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IELTS Line Graph: Changing Rates of Crime

The chart shows the changes that took place in three different areas of crime in Newport city centre from 2003 to 2012.

The chart shows the changes that took place in three different areas of crime in Newport city centre from 2003 to 2012.

The graph examines the rate of crimial activity in Newport city during different years, from 2003 to 2012. The crimes that are compared are burglary, car theft and robbery.

Bulglaries from 2003 to half 2006 were the most used crimes committed, it started with and amount of about 3500 cases to less than 1500 in 2012. While before the burglaries were at first place, after the secod half of 2006 they took the second one.

The thiefs of car gain this sad fist place on the podium from 2007 up to now, there were almost 2800 cases in 2003, value decreased to 2600 in 2012.

It's noticeble that the amount of robbery hasn't changed so much, in fact, the number of these incidents has remained between 1000 and 500 during all the years that are taken in exam, this also means that it has been the crime less common and now on.

The common thing for every 3 crimes is that from 2005 there was a decendent trend that has been interrupted in 2008.

(174 words)

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