answer was also correct then

Jun 03, 2018
No more than 1 word or number
by: Anonymous

In my listening test it said no more than one word and the articles were written in the question book but I wrote the articles with the answers in the answer sheet is that okay?

Jun 07, 2018
No more than 1 word or number
by: IELTS buddy

No it will probably get marked wrong. You should only place the word that is missing in the gap, not extra words that are on the question sheet.

Jun 25, 2018
Not more than three words
by: Anonymous

Please tell me if I write one word answer and in the answer key there are two words.
My answer will be wrong or correct.
For eg:i wrote characteristics
Answer key says. Outstanding characteristics

Aug 09, 2018
A cheesy query.
by: Anonymous

Write no more than three words.

What if the answer on a question is given like this -> special grant

I write the answer like this -> a special grant

Will i get marks?


The same query goes for, Write no more than 2 words where, the answer is -> grant

And i write -> special grant

Will I get marks?

Aug 11, 2018
A cheesy query.
by: IELTS buddy

I'm not really sure if you are asking about whether articles are allowed or if you don't understand what 'no more than three words' means.

If it says no more than three words then the answer could be 1, 2, or 3 words, but not more than that.

But I don't know whether the correct answer to the question you are asking about was "special grant " or "a special grant". I'd need to see the test.

Both fit in terms of the word count but I'd need to know about the context to see if the article should have been there or not.

If it did not fit grammatically with the article then it would be wrong.

Same for your second question - both of those meet the word count criteria but it depends what the correct answer was. If the answer key said 'grant' then I assume 'special grant' did not fit and is not correct.

If it also fits then it should also be correct. If both fit the answer key should be:

(special) grant

That means it is correct with or without 'special'.

Sep 23, 2018
by: Anonymous

Is there any difference between 'three words and/or a number' and 'three words or a number'

Sep 27, 2018
by: IELTS buddy

Yes there is a difference, and the key is the word 'and'.

'three words and/or a number'

In this one you could write three words (or less) AND a number. For example 'pay cheque 5'.

But it also says OR a number, so it could be '5' with no words at all.

'three words or a number'

But this one has no AND so you have to choose either some words or a number.

'pay cheque' or '5'. You can't have words and numbers together in the answer.

Obviously what you end up actually putting down depends on the question / answer.

Oct 02, 2018
No more than three words.
by: Milan Bhunatar

There was a question which asked that how many dollars for the total trip? It said no more than three words.

I wrote twelve hundred dollars but they said the answer is 1200$.

Is it true?

Oct 02, 2018
No more than three words.
by: IELTS buddy

It could have been $1200 but not 1200$.

If it said 'no more than three words' and you said 'twelve hundred dollars' then that fits and would be correct.

Maybe it was an error in the test answers. Was it a real old Cambridge test or from somewhere else?

Oct 27, 2018
One word and/or a number
by: Anonymous

In Cambridge Official Guide, it says "twenty five trees = one word and a number." If this is the case, can "two hundred and fifty-five" to be counted as a number?

Thank you.

Oct 29, 2018
by: Anonymous

No more than 3 words my answer is "Sunday second July"
But original is"Sunday 2nd July"
Which is correct

Oct 30, 2018
One word and/or a number
by: IELTS buddy

Based on the guide, yes I am guessing that two hundred and fifty-five would be classed as 'a number'.

They usually say you can either write numbers as a number or as a word.

But to be on the safe side, if they ask for one number like two hundred and fifty-five just write 255. I'm not sure why you would want to write the full words as that will take more time anyway.

Oct 30, 2018
by: IELTS buddy

When we write dates we say '1st' 2nd' etc., or even '1' and '1'. We don't say 'Second July'.

That's why it will not be in the answer key. I can't say for sure if they'd give you the point, but I would write things how we normally do it in English otherwise you are in danger of getting it wrong.

Oct 23, 2019
ONE Word Only
by: Umar Usman

In IELTS listening test, the instructions were write ONE word only and the answer was 62 and I write it as a number instead of SIXTY-TWO. Would number be marked as correct or it will be wrong as there was no provision of NUMBER mentioned.

Oct 24, 2019
ONE Word Only
by: IELTS buddy

That seems like an error in the test as it should have also given you the option of writing a number.

Was it a real test or an old official Cambridge practice test? Or was it from a book?

In an actual test you would get the choice of a number and 62 would be correct.

Nov 27, 2019
No more than 3 words and/or a number
by: Anonymous

I had written much more confident as I listened in the audio but the answer provided was confident only.
Now my answer is right or wrong?

Dec 10, 2019

I wrote fifty percent for no more than two words/number,I got it wrong,It has to be 50% itseems,Can anyone help?

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Three words OR a number

by Entita


I would like to ask if it is correct to write an answer "over 45", when the instruction says "NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS OR A NUMBER".

I read many forums about IELTS, but did not really get the direct answer.

I understand I can write "over 45" in case when it says "NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS OR/AND NUMBER".

But it my mentioned situation, I would understand it as "write 3 words, or u can write one number but no words".
Thank you in advance!

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Nov 07, 2018
Three words OR a number
by: IELTS buddy

If it says "NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS OR A NUMBER" then no you can't write words and a number.

That statement is giving you a choice - a OR b. You have to choose one. So you can either have one to three words OR write a number, not both.

So "over 45" is wrong.

Nov 08, 2018
Three words OR a number
by: Anonymous

I agree with the mentioned explanation and believe the answer "over 45" is wrong. However, it was part of the official IELTS practise exam and it was correct. It is really confusing coz even if a person thinks he/she understands, some should-be-a -wrong answer comes up and in result it is shown as correct one.

Nov 14, 2018
Three words OR a number
by: IELTS buddy

Which test was it as I can take a look if I have a copy?

Nov 30, 2018
Three words OR a number
by: Entita

I found it in the official ROAD TO IELTS - Preparation and practise, where i received an access after signing to the official exam. I attach the link, although I am not sure it will work for someone without the official access and log in data.

It is a listening section - Set 2 - Summary completion (the exercise is called News on the Internet)

Dec 01, 2018
Three words OR a number
by: IELTS buddy

No I can't access it. I would not worry about it. It may just be an error with that test if you are sure you are answering it correctly. Or you could query it with the owners of the website.

Dec 05, 2018
Ielts 9 test 4
by: Anonymous

It says in question 29 that she is "much more confident" and question ask that how she feel after course completion?
Instructions says no more than three word
Actual answer says "confident"
I wrote "much more confident"
It would be right?

Dec 08, 2018
no more than three words
by: Anonymous

In the 'No more than three words' questions can we us a number and a word.

For example, I wrote an answer as 'Seventy Percent', but the answer came out to be 70 Percent.

Please help

Jan 28, 2019
no more than 3 ords
by: Anonymous

what the answer is "thursday"...and i have written "next thursday"...the limit is no more than 3 i get marks because there is a necessary to answer in one word???

Mar 05, 2019
confusion about not more than two words
by: Anonymous


The instruction says NOT MORE THAN TWO WORDS, but what if we write only one word in the answer. will I get a mark?

for Example, the answer is "research report" and I have written only research. does is consider true or false?

Please help me.

Thank you.

Jul 01, 2019
Ielts june 2019 reading , no more than 3 words
by: Anonymous

Hi, In my recent Ielts exam conducted on June 29c there was a section in Reading with instruction " no more than 3 words and/or a number"
And the question was " where do you contact if you want to go open bus tour? "
The passage had text like this " to go on open bus tour Paraglide tour (5638991) " something like this..
Now how shouild i have written the answer? Do i need to innclude the contact number along with the name , for the answer? Or just the name?

Dec 19, 2019
by: Anonymous


I recently gave IELTS general exam and in a question in listening test,Date of Birth was asked and we have to write answer in NOT MORE THAN THREE WORDS AND/OR A NUMBER.
Speaker said,September 18th 1978 and I wrote EIGHTEEN SEPTEMBER 1978.

Will this answer be correct or incorrect?

Writing EIGHTEEN instead of EIGHTEENTH will be marked wrong?

Please suggest.

Dec 23, 2019
by: IELTS buddy

That should be ok but are you sure it needed the full date i.e. month, year and day?

Seems odd as that does not fit Three words and / or a number, as you clearly found yourself.

Jan 14, 2020
by: Anonymous

What if the question in the listening test was "not more than one word and/or a number. and the conversation was thirty-first of March, nineteen seventy-two. Should I include the year in my answer?, what if I wrote 31/3/1972?

Jan 14, 2020
by: IELTS buddy

Which test did you get this question from? It seems it may be an error because the answer you need to give does not appear to fit the instructions.

31/3/1972 is three (sets of) numbers so that would not fit. Are you sure the year was needed? Without the year, '31 March' would be ok.

Jul 11, 2020
Not more than three words and or a number
by: Anonymous

In the listening audio (IELTS Cambridge book) the speaker says that he saw a range of trees
But answer key mentions trees
Which one will be accepted/correct
Please help

Jul 11, 2020
Not more than three words and or a number
by: IELTS buddy

I'd really need to see the question booklet and hear the audio to know what the correct answer is.

If 'range of trees' fits grammatically / properly into the gap and it is what the speaker said then it should be accepted as an answer because three words is ok.

As I said though, whether the answer key is incorrect I can't say without seeing it.

Aug 09, 2020
by: Anonymous

Hi! Yesterday I had my ielts exam and there was this question which confused me. I had to write the date of birth 18th September 1978.
But I noticed that if I write 18th of September 1978 that is = 2 numbers.

Write no more than three words and/or a number

My answer:
Eighteenth of September 1978

My question Is if I wrote it correctly

Sep 24, 2020
No more than 2 words
by: Anonymous

If in a section where " No more than 2 words " rule is there. And I wrote 2 words not more than that.

But when I checked result it has one word as answer. Does that mean I'm still wrong ?

To be on point, I wrote an answer and also an extra word in a section of " No more than 2 ", where the result said answer is only a single word

Can anyone please clarify?

Jul 11, 2021
Telephone Number
by: Anonymous

Is a telephone number considered as one number?

Sep 20, 2021
2 words
by: Anonymous

I need to know if I need 2 words these words should be exactly the same words on the passage or for example I can change the verb to the noun?

Sep 29, 2021
Regarding clarification on answer
by: Vamsi

"The question is:

_____ before departure we send full detail of your placement."

In the reading transcript the sentence is given as "Then, about one month before you leave, you’ll receive all the details about your particular placement ."

My answer was "about three months" but the given answer is "1/A/One month"

Is my answer correct? Please clarify.
Thank you.

Oct 03, 2021
Regarding clarification on answer
by: IELTS buddy

The reading script clearly says "about 1 month" so the answer can't be "3 months", so your answer is wrong. I'm not sure where you got '3' from.

Nov 07, 2021
No more than three words question
by: Anonymous

My audio script has "No running near the pool".

The question is as follows:
Be safe ! Please ------ near the pool because the floor is wet.

The answer was given as:- don't run

Would I loose marks if I write the answer as "do not run"

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Number of words

by chet negi

If it says no more than two words and/or number
'at the hospital' - does it count as 2 words or 3?

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Jul 15, 2021
Word restrictions
by: IELTS buddy

That's 3 words.

Aug 28, 2021
by: Anonymous

Q. Before Perkin's discovery, with what group in society was the colour purple associated ?
A. I worte RICH SOCIETY but in the book answer is RICH.

Q. he data was recorded on a 35. _____(necessary for comparing the information).
A. I wrote GRAPH PAPER but in the book answer is Triangular(graph)

kindly let me know will they accept my answer or no?

Sep 02, 2021
by: IELTS buddy

No I think your answer would be wrong. The 'rich' are a group in society, like 'the poor'. We don't say 'rich society' though, or was that phrase in the audio? I'd really need to hear it to answer your question for sure. I'd have thought they'd have said 'rich in society....'.

The second would also be wrong. Data get recorded on a graph, not on 'graph paper'.

Nov 07, 2021
by: Anonymous

The audio script had twelve thousand years and instructions were specifically as "No More than three words" so can I write the answer as "12,000 years"

Jun 25, 2022
Regarding the number of words required
by: Anonymous

I had my test yesterday, and in one of the questions of the listening subtest, he asked not write more than 3 words. However, all the answers were either one or two words for me.. Is that fine or if he says three words it definitely means three words were required in one of the answers?
Thank you

Jun 25, 2022
Regarding the number of words required
by: Anonymous

I had my test yesterday, and in one of the questions of the listening subtest, he asked not write more than 3 words. However, all the answers were either one or two words for me.. Is that fine or if he says three words it definitely means three words were required in one of the answers?
Thank you

Dec 20, 2022
by: Anonymous

it means we can use two words and two numbers ?or only two words along with one number,please explain.

Jun 19, 2024
by: Anonymous

i was doing a reading and the instructions says
" No more than two words or a number"
there was a question whose answer was " 3 times"
if it is either words or a number then why the number and word written together

Jun 25, 2024
by: IELTS buddy

Was it an official Cambridge IELTS practice test? If not it might be an error.

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