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IELTS Bar Chart: Coffee and Tea Buying in Australia

by Patel nehanshi himmatbhai
(Ahmedabad, india)

The bar graph Compares residents of five cities in Australia according to their tea and Coffee drinking habits over a 4-week period.

Overall, the percentage of residents who visited cafes and bought instant coffee was the most prevalent. However, fresh coffee purchases were the least.

In terms of cafe visits, more than 60% of residents visited cafes in Melbourne, Hobart, and Sydney. The figure for Brisbane was just over 55 %, whereas 50% of people in Adelaide went to a cafe and purchased instant coffee. The percentage of people who consumed instant coffee was highest in Hobart (54%) and Brisbane (48%), followed by Melbourne (48%) and Sydney (46%).

Turning to fresh coffee purchases, more than 40% of customers bought fresh coffee in Sydney (44%) and Melbourne. (43%),Hobart was the next highest at 38%, while the proportion of customers who consumed fresh coffee was almost around 34% in Brisbane and Adelaide.

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