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Mobile Phone Essays

by Tia DS

Are mobiles dangerous? Are they necessary?

Are mobiles dangerous? Are they necessary?

There are social, medical, and technical problems associated with the use of mobile phones.

What forms do they take? Do you agree the problems of mobile phones outweigh the benefits?

Cutting-edge technology is part of daily life. One of the most important technologies which engage with people's activity is mobile phones. Some people argue that using cell-phones has dire consequences that result in some social, medical and technical dilemmas. While mobile phones become worse distractions, the benefits of these advanced devices are important to provide convenient lives for users.

There is no doubt that mobile phones change the way people maintain effective communication with colleagues. In this modern era, people are more likely to use mobile phones as the mean of communication rather than doing face-to-face communication. Recent research indicates that the majority of people in cosmopolitan cities are completely isolation because they are bordered in the virtual communication.

In addition, the newly invented technologies, mobile phones, resort people to adopt sedentary lifestyles because they spend the rest of the time to surf internet and play online games. A result shows that in Indonesia, most inhabitants use internet more than 10 hours a day in terms of entertainment as a source of amusement. Obviously, this activity causes some illness such as myopia and obesity.

The innovation of some sophisticated technologies forces the
reconstruction of technological infrastructure to support the availability of networking. In some developing countries, signal is the common problem that happens in some remote areas. In fact, the active users who live in radius 10 km from the cell-phone tower are difficult to gain strong signal. Consequently, the telecommunication service providers must concern to solve this problem.

On the other hand, mobile phones are the useful devices to communicate and do some tasks. Many students who study abroad rely on cell-phones to keep in touch with their family and friends in their home countries. In addition, utilizing of mobile phones makes life much more convenient as businessmen can send email anywhere and anytime that only requires internet connection. Moreover, some applications can spoil users in the terrible situation. For instance, in traffic congestion, music is the best companion to release stress so that people will need mobile phone to play some songs which are stored in the internal memory.

In conclusion, there are negative effects of mobile phones that can interrupt humans' lives in social, medical and technical problems. Despite its drawbacks, mobile phones provide the flexibility in term of communication. Where possible, to avoid those problems, people should pay more attention to their circumstances to mitigate problems.


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Jul 27, 2019
Is it an persuasive text, or a discussion?
by: Anonymous

I love the way you wrote it but if you had a certain goal for the style of writing like a persuasive text, make sure that you don't write it like a discussion, pick a side and argue. But if you wanted it to be a discussion, good job!

Aug 12, 2020
Mobile Phone Essays
by: Speed coder(subs to my channel)

The discussion text that you have written is good but it would be stronger if you added more arguments.

However the arguments that you have already used are fantastic because they are scientific.

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Mobile Phones and Children

by Rony
(Egypt )

The dangers and complexities of the modern world have made the mobile phone an absolute necessity for children.

To what extent do you agree or disagree?

Last years have witnessed an increase in the number of threats and problems that unusually endangered children. In spite of being convinced that mobile phone might serve securing the child, I don't think it is an absolute importance.

To start with the troublesome situations that might face the child to see how mobile phone could help him. First of all, threats that might endanger the child; kidnapping trials: the child could talk to his parents, or call for the police using his own portable phone, or falling in an emergency situation, like diabetic coma or asthmatic attacks Or getting wounded in the street he could also call his parents or ambulance. Second, complexities, that might be encountered these days, are for instance; getting lost while going school or home alone in this case making a call to his parents seeking help is very beneficial.

Some new mobiles has many beneficial applications like maps, how to make fast foods in the absence of working parents, these apps would give a hand to children.

To sum up, while complicated and threatening situations facing the child these days are rising, and mobile phones helpful applications and uses are increasing, I don't think that it is a must to give every child a mobile phone. As, this also, has its drawbacks on children, and not every family is leaving her child to face these problems alone.


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Aug 20, 2015
grammatical corrections
by: Anonymous

Need some grammatical corrections

Aug 21, 2015
I think
by: nano

- some formal academic lexis is used
- layout/paragraphing is clear
- not under-length
- some good ideas

- needs a lot of attention to grammar
- formal academic style of writing does not employ contractions
- punctuation making is used unwisely making the reader unable to follow the ideas
- task is not full achieved: in the intro.,the writer says "..... I don't think it is an absolute importance ..." , the writer does not cover this argument in his essay.

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Mobile Phones and Children

by mae

can someone please proof read my answer to:

The dangers and complexities of the modern world have made the mobile phone an absolute necessity for children.

To what extent do you agree or disagree?

The ever changing society we live in these days is unfortunately acclaimed with increasing rates of crime making it a very unsafe place to live in for everyone. children safety is compromised where disturbing offences such as abduction and any kinds of abuse are more prevalent thee days. Due to this reason, the use of mobile phones particularly by children, have been considered as a must to address this issue.

Parents or guardians nowadays have supplied their own children with mobile phones as a means of a safety reassuring device. Both parties benefit more from the technical use of a mobile phone especially in conditions we live, where dangers can arise at any point in time. Should safety be compromised from children, they can easily contact their parents or other members within the family, and other appropriate persons, such as the police, who is also concerned of their well being. This easy communication access, allows for relatives or the receiver on the line to act for safety in a timely manner. Furthermore, parents have the ease of mind to their children's whereabouts. The high technology of mobile phones allow them to easily contact or be informed with updates about their children's day.

On the other hand, I believe such device is not a necessity for children in surviving this world evolved with crimes and complexities. Firstly, education can be provided to the young ones in regards to safety practices. This refers to knowing who can be trusted and not associating to strangers, never be physically in isolation and must be in large groups, and last but not least, informing them of where and who to go for safety, such as teachers, councillors or the police. These are very simple and cost effective, yet very effective ways in minimising and preventing dangers that can happen to children. Secondly, it is understandably important for parents to be aware of their children's day, however, constant communication which is considered as vital, can also interfere with these children's development of independence. Lastly, the use of mobile phones open endless opportunities of social and online gaming use, which can impact their interpersonal skills with other people and predispose them to violence. Evidently children are potentially imposed to dangers with their use of mobile phones.

To conclude, although the device provide security for children while living in a troublesome and complicated world, I strongly believe it is unnecessary and inappropriate for children to own a mobile phone. Education and proper guidance should be provided for these children in order to live safely in this kind of environment we live in.


Comments for Mobile Phones and Children

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Aug 16, 2013
by: Anonymous

the essay is way too long...I don't think the length of essay should be more than approximately 280 words.

Aug 22, 2013
Not a through edit by no means
by: Anonymous

I HAVE TO USE CAPITAL LETTERS FOR CORRECTIONS. I have skimmed quickly. There are likely more corrections to be made than what I have indicated.

ever-changing is one word.
acclaimed – you have used the wrong word.

children’s safety – you missed the apostrophe. You also have typos which I have not corrected.

Due to this reason, the use of mobile phones particularly by children, have been considered as a must to address this issue. 

 HAS been, not HAVE been

Parents or guardians nowadays have supplied their own children with mobile phones as a means of a safety reassuring device. **OWN – this word does not belong in this sentence

Both parties benefit more from the technical use of a mobile phone especially in conditions we live *IN, where dangers can arise at any point in time. **MORE does not belong in this sentence.

Should safety *OF CHILDREN* be compromised, they can easily contact their parents or other members within the family, and other appropriate persons, such as the police, who is also concerned WITH their well being.

This easy communication access, allows for relatives or the receiver on the line to act for safety in a timely manner. **AWKWARD SENTENCE.

Furthermore, parents have the ease of mind IN REGARDS TO their children's whereabouts. The high technology of mobile phones allowS them to easily contact THEIR CHILDEN or be informed with updates about their children's day. 

On the other hand, I believe such device is not a necessity for children in surviving this world evolved with crimes and complexities. **EVOLVED – wrong word. U can use riddled.

Lastly, the use of mobile phones openS* endless opportunities of social and online gaming use, which can impact their interpersonal skills with other people and predispose them to violence.

Children are potentially EXPOSED to dangers with their use of mobile phones. 
Evidently? Why evidently?

To conclude, although the device provideS* security for children while living in a troublesome and complicated world, I strongly believe it is unnecessary and inappropriate for children to own a mobile phone. Education and proper guidance should be provided for these children in order to live safely in thE* kind of environment we live in. 

Sep 01, 2013
by: mae

thank you :)

Oct 29, 2014
by: kunal

thank u

Oct 19, 2016
hello i am a new to IELTS and I want 7 or more band in writing could you please comment on my essay, and how can I improve my writing
by: Anonymous

The dangers and complexities of the modern world have made the mobile phone an absolute necessity for children.

To what extent do you agree or disagree?

Mobiles phones now a day’s becoming an absolute need for the children, due to risks and difficulties posed by the modern world to them. I am partially agreed with this viewpoint.

To begin with, the troublesome situation that might be face by the children, while going to school or playing outside in the parks, the mobile phone technology could be very useful in case of any emergency faced by them, for suppose in case of abduction attempt, child can communicate with their parents and can send them the accurate location, in addition he or she can call the emergency helpline services, the contacts number of which are already saved on the phone by the vendors. Furthermore, having child an access to mobile phone could be beneficial for the parents as well, like, in case of medical urgency experienced by the parents, the child can call the paramedics and medical team to reach at the scene quickly.

However, there are many benefits of child having the mobile phone, there could be some adverse effects of it. For example, if the child is using the mobile phone while crossing the road could jeopardize the child life. In addition the radio waves produced by the phone could be detrimental for the children. Moreover children could betrayed easily by the hackers on the phone by sending them surprising emails and phone call where a child could share personal information like bank account information of the parents.

In conclusion, the mobile phone technology is beneficial in terms of child security and location, however the hazard associated with this technology should not be overlooked.

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Cell Phones in the Classroom

by Deepak

It is argued that mobile phones and other electronic devices have no place in the classroom.

To what extent do you agree or disagree with this view?

In the last decade, cell phones have become very famous and easily available throughout the world. Most of the students from across the globe have access to smartphones and they have been using these gadgets not only for study purposes but also for personal uses. However, I believe, the mobile phones should not be used inside the classroom because it distracts the pupils and also affect the effective interaction.

One of the main reasons for not allowing mobile phones during the studying in classes is it hampers the student’s concentration. As a result, the student doesn’t understand the subject matter and gets poor grades in his mark sheet. For example, during my final year of undergraduate studies, there was a good student named Hari who failed in his favourite subject because of mobile chatting during the lecture times. So, to make a student distract less from mobile phones, these kinds of electronic devices should be kept out of the classroom.

Another reason is a disturbance in proper discussion between teacher and students. Although the student can browse various sites using mobile data or Wi-Fi to get the information about subject matters in the classroom but he might lack to the point knowledge from his experienced teachers. In addition, he might waste too much time visiting the non-authentic sites. For instance, there are many personal blogs and websites where the student cannot get the relevant understanding of the subject matters.

All in all, despite having a few advantages of using the mobile devices inside the classrooms, the students must not be allowed to use their cell phones to have the long-term good results for their studies and careers. Furthermore, this maintains good learning and teaching environment for both the students and teachers.


Please help this students in their with their writing by feeding back on this IELTS Essay about Cell Phones in the Classroom.

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Sep 26, 2017
by: zaineahenny

Please add me up on 'TeleGram zaineahenny as my username

Oct 04, 2017
Essay evaluation
by: Daryoush Mohammadion

In my perspective the essay is written in a very clear and self explanatory method and full concentration on the topic.

Introduction has a clear opening, reason and personal opinion.

The body of the essay has opening statements followed by support and clarification. There are some reasonable sentence structures with accurate coherence and cohesiveness.

The closing statements are on time and fit best to the point.
Conclusion, starts off with structure and accuracy in supporting facts. Personal opinion is stated in paraphrase form with logical reasons.

Well done

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Necessity of Mobile Phones Essay

by syed

The dangers and complexities of the modern world have made the mobile phone an absolute necessity for children.

To what extent do you agree or disagree?

I agree that cellphones rather than an expensive commodity, is a must have for today's children as its function is not only for communication, but it also allows access to the worldwide web.

Education has become more centralised and available for everyone online. In order to access information easily and rapidly, owning a cellphone is necessary. In the advent of technology, internet access is critical for knowledge, especially in the midst of current covid pandemic where tutorials are made online. Children no longer go to school, rather teachers expect every student to have at least a cellphone in order to access online classes.

Increasing crime rate in the society and bullying in school have made children vulnerable to these perpetrators. Parents are not always there to supervise their kids, hence, cellphones allows children to contact family members when in danger without delay. Without cellphones, help might not be able to be attained immediately.

However, unregulated access to the internet with the lack of supervision can lead to children browsing inappropriate content. Many studies have found that increase in time spent on screen has many negative impacts.Children lack fundamental communication skills. Dyslexia is also another common theme.Usage of mobile phone in the dark can lead to sleep disturbances, which can hamper children's concentrating ability in school.

Owning a cellphone has become a necessity in the 21st century as it has many benefits. However,lack pf supervision can have a detrimental effect towards these children.

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Jun 22, 2021
Reserve your artillery.
by: Joko

I'm guessing that someone taught you that using "rather than ____, is a ___" and "not only/but also" is sth you should do to score well in grammar. These sentence structures seem to be increasingly popular amongst learners in the 5.0-6.5 band range. They're good structures to know how to use when appropriate... but don't break out the big guns together in the very first sentence of your essay.

Your paragraphs should start with a topic sentence and be followed by supporting sentences which relate to that topic sentence. Look again at paragraph 4... does it follow this basic rule?

Jun 30, 2021
necessity of mobile phones
by: SYED

tq for your comments.

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IELTS Essay - Necessity of Mobile Phones for Children

by Lalarukh

The dangers and complexities of the modern world have made the mobile phone an absolute necessity for children.

To what extent do you agree or disagree?

These days, there is an ongoing debate between people about how mobile phone have become a need for children due to the intense situation of the new era. While some people still argue that mobile phone have become an absolute need of a child, in my view, the disadvantages of mobile phone outweigh the advantages. In this essay i will explain my point of view by analysing both sides.

These are several reason that i believe have cause more harm to children of keeping mobile phone then giving them benefit. Firstly, children spend much more time on cellphones rather than participating in other activities. It takes away precious time of sports and other recreational activities. Also, it affects the eye sight of the children. Many studies have shown that children who spend much more time on mobile phone have weak eye sight and thus end up wearing sight glasses at a very young age.

Moreover, the more children spend time on mobile phone, the less exposure they have of the outer world. This reduces self confidence in children while dealing with people and socialising on a larger extent. From my personal experience, i would quote about my niece, who at a very young age have been given mobile phone. She spends majority of her time on games due to which she interacts less with the people around.

Lastly, the use of mobile phone have damaged the mind of many children. The unnecessary or wrong use have made children exposed to certain objectionable things at a very young age. For example, there exist many application that are not for children under 18 years, but with mobile phone, children do have easy access to it.

Now those who argue that due to the danger in the modern world have resulted the use of mobile phones claims that for the purpose of security it have become basic necessity. With fast moving education system, children have academies, schools and universities to go so with the help of mobile phone there remains a constant communication between the parent and a child.

While, there is strong opinion on both sides of the case in my opinion, children still must be given mobile phone until a certain age. I would recommend that for the purpose of security due to the danger presiding in the outside world, the use of mobile phone can be allowed only in the hours of school, college etc or during travelling. Also, a strict check must be kept by the parents on usage of mobile phone .

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Restricted Use of Mobile Phones Essay

by Aditya
(Uttar Pradesh)

Some schools have restricted the use of mobile phones.

Is this a positive or negative development?

Students of most schools carry cell phones with them. While these devices play a vital role in safety, connectedness and convenience, a number of schools have prohibited their use on campus. In my opinion, this is a positive decision and can benefit students not academically but also physically and socially as well.

Restricting phone use in the classroom itself can improve learning. Uninterrupted studies can result in exceptional results as the primary focus remains on the subject. A continuously ringing or beeping device, for instance, can distract both teacher and student as well as other learners too and also amplifies the urge of the individual to check their phone every now and then for texts, calls and other notifications. Even the most observant teacher cannot ignore them from sneakily checking their messages or scrolling through irrelevant content mid-class. This eventually leads to imperfect knowledge which can adversely affect an individual's academic progress since half knowledge possess no value. Banning cell phones can prevent happening of these events and can bolster the academic performance of learners.

In addition to banning phones in the classroom, constraining them outside the classroom as well can result in students wellbeing. Indeed, if cellular phone are banned at recess, children will be left with no other option than to interact with other students and indulge in numerous physical activities. Kids can play games, sports, or just sit and chat with their friends which is far better than sitting alone hunched over a screen. Without limitation enforced by schools, children simply cannot draw the line on their phone use. These social and physical gains are only possible with stern phone rules.

In conclusion, despite cell-phones are a fundamental part of our modern lives, I strongly deem that their use in schools should be controlled. With firm boundaries and bans in some conditions, students are able to learn better, build up friendships and engage in healthier pursuits.

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