IELTS Computer Delivered Tests + Band Score

IELTS Formal Complaint Letters

by katisss

You travelled by plane last week and your suitcase was lost. You have still heard nothing from the airline company.

Write to the airline:

- Explain what happened
- Describe your suitcase and tell them what was in it
- Find out what they are going to do about it.

Dear Madam or Sir,

I am writing to you regarding my suitcase, which was lost on the British Airways flight from London to New York (BA123) on January 2nd. When I realized the loss on my arrival in New York I reported it to the counter staff. The agent promised to give my hotel a call within the next hours, but unfortunately this did not happen. I have contacted British Airways numerous times since by phone without being able to locate the suitcase.

My suitcase is made of dark blue fabric with black handles and a single. It contains clothing, presents for friends I will visit and photographic equipment I was planning to use on my trip. I already had to buy some cloths and toiletry for which I attached the receipt to this letter expecting you to refund my expenses.

I hope this matter can be resolved very soon as I plan to continue my trip to California on the 7th of January an will no longer be able to pick up the suitcase in New York after this date. You can reach me on my mobile 123456789.

Yours Faithfully,

Katrin Schmid


IELTS buddy

Corrected Version:

Dear Madam or Sir,

I am writing to you regarding my suitcase, which was lost on the British Airways flight from London to New York (BA123) on January 2nd.

When I realized the loss on my arrival in New York, I reported it to the counter staff. The agent promised to give my hotel a call within the next few hours, but unfortunately this did not happen. I have contacted British Airways numerous times since by phone without being able to locate the suitcase.

My suitcase is made of dark blue fabric with black handles and a single (I don’t understand what you mean by a ‘single’?). It contains clothing, presents for friends I will visit and photographic equipment I was planning to use on my trip. I already had to buy had already bought some clothes and toiletries for which I attached the receipt to this letter expecting you to refund my expenses.

I hope this matter can be resolved very soon as I plan to continue my trip to California on the 7th of January and will no longer be able to pick up the suitcase in New York after this date. You can reach me on my mobile - 123456789.

Yours Faithfully,

Katrin Schmid


Further comments:

Again, a good answer with good grammar control and vocabulary.

The only thing I would say is you could write more about this part:

Find out what they are going to do about it.

You do mention the refund, but you could add more. For example:

Please contact me to inform me of what steps you are going to take to resolve this situation.

Comments for IELTS Formal Complaint Letters

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Feb 15, 2012
by: Anonymous

ups, i forgot the pocket after single.
I tried to express:
i was forced to buy clothes...
in that sentence

Feb 17, 2012
Task 1 Complaint Letter
by: IELTS buddy

Ok, I see.

The other page you mentioned would need to be written like this:

"I have already had to buy..."

Aug 11, 2015
by: Anonymous

Dear sir,
I am sara writing this letter for the missing suitcase while travelling kerala to new delhi ,The flight was on

Jan 22, 2016
complaint regarding my missing suitcase
by: kenjo

Dear Sir/Madam,

I am writing to you regarding my missing checked baggage. I travel from Sydney to Singapore on Singapore Airlines SQ242 on 14th January but upon my arrival at Singapore Changi Airport my baggage did not arrive with me. I report about my missing baggage to the airline staff at lost and found desk.

My baggage is four wheeler and dark blue in colour, its brand is samsonite. Inside the baggage there was clothes, shoes ,ladies bags and few gift items. My name Kenjo is also written there outside in a baggage lable. Because of the delay of my baggage I have brought some toiletries things,I have attach the receipt here with this Email.

I am regularly in contact with the airline staff but its not worthy. That is why I am writing this complaint to you. Appreciate, if you take this matter seriously otherwise I have to raise my voice in media.

Best Regards

Aug 18, 2016
I wish to express my dissatisfaction with your services.
by: Anonymous

Dear sir/ Madam

On 25 of July I traveled from Brazil to Angola on flight number 100, in economic area,my suitcase is black leather in pockets there are clothes, my books, money and my friends gifts.

After the arrival I went to the carousel and I did not find my suitcase.I decided to go the check in desk to inform what happened, I talked with your clerk and she told me go home and wait for a call. I accepted but now a week is passed and I don't have any information about my suitcase.

I really need my suitcase back because I have my books there and I need study for my exams.
I look forward to hearing from you.

Oct 29, 2016
new to IELTS preparation
by: Anonymous

Dear All,

Whoever is studying here please help, me I want to do IELTS preparation in coming 2 months, I want to appear in exams. Please guide me I do not have interest with studies. How can I improve my mind towards the studies specially to IELTS preparation.

Feel free to contact:
Suliman from Aga Khan Hospital Karachi Pakistan.

Nov 14, 2016
Lost Suitcase
by: Anonymous

Here's my letter writing.

May I know the band rate?

Thank you in advance.

Dear Sir/Madam,

I am writing to bring your attention that my suitcase was lost on the Singapore Airlines flight from Rome to Singapore on 01 November 2016 with a Flight Reference Number of SQ12345. One of your agents promised me that they will return a call the next day to report the status of my lost suitcase. Unfortunately, I have been called your Helpdesk several times but to no avail.

The suitcase brand is Britto which has colorful flower designs that can weigh 25 kg, it has a cover of a plain black that has a written on it "Don’t Touch!" Inside my suitcase is a very important personal document along with the clothes, shoes, and toiletries.

As such, I want to know what you are going to do about this situation. I will need my important documents on my suitcase for the purpose of my Canada Application which will be due for submission by next month. Could you call me at +65 8765 4321 as soon as you get this letter and receive the report?

Thank you and I am looking forward to a swift resolution on this matter.

Yours faithfully,

Feb 07, 2017
Letter of discontent
by: Anonymous

Dear Sir or Madam

This letter concerns a missing suitcase on a Virgin Atlantic flight from Barbados to London Heathrow Airport.

Shortly after arriving at Terminal 5 at Heathrow Airport on flight number VA123, after noticing that my luggage had not been passed through the conveyor belt. The matter was reported to the counter staff however, I did not receive any feedback.

The suitcase is black with a golden stripe through the middle. It also has a clear and distinct marking which runs horizontally through the middle of the suitcase.

I have had to incur additional expenses to cater for the missing clothing and toiletries which was quite significant and not budgeted for.

I feel that I am entitled to a reimbursement of the value of the lost property as per the airline’s policies. I attach to this letter, all receipts indicating the expenses paid which I expect to be reimbursed by your Airline.

I would appreciate an immediate response.

Yours sincerely
Charnelle Bester

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Complaint to a Sports Centre


Complaint to a Sports Centre

Complaint to a Sports Centre

There is a problem with the changing rooms in the sports centre that you visit. You have complained several times but with no success.

Write a letter to the manager of the sports centre. In your letter:

- Describe what the problem with the changing room is
- Say what happened the last times you complained
- Explain what you want the manager to do

Dear Sir or Madam,

I am writing to you, to lodge a complaint, about the state of the changing rooms in your sport facility.

I have been registered to you center for six months now. My first two months, using your facilities were excellent. However, in the past four months, I have been very dissatisfied, about the fact that, most of, if not all of the changing rooms, have faulty doors. their locks no longer work properly.

I had initially laid complains, on two separate occasions at the customer service desk. However, this issue has still not be resolved. At the first instance, I was just told, that the locks were going to be fixed at the end of the month, but that was over two months ago.

Notwithstanding, a week ago, I went to lodge the same complain, and also explain, that they had promised and failed to fix the locks over two months ago; and I was told that, I did not follow the proper procedure. I therefore filled out a form with details of the fault, and returned it to be handled appropriately. I am disappointed to say, this problem, has still not be resolved.

I will kindly request that you, personally handle this issue. I will like for the locks to be repaired, or preferably replaced, as the old ones, seem to be of low quality. If this is not done, by the end of this month, I am afraid, I will have to cancel my membership with your sports center.

I look forward to hearing from you, with an explanation of why the locks, have not been fixed, and a resolution to this problem.

Yours faithfully,
Susan Wright

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IELTS Letter Faulty Product

by Amyyy

You have bought a new camera but when you got it home you found it had some problems. You returned the camera and spoke to the company representative a week ago but the camera has still not been repaired.

Write a letter to the company. In your letter:

• Introduce yourself
• Explain the situation
• Say what action you would like the company to take

Dear Sir,

My name is Amiyah Taylor and I am writing to you regarding a camera I bought at your Ikeja outlet last week Friday, the 7th of August. Being a frequent customer and considering the quality of your products, I didn’t deem it necessary to test the camera before leaving.

Firstly, the camera refused to turn on and when it did the screen was divided into three parts. I also noticed the shutter is stiff and doesn't click unless I press and hold which isn't supposed.

Furthermore, when the camera manages to take a picture it won't save. I relayed this issue to customer care who advised I charge for two hours and insert a memory card before turning the camera on. I followed the instruction but to no avail. I reached out to customer care again but was placed on hold severally without any agent attending to me.

I would appreciate if I can get a refund considering it’s same model I will be given as replacement. However, if other models will be available on or before Tuesday and a dispatch will deliver to me then I will settle for a replacement instead.
I look forward to a prompt resolution.

Yours faithfully,

Amiyah Taylor

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Missing a Flight

by sanober

IELTS Letter - Missing a Flight

IELTS Letter - Missing a Flight

You missed an international flight due to a problem at the airport.

Write a letter to the airline. In your letter:

- Describe what happened that caused you to miss your flight
- Explain how missing your flight impacted you
- Clearly state what you would like the airline to do

Dear Sir or Madam,

I am writing this to let you know that I missed my international flight yesterday due to the reasons pertaining to the security checks at your airport.

Let me explain you the entire situation. While I was at the security check, the security personnel at one of the check gates received an anonymous warning phone call claiming that one of the passengers on my lane was carrying a Gun. Because of the severity of the risk associated, the security on my lane was made very strict, where they checked each and every luggage thoroughly. This in turn took a lot of time for me to complete the security check and thus I could not catch up my flight on time.

I intended to reach to a very important seminar via this flight and because I missed my flight, I could not make up in time. Subsequently, I encountered loss of my ticket money too. I Would request you to kindly grant me a full refund for my ticket as it was the security checks that lead me to miss the flight. I do understand, airlines have to undergo such unseen situations and act accordingly for the safety of passengers.

Hope you would consider my situation and help me out of it. Thank you.

Your's faithfully,

Comments for Missing a Flight

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Jul 04, 2020
closing the letter

Since this is supposed to be a formal letter, I expected that the writer would write his or her full name (last and first name)

Aug 10, 2020
Essay Structure
by: Abiola

In addition to the letter missing the writer's name, the structure needs improvement.

The question contains 3 points to be addressed and each point is expected to be clearly addressed in separate paragraphs but the writer muddled up the points.

It wasn't clear where one paragraph ended and the other started. This would lead to loss of points in the actual exam.

Rule of thumb: Have 5 paragraphs, 1 for the opening, 3 separate paragraphs to address the points and the final paragraph for the conclusion or closing.

All the best, everyone.

Aug 10, 2020
indenting each paragraph
by: Anonymous

Please i want to confirm if you have to indent the paragraphs while writing the essay. i.e leaving a space before starting each paragraphs

Aug 15, 2020
indenting each paragraph
by: IELTS buddy

No you don't have to do that. However I would recommend leaving a space between each paragraph just so it's clear to the examiner where one paragraph ends and the other begins.

Nov 12, 2020
Review my response
by: Juan

Dear Sir or Madam,

I am writing this letter to inform you that I missed my flight going to Italy yesterday because of the security checks at your airport.

Yesterday, I checked-in at the counter 1 hour and 30 minutes before my flight departure. When I arrived at the boarding gate, the machine that scans for harmful devices had gone busted, which caused the security personnel to manually check all the passengers' hand carry bags manually. As this was an international flight, the security guards thoroughly checked our luggages which resulted to a number of passengers unable to board the plane.

I do understand that my ticket is non-refundable however, due to the reason stated above, I feel that I have the right to ask for a refund as it is clearly not my fault.

I'm hoping that you would consider my request and I am hoping to hear from you soon.

Yours sincerely,

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IELTS Letter - Restaurant Complaint

by cyberick1983

IELTS Letter - Restaurant Complaint

IELTS Letter - Restaurant Complaint

You and a friend had dinner in an expensive restaurant last night. The waiter was incompetent and the food was not good.

Write a letter to the restaurant manager and describe what happened. Ask for your money back.

Dear restaurant manager.

First of all, I want to thank you for having the time and providing me with the opportunity to let you know my not-comfortable personal experience in your restaurant last night.

Your restaurant is one of the best ranked restaurants in this city, according to Tripadvisor, so I expected to have the best dinner and service of my life. I had planned a memorable dinner with a friend I had not seen for years, so I decided to make a reservation with you.

Our reservation was supposedly made for 2 persons at 8:00pm in the non-smoking area, but eventhough we arrived 10 minutes before, the lady at the main entrance made us wait for an available table for more than 45 minutes, after that she took us to a table right in the terrace for smoking people. The waiter served my friend some wine and spilled some wine-drops on her dress. The food after 30 minutes waiting, arrived cold and tasted like frozen food you can buy in a market.

That experience is unacceptable in a high rated restaurant like yours. A night that was supposed to be a memorable moment, will unfortunately be remembered, but not for good reasons. So the purpose of this letter is to let you know this terrible experience and ask you for my money back as compensation, otherwise I will have to rank your restaurant with a low score and post my experience on the Internet.

Thanks for your time and support.
Sincerely yours...


You can leave comments below on this IELTS letter of complaint about a visit to a restaurant in order to help this IELTS candidate improve

Comments for IELTS Letter - Restaurant Complaint

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Feb 08, 2017
nil feedback
by: Anonymous

Good writing. However, no feedback given about the writing done.

Dec 03, 2019
Restaurant complaint
by: Ogie

The response as regards the complaint from Erick as a potential customer was well thought-out. His approach towards the behavior of the letter seem to tell the kind of a person the restaurant were dealing with. Going by the happening, some customer will actually make an instant case in this regard of which his remarks about the restaurant were quite obvious.

However, the tone of language of his remarks about the restaurant were quite appreciating not loosing a spell of anger with his uncomfortable circumstance in the scenario.

Honestly, the only problem identified was towards the conclusion, and some of the remarks he made, if the situation was not addressed.

Finally, Erick have made his displeasure known,which is left for the manager/management to decide whether an apology is needed and or a compensation.

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