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Job Satisfaction

by Vince Tseng

As most people spend a major part of their adult life at work, job satisfaction is an important element of individual well-being.

What factors contribute to job satisfaction?

How realistic is the expectation of job satisfaction for all workers?

Nowadays, the satisfaction from a job become a significant factor that workers are looking for. This result has proved by researchers. On the other hand, some people may not aware how satisfaction affect their lives, but it exists and influence quietly. Additionally, work generally has a considerable proportion in a personal’s adult live. Therefore, people can understand how important it is.

Turning to the importance of the satisfaction, some study illustrated that workers can often achieve a high performance of their task when they satisfy on their job. Furthermore, those people typically have a healthy well-being. However, the result showed that employee usually drop their performance when they feel unsatisfied. Moreover, these people might become depressed sometimes.

According to another study, the researchers found out that there are several satisfaction types: tasks, salary and encouragement. First, some people feel satisfied due to finishing a task or a challenge. Second, some people might focus on their salary. Third, other people need others encouragement. Therefore, it all depend on the personality.

In real cases, one of the major reasons for change job can be a dissatisfaction, which proposed by a career research professor. For instance, the worker, John, thought he was worth a better offer, but his boss disagreed that. As a result, he changed his job a few months later.

To sum up, the factors of satisfaction might be more than above; the most important thing is to find the personal factor and try to fullfil it. Therefore, your adult live can get a magnificent improvement.


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Dec 09, 2015
Grammar, sentence structure
by: Anonymous

Your grammar and sentence structure needs a lot of improvement. The essay lacks cohesion, it's confusing and not progressive. Ideas are under developed or generalised, supporting statements are insufficient and confusing. Vocabulary is fine, but you need to improve your word selection.

Overall, this would be a band 6 essay at best, if not 5 or lower.

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Choosing a Career Essay

by Huma

Some people choose a career according to the social status and salary it will give them. Others choose a career according to whether they will enjoy the work.

Which do you think is the best way to choose a career?

A career choice in view of social status and financial security it offers is considered to be the deciding factor for some individuals to decide their career path. But, there are some people who give more weightage to a career in the field of work they enjoy rather than the other way around. In my opinion, it should always be the personal interest that should be the guiding force when undertaking a career.

The proponents, who believe in a career based on the pay scale and status attached to it have little but few arguments. For instance, a career in medicine could give a lot of perks in sense of money and position in society, but only that doctor excels in life who has interest in his subject and enjoys treating patients. Or else, they just end up to be a family physician, rather than a specialist. So presumedly, a career without interest wouldn't take one to heights in career, in other words it causes hindrance to one's career growth, which again is a cause of his low social status.

On the other hand, a career clubbed with enjoyment and interest results in attaining a stable social status combined with financial rewards. Reason for this being that, when a person enjoys his work it does not seem to him like he is being burdened to do that and so more or less he sees it as a hobby. In present scenario, as most of the careers evolve lots of stress, a job in choice of liking saves us from many diseases arising out of pressure at work . Additionally, love for work escalates ones career growth.

I concur, upon the fact that the career choosen by keeping happiness at work in mind is the best way to earn a great living without being pressurised.


Please, can anyone give me feedback on this choosing a career essay, and tell me where I'm wrong.

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Contact with Staff Essay

by Dolly

Some employers want to be able to contact their staff at all times, even during holidays.

Does this development have more advantages than disadvantages?

Some employers feel the need to connect with their employees at all times even after office working hours, on weekends, or even public holidays. I believe this development has more disadvantages than advantages.

When employers contact their employees each time, not within the office working hours, it disturbs the work-life balance of an employee. The employer shall respect the personal time of an employee. This not only stresses the employee but also impacts the overall performance of an employee. He is further demotivated to work even during office hours due to the work culture. This can be one of the reasons for the reduction in workforce and increased resignations.

An employer should be well versed with the terms of employment and core working hours of the employee per the contract agreed between the two. It is quite understandable if an individual is contacted once in a while for any urgent issue. In such a scenario as well, in my view, the staff should be compensated. In my current organization, we receive a compensatory off for the additional hours worked out of the office. Also, in my ex-company, we used to get an additional wage for working Overtime. In this way, the employee is also motivated enough to work if required.

In conclusion, it is not only disadvantageous for the employee but also for an employer since the employer may be at risk of losing an employee due to the work conditions.

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