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IELTS Bar Chart - Rentals and Sales of Films

by Oscar Oviedo

The bar chart illustrates how the value of rentals and sales of movies have changed whithin a specific store between 2002 and 2011. Overall, rentals number have dramatically decreased while sales number have shown a mixed behaviour, showing a format which vanished whilst another started too be sold.

Rentals amount has had a steady decrease since 2002 when reached a peak at over 180.000, to 2011 where dropped to the lowest value at almost 60.000. This trend was followed by VHS sales number, which had the highest value in 2002 at over 80.000 but since 2006 it has dissapeared in that store.

Otherwise, talking about blue-ray and VHS sales format, the last one had a rocket between 2002 and 2004, when it triplicated his value at over 170.000. From there to the next three years it had a slightly increase, peacked ar over 210.000 in 2007. The same year a format which were not sold before, blu-ray, initiated his appearance in that store depicting an amount at under 10.000. However, from 2007 to 2011 while blu-ray sales had a steady and slightly increase, DVD sales has begun to decrease by almost 30.000 to the last year.

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