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IELTS Pie Chart: Boys and Girls Cultural and Leisure Activities

by nihal
(Bengaluru )

The pie chart shows the information about how boys and girls spend their time in cultural and leisure activities.

Overall you can see that both boys and girls have spent equal time 10% listening to music. and boys chose skateboarding with the same 11% time spent as girls in gymnastics.

If we have a look at the boys' pie chart you can see computer games being the most time spent activity up to 34% and this followed by 28% of boys participating in basketball, and soccer being the 3rd most preferred coming at 17% of boys population taking interest in it. And skateboarding is 11% percent. and comes the second least activity which was listening to music with 10% and the least was reading which was the lowest at 2% in the preferred activity by boys.

now if you take a close look at the girls' chart. dancing was the most chosen activity with 27%. very much unlike boys, most girls preferred reading more, making it the second most preferred activity with 21%. netball had 15% of the chart chosen by the girls, which was almost equal to computer gaming at 16% preferred overall.

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Nov 05, 2023
You Have to Categorise the Data in IELTS Task 1!
by: Teacher Joko

Let me start by pointing out this part of the Task Achievement band descriptors in the latest official release.

This is in Band 7:

"(Academic) It presents a clear overview, the data are appropriately categorised, and main trends or differences are identified."

Did you do that? In your overview, you point to two individual statistics and note their similarity. Pointing out how some things are the same is good, but selecting 2 seemingly unconnected and random datapoints - that will limit your score.

Look for ways to categorise the data.

What do dancing, netball, field hockey have in common? They all involve physical movement in a way that listening to music and playing video games do not.

Add the percentages of girls' physical activities together. Now do the same for boys. A little basic math reveals a far more important similarity.

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