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IELTS Table Consumer Spending

by saman

The table gives information on consumer spending on different items in five different countries in 2002.

The table gives information on consumer spending on different items in five different countries in 2002.

The table shows data about spending money by the people of five European countries in 2002. The statistics are organized in three different types of expenditures: 1. Edible items (Food/Drinks) plus Tobacco, 2. Clothing, and 3. More abstract items (Leisure and Education). Five countries which have been reported are: Ireland, Italy, Spain, Sweden and Turkey.

On the first item (Food/Drink/Tobacco), Turkey has the most expenditure among others with around one-third of all the national consumer expenditure. Ireland, Spain and Italy are following Turkey in this category. Finally, Sweden has the least figures by only 15.77%.

On the second item (Clothing/ Footwear), Italy stands at the top of the countries by 9 percent of it’s national consumer expenditure. Turkey, Spain and Ireland are placed after that. Again, Sweden has the lowest percentage by 5.40.

When it comes to Leisure/ Education, Turkey people are again at the first place (with 4.35%). Then there are Sweden, Italy and Ireland and this time Spain has the lowest rand by 1.98%.

Overally, the five countries spend the most in the first items (Food/Drink/Tobacco) and the least on Leisure/ Education. The highest level of expenditure totally is about Food/Drink/Tobacco by Turkish people and the lowest one is by Spanish people on Leisure and Education.

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