IELTS Computer Delivered Tests + Band Score

IELTS Bar Chart - Team Scores

by Chi

The bar chart shows the scores of teams A, B and C over four different seasons. Summarize the information by selecting and reporting the main features and make comparisons where relevant.

The bar chart shows the scores of teams A, B and C over four different seasons. Summarize the information by selecting and reporting the main features and make comparisons where relevant.

The bar chart illustrates the scores of three different teams over four seasons, from 2002 to 2005. Overall, it can be seen that Team B had the highest scores in every season.

To begin with, Team A and Team C had a similar fluctuating trend over the period of time in question. There was an initial upward trend followed by a decline. In 2002, Team A had the lowest points (5) while Team C had twice this score. The next year, there was a rise in both scores to 11 and 15 points for Team A and Team C respectively. In 2004, Team A’s score tripled coming to rest at 35 points while Team C’s score reduced by 3 points. In the final season, there was a huge decrease in Team A’s score to 8 points and Team C also experienced a slight decrease to 5 points.

Team B on the other hand remained the highest scoring team starting at 82 points which is about 8 times more than Team C. This team’s points then fell to 60 in the following year, this decrease continued to 2004 with 43 points. Finally, in 2005 there was a rise in their score to 11 times that of Team C’s (55 points).

209 words.

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