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IELTS Letter to a Newspaper Editor


IELTS Letters to Newspapers

IELTS Letters to Newspapers

You recently read an article in a newspaper about your childhood friend with whom you have lost contact for a long time.

Write a letter to the editor. In your letter:

- Say which edition and when did the article appear
- Explain why you lost contact with your friend
- Say how you want them to help you to get back in touch

Dear Sir,

This mail is in reference to an article on the chef of local cuisine titled "Thai Gourmet Specialist" published in your daily "Bangkok Post" in the 5th edition on the 7th of this month. I was overwhelmed after reading the article as it is about my friend Barry, a very dear childhood friend with whom I had lost contact for over a decade.

Barry and myself were born on the same day in the same hospital and were inseparable for most of our childhood. However, when we were in our grade 5, my father got transferred to another country for professional compulsion. We stayed in touch over letters for a few years, but unfortunately the contacts fizzled out over time as we got busy with our respective lives.

Coming across such an exceptional piece on Barry brought back memories from my childhood which are worth reminiscing. I would like to rekindle the friendship with Barry again and for that I request you to kindly inform me his contact details. If it is conflicts with your confidentiality protocol then I request you to kindly pass on my contact details and message to him.

I will be looking forward to your kind reply as well that of my friend's at the earliest.

Yours thankfully,


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IELTS Letter - Help with Environmental Project

by eseosa

Your local newspaper published an advertisement asking people to help with environment projects in your area.

Write a letter to a project manager to offer your help. In your letter

- Describe a local environmental issue that affects you.
- Explain what you would like to do help.
- And suggest how the problem could be avoided in future.

Dear Sir/Madam,

I am writing to you in respect of the advertisement published last week Sunday 11th asking for help with environmental projects. I am delighted to volunteer to help.

Over the recent years, there has been build up of refuse on the streets and drainages leading to blockage. This has caused serious flooding in the area during rainy season.

To arrest this situation therefore, I will like to organise youths in the area and clean out drainages at least once a month. Together, we will ensure all areas are rid of refuse.

Thinking ahead, this situation can be prevented by government providing covered drainages to avoid blockage as well as sensitizing the community against emptying refuse into existing gutters.

I look forward to helping save the environment.

Yours Faithfully,
Eseosa Ebhohimen

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IELTS Letter Offering Help

by Deepak

Your local newspaper published an advertisement asking people to help with environment projects in your area.
Write a letter to a project manager to offer your help.

In your letter.

- Describe a local environmental issue that affects you.
- Explain what you would like to do help.
- And suggest how the problem could be avoided in future.

Dear Sir/Madam,

I am writing in regard with the advertisement published in yesterday's newspaper regarding the current environmental problem in our area. I would definitely like to volunteer to solve the issue.

You know that our town used to be neat and clean even before 5 years; however, it is so polluted nowadays due to increase in the number of vehicles. The smoke coming out of the cars and motorbikes is polluting our environment day by day.

Thus, as we don't have authority to control the number of vehicles now, so I think it is better to do the things which are in our limitations, for example, planting trees. I and my friends can bring hundreds of trees as we have our own nursery so I believe that will be helpful.

Nevertheless, for a long-term solution, we should encourage our neighbours and community people to use the public vehicles. Moreover, the government need to make some strategies to control the air pollution, so we can invite the politicians in these kinds of environmental problems to solve the issue.

I look forward to hearing from you.

Yours faithfully,
Deepak Sharma.

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