IELTS Computer Delivered Tests + Band Score

Dealing with the IELTS Examiner

by Karl

Hello ielts buddy,

I took the speaking exam this morning, and it was the most longest conversation I had (well I think it is) anyways, I did find it difficult tho.

But at the end of the conversation, the examiner said that he had a nice conversation with me.

I'm wondering if that is a good sign that I can have a high mark or the examiner is just being polite?

Please enlighten me. I still have to take the 3 exams tomorrow, and this suspense is killing me.

By the way, I think I did horrible in the speaking test, i ended up repeating myself, and noticed multiple grammar lapses. 😭😭

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Jan 22, 2016
by: IELTS buddy

Hi Karl,

It really would just be speculation if I tried to answer that.

But the examiner can't give you any indication of whether your test was good or bad, so they may well have just been being polite.

And you say you did badly but it's really impossible to comment on that without hearing your test.

Unfortunately you will just have to wait till you get the result.

Good luck

Jan 22, 2016
Thank you..
by: Karl

Thank you buddy, if ever that I have to re do the exam, i think i'll stick around for more tips and advice.

I badly need to get a band score of 7 in all of the exams, but i just started reviewing last week, for the readers of this comment, PLEASE DON'T DO WHAT I DID. (I didn't really have any choice actually).

Review and practice collocating, i think that's going to be an advantage and would improve your delivery of your thoughts.

P.S. I just learned about collocating today. After i posted my first comment. *sigh. If I had known that the ielts exam would be this difficult, then i would've listened more attentively to my elementary, high school and college teachers.

Oct 04, 2016
by: Shirla

So how was your scores Karl? I think I did the same thing today in my speaking exam :(

Feb 22, 2018
Speaking test
by: Anonymous

After finishing my ielts speaking exam .the examiner asked me did anyone know about your exam your writing ielts. I said no by mistake did it reflect my score in speaking? I'm so tense.

Feb 23, 2018
Dealing with the IELTS Examiner
by: IELTS buddy

No, you are graded on your performance in the test, not any interaction you may have before or after it.

Feb 29, 2020
by: Anonymous

I had my speaking test today. I did it well but asked for suggestion of how my speaking it wrong.

Will that affect my score?

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Will it affect my score if I asked the examiner how I did?

by Yash

I had my speaking test today. I did it well but asked for suggestion of how my speaking is.

Will that affect my score?

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Jul 05, 2015
Speaking Score
by: IELTS buddy

You mean you asked the examiner at the end of the test how your speaking was?

I assume they did not tell you as they can't tell you how you did in the test - you have to wait for your score.

But no it will not affect your score. You are graded on your speaking during the test, that is all.

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Making conversation with the IELTS examiner

by Mary

Hello IELTS Buddy,

I'm going to take the test in two weeks and I was wondering if I can ask the examiner some questions too at the beginning, such as his/her name or where the examiner is from.

I ask this because it would be the perfect way for me to lessen my nerves and be able to answer properly the following questions if he/she is not a total stranger.

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Feb 17, 2016
Ask the examiner some questions
by: IELTS buddy

Hi Mary,

That's really just up to the examiner. They certainly won't speak to you much as they obviously need to get going with the test as they will likely have quite a few candidates to see.

To be honest I'd just leave it up to the examiner - some may choose to ask you a couple of questions (such as 'how are you?') just to relax you anyway. Some may not want to and will just want to get straight on with the test.

So you can do it if you want but there is no guarantee the examiner will engage in any conversation with you.

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Courteousness of the Examiner

by Khan Muhammad Asad

Today I was answering one of the questions in part 3 speaking test.

The examiner told me keep to going with her hand gesture. I answered 2 questions in part 3 where she nodded in a positive way and had a slight smile. All these things occurred in the last section of the test.

That's the observation I have just noticed.

She said That is the end of the speaking test. However, when I was getting off my seat she said "Have a nice day".

Should I read something more into this or was it just her courtesy?


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Aug 29, 2016
Friendliness of the IELTS Examiner
by: IELTS buddy

I'm not sure why you may be thinking "Have a nice day" means anything other than that.

You are just being marked on your speaking. How courteous the examiner is at the end or beginning is nothing to do with it.

Aug 29, 2016
Sharing my experience of last IELTS examiner....
by: Anonymous

Hi there,

First of all, lots of best wishes for your hard work and time for putting up such a useful resource in the form of IELTS buddy.

Just 2 days ago I was able to rummage through different model samples designed for writing Task 1 and Task 2. In my real test I got a map of two different sites and agree or disagree essay in Task 2.

As for my question is concerned,

I have sat for IELTS 3 times over a course of few years. First 3 times, I did not even prepare for exams just turned up. First 2 times, I scored 7.0 in speaking. Last time I scored 7.5 in speaking. The examiner asked me a personal question after speaking test was finished so I thought she was happy with my performance. I was expecting some kind of band increase and in the end it turned out to be 0.5 band extra.

First 2 times when I scored 7 no one/examiner asked a personal question or said have a nice day.

One more thing, during these 3 tests my performance was so-so in part 3 since I simply did not know how to answer that part of the test. Only 1 liners. Asked 2-3 questions.

On 27 August 2016, the examiner was kind of strict however I was able to engage her in part 3.
This was the first time I was able to speak at length in part 3. I was asked 6 questions.

She asked me a lot of tough questions seriously and my topic was kind of related to TIME. (part 2 & part 3.)

Because of my experience with the last examiner that's why I asked this question.

Let's wait till 9th September for final score report card.

Aug 29, 2016
IELTS Examiner
by: IELTS buddy

Ok, well report back here when you get your result to let us know the score if you can.

Good luck.

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What should you wear to the IELTS Speaking Test?

by nike

Does dressing also matter in the speaking test?

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Sep 03, 2017
Dressing correctly for IELTS
by: IELTS buddy

Do you mean what clothes you wear? No it doesn't matter. You are just marked on your speaking, not your appearance.

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Dealing with the IELTS examiner and their questions

by Rio

Hey buddy,

I am really concerned about some of the issues in my Speaking Test. I don’t know what it’s gonna be.... There are few issues. Please have a look through my following points and give me a feedback as early as possible....

1. First of All, my examiner asks me about my university and she asks me that what changes do you think that the university authority should make a change to the University???

So, In reply I said that mam, I don’t think that there is any factor or issue on which university authority have to work because I think that it’s well decorated, the teachers are highly qualified and they provide us the best service.

So would it cause any kind of negative markings?? What do you think????

2. During the exam time, in part 2 that means in cue card I failed to provide all of the answers of the questions and that was also about some of the major issues... Oh God!! Because my examiner forced me to stop. I couldn’t complete. So what do you think????

3. During my Speaking Test, you know in part 3 she asked me a question and I answered that very confidently but during giving my answer she said that you are not giving the actual answer. So she wanted to go to the next questions. Then I said that- No, I can answer that and then she said No you can’t and you know there has created a horrible situation. And there also happened a little bit disconcerting situation. I don’t what would be in my result. Could you please give me an advice what it could be???

Your promptness in this regard will highly be appreciated......

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Mar 10, 2019
Dealing with the examiner and questions
by: IELTS buddy

I'll answer your points in turn:

1. Your answer is fine. You should give your opinion, and that is your opinion. You seem to think you are disagreeing with the IELTS examiner but you are not as they are just asking you if you what changes need to be made. It is fine to say none as long as you explain your reason. If you just said 'none' and no more that would not be good, but you explained it.

2. It's fine if your examiner stopped you. That just means the 2 minutes was up, it doesn't mean that she didn't like what you said.

3. I can't really explain or comment on this without really hearing exactly what was said. The examiner should not start telling you you are not giving the right answer, but as I say you are just reporting back what went on, so she may have just been trying to encourage to to say more or something similar. So it's too difficult to say much about this.

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IELTS Examiner was Coughing

by Srik

I took the ielts exam on last Saturday, in the speaking test, the examiner was seriously coughing for about 6-7 mins (I noticed water coming out from her eyes - sorry for her), I got interrupted by her cough many times but continued to speak. She apologized many times after test is over. What can I do if I get low score.

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Jan 22, 2020
Complaint about IELTS examiner
by: IELTS buddy

All the tests are recorded so you could ask them to check if you think something happened in the test that affected your score.

But really it's something you probably should have mentioned at the time it happened.

I don't know whether they will expect you now to pay the EOR fee to have it looked at again if you complain after you get your result.

I think you will just have to wait for your result. If it is lower than you wanted then you will need to phone your test centre to check what you can do.

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