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IELTS Bar Chart - Annual GDP Growth

by dinesh

The bar graph shows how levels of annual GDP growth for Tunisia, Ecuador and Japan have altered from 2007 to 2010.

More specifically, in 2007, Tunisia’s GDP growth rate was approximately 6.3%. However, thereafter, there was a drop to almost 4.5% in 2008 and this trend continued undoubtedly through to 2010, by which time the percentage had fallen significantly to only 3%. This was, indeed, a drop of slightly more than 3% since 2007.
This declining trend was in sharp contrast with a massive increase for Japan, which went up more than threefold: rising from 2% in 2007 to a massive 6.5%.

Finally, Ecuador’s annual GDP growth fluctuated wildly across the three- year period, with an overall downward trend. For example, in 2007, the percentage began at just over 3%. However, despite reaching just under 5% in 2008, there was a drop in 2009, when it hit an unprecedented low of nearly 1.2%. The year 2000, nevertheless, saw a slight increase by nearly 1%.

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Aug 23, 2017
IELTS Bar Chart - Annual GDP Growth
by: Anonymous

The following bar diagram illustrates the data of GDP growth rate per year for different countries in between 2007 to 2010 .

BY 2007 Tunisia was the most leading country in GDP growth(6.5% per annual). While japan had only 2% and remain Lowest values in GDP. In coming years,Japan had lead and it became 6.5% and overtake in GDP than other countries(Tunisia and Ecuador)by 2010. In between 2007 and 2009 the GDP rate of Tunisia was drastically declined and became almost half(3.2%) and remain static at same period of time.

For Ecuador, The GDP rate was 3.2% in 2007 and that ratio significantly Declined by 1.3% . In 2010 the GDP rate rose slightly to 2.3% .

The graphs summarized that, Tunisia and Ecuador's GDP rate was gradually decreased while the Japan's GDP was increased Remarkably.

Oct 24, 2018
by: vandana

GDP stands for gross domestic product that specifically determines only one specific country in comparison to international market.

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