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IELTS Bar chart - percentage of people who ate five portions of fruits and vegetables

The bar chart shows the percentage of people who ate five portions of fruits and vegetables per day in the UK from 2001 to 2008

The bar chart shows the percentage of people who ate five portions of fruits and vegetables per day in the UK from 2001 to 2008

The graph illustrates the share of the UK population who ate fruit and vegetable five times per day between 2001 and 2008. Overall, there was an uptrend over the entire period for all categories; the figures for children and men increased sharply, while the share of women went up moderately.

The figure for children remained the lowest all over the time frame; it started at roughly 12% in 2001, remained constant until 2003 and then grew with a steady rate to about 25% in 2007. The share of men had a similar trend, but in 2001 it was around 17%, had no changes over next 2 years and then it started to increment rapidly to nearly 27% in 2007. Both segments of population suffered from a slight decline over last year in the graph.

In contrast, the percentage of women who ate five portion of fruit and vegetables in 2001 was the highest, among other categories. Over time, it incremented gradually between 2001 and 2006, from roughly 21% to about 34%, while in the last two years it declined by almost 3%, remaining the highest figure in 2008.

Comments for IELTS Bar chart - percentage of people who ate five portions of fruits and vegetables

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Feb 17, 2023
I just wanted to see the no of words
by: Anonymous

The graph illustrates the share of the UK population who ate fruit and vegetable five times per day between 2001 and 2008. Overall, there was an uptrend over the entire period for all categories; the figures for children and men increased sharply, while the share of women went up moderately.

The figure for children remained the lowest all over the time frame; it started at roughly 12% in 2001, remained constant until 2003 and then grew with a steady rate to about 25% in 2007. The share of men had a similar trend, but in 2001 it was around 17%, had no changes over next 2 years and then it started to increment rapidly to nearly 27% in 2007. Both segments of population suffered from a slight decline over last year in the graph.

In contrast, the percentage of women who ate five portion of fruit and vegetables in 2001 was the highest, among other categories. Over time, it incremented gradually between 2001 and 2006, from roughly 21% to about 34%, while in the last two years it declined by almost 3%, remaining the highest figure in 2008.

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