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IELTS Bar Chart - Tasmanians Playing Team Sports

by riya agarwal

Percentage of Tasmanian Men and Women Playing Team Sports: 2015

Percentage of Tasmanian Men and Women Playing Team Sports: 2015

The given bar chart depicts the percentage of women and men of Tasmania who participated in competitive sports in different categories based on age in the year 2015.

Overall, we can notice that the highest number of participants is less than 19 years of age. Altogether, male participants are more. But after the age of 40 more females are competing as compared to males.

Evidently, more than 60% of young Tasmanian males are engaged in sports as compared to 59% of females in 2015. A huge difference is seen in the number after 20 years of age where male participation is the same but the female has declined to approximately 32%. Percentage of both male and female have dropped between the age of 30-40 years. On reaching 40 years of age the number of female participants has risen to approximately 30% which is the same as that of males till 49. After fifty where 20% of females still participate, the numbers for males have gone down to 20%.

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