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Pie and Line Graph - Spending on Restaurant Meals

by myieltstest

The chart shows the percentage of their food budget the average family spent on restaurant meals in different years. The graph shows the number of meals eaten in fast food restaurants and sit-down restaurants.

The chart shows the percentage of their food budget the average family spent on restaurant meals in different years. The graph shows the number of meals eaten in fast food restaurants and sit-down restaurants.

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could you help me to grade my IELTS task 1 writing?

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The pie charts illustrated food budget ratio between dining out and home cooking the typical families spent in four different years from 1970 to 2000 with ten years gap. The ratio had grown progressively in favor of dining out in that period of time.

The family had spent five times more on restaurant meals in 2000 than they did in 1970. In 2000, half of the budget had been spent on restaurant meals while only 10% were spent on it in 1970. While the eating out budget portion increased by 5% and 15% compared from the previous decade in 1980 and 2000, respectively, the significant increasement happened in 1990. The budget had raised by 20% from the previous decade.

While the pie chart depicted the food budget comparison between dining out and eating at home, the line graph represented the number of meals per year of dinning out between the same period of time and the same 10 years gap. It specifically compared between the number of fast food meals eaten per year and the number of sit-down restaurant meals eaten per year, as indicated by solid line and segmented line, respectively. In 1970, the number was the same between of fast food and of sit-down restaurant, which was 40 meals eaten per year. Both numbers increased steadily but the number of fast food meal per year were always bigger from 1970 until the middle of 1980, when both numbers became equal again. From that year onward until 2000, the number of sit-down restaurant meals had increased significantly and had never been surpassed by the number of fast food meals which had been increasing also but not that fast.

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Sample 2

by Jemile

Please check it and give me honest feedback!

The charts illustrate the amount of money which were spent on restaurant meals by the average family. The graph provides information about the number of meals which were eaten in sit-down and fast food restaurants,for period of 30 years.

Overall, fast food outweighed cooking at home and eating in sit-down restaurants.

Initially, homemade food was far more popular than junk food,as in 1970 the money used was about 90 per cent. From 1980 declined to just 50% while the money separated for fast food was growing as in 2000 was exactly the half.

The number of meals consumed per year were exactly 20 for both sit-down and junk meals. Both were increasing as between 1980 and 1990 the annual intake was the same again at about 40 times per year. The consumption of fast food increased sharply to reach approximately 90 per year. The intake of sit-down dishes increased slightly to get about 50 intakes annually.

Thank you very much!
PS: the essay is for academic task 1

Comments for Sample 2

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Jul 12, 2020
by: Reina

Hi, this is my sample and you can use it for the references :D

The pie chart illustrates the expenditures on food in the average household over 3 decades, starting in 1970. Besides, the line graph compares the numbers of meals served in 2 different kinds of restaurants: the fast food and the dine-in at the same period.
Overall, people shifted their eating habit from home cooking to eating out. Another notable trend can be seen that they also preferred fast food rather than sit-down restaurants.

To be more specific, in 1970, cooking at home was still the popular way, as a result of 90% of the domestic budget was spent on food, while the ratio of the restaurant meals was at only accounted for the minority. However, the proportion of homely cooked meals continued to decrease significantly while the opposite happened to the eating out at restaurants during the period shown. In the final year, there was no gap between two of them, both comprised of a half on the total food spending in 2000.

Turning to the 2 types of restaurants, they both served the same amount of 20 meals per annum and saw a rise over 30 years. In a next decade, families ate slightly frequently at sit-down restaurant. However, the meals eaten in fast food restaurants soared rapidly to nearly 90 meals per year, which was double than that of the sit-in in the final year.

Aug 18, 2022
Task 1 writing please vet my essay
by: Precious

The pie chart illustrates the food budgets an average household spends at eatery measured in percentage. While the bar chart displays the number of meals per family takes at fast food restaurants and sit-down restaurants for the period of four decades, starting from 1985 to 2015 and 1980 to 2010 respectively. Overall,it is important to note that the budget plan of meal on restaurants per household gradually increased all through the period.While the average number of families that patronises sit down eatery is lesser when compared to fast food restaurants.

To begin, home-made food had a greater percentage of meal budgets of different household in the year 1985, with about just 10% of the budget allocated to restaurants food. Following the next 20 years, eatery meal gradually rose from 15% to 35% in the budget plan of an individual families. Thereby reducing a significant proportion of homemade food as compared to as it was in the previous years. Furthermore, as another 10years approaches, every family allocated approximately half of their meal plan to restaurants food.

However, majority of the family’s prefers fast food meal over sit-down restaurants food. Although, the number of meals served by both eatery stood at 20 in the year 1980. They gradually rose in the year 1990 with fast food meal at 30 while about 35 number of meals were served in sit down restaurants. As the year progresses, sit down restaurants number of meals served sluggishly increased to about 45 in the year 2000. Reaching 50 as the maximum numbers of food served per year in 2010. While fast food meals maintain a significant rise to about 65 numbers of food served In the year 2010. Hitting its peak of 85 numbers of served meal in the end of the period.

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