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Animal Cruelty Essays

by Ashish garg

Could u please tell me that how much would I get for this essay?

A growing number of people feel that animals should not be exploited by people and that they should have the same rights as humans, while others argue that humans must employ animals to satisfy their various needs, including uses for food and research.

Discuss both views and give your opinion.

Evidently, humans are the most intelligent creature in this world, so humans have been killing animals since they evolved to satisfy their needs like food, clothing, fire etc. However, modern society feels that animals should not be killed anymore which is not right according to me.

Firstly, humans kill animals for imperative purposes, for instance animal's body parts are being used by Doctors to evolve new medicines and to cure some dangerous diseases which are essential for the survival of humans. If animals will not be killed than there population will get abundant which will be dangerous for both human and nature.

In addition, Scientists and doctors used to do their researches and tests on the animals, so they can find the flaws before applying that on humans. If they directly apply that on humans then it will lead to be a serious issue for the society. Eventually, these all are for the welfare of humans.

On the contrary, Due to over killing of animals, some species of animals are on endangered state and some of them have already been extinct which includes some beautiful species like stingray,so Humans are destroying the nature. We cannot ignore the fact that animals have feelings too and they are also a creation of god, so it so cruel to kill animals.

So it can be concluded, Despite the fact that animals have feelings, humans need to kill them for their own welfare and it is necessary for the survival of humans but they must avoid over killing of animals and killing of rare or endangered species to retain the beauty of our nature.

Comments for Animal Cruelty Essays

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Jul 29, 2018
Well written Animal Cruelty Essay
by: Josie

Good work

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Banning Hunting

by sara cheng (

I would like to know how many point can I get if I do the animal cruelty essay like this?

Any mistake that I need to correct?

People have differing view on whether hunting should be prohibited or whether it is necessary commercial and cultural activity that should be allowed to continue

Discuss these view and your opinion of hunting.

Some people argue that culling animals is a bad activity,while others believe that killing animals is necessary.In my opinion people should not hurt animals for business purpose,for example selling animals skins,feather and shells. However,it is acceptable if people hurt animals to keep their tradition.

People such as Indigenous people in Taiwan,hurt for a number of reasons.Firstly,they argue that hunting animals is a cultural traditional.For instance males have to hunt animals to prove that they are an adult,and that they are good enough to protect a family and ready for marriage. Secondly,there are too many animals attacking some families and destroying their food sources.

However, others believes hunting should be outlawed.They believe animals can be hunted over and become endangered or even extinct such as the Bengal tiger and panda bear.The worst fad is hunting animals can disturb the food chain. For example,if humans catch a lot of fish sharks might be hungry and they might interrupt the other food chain,and it may cause lot of problem in an ecosystem.

In conclusion I think hunting as acceptable if people depend on it in order to keep their tradition,if animals are hunted for business reasons they must stop it because the ecology system and food chain might suffer a lot of problems if animals are over hunted.

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Exploitation of Animals Essay

by guan721

Hello guys, this is my attempt on an IELTS question, please feel free for correction on my essay.

A growing number of people feel that animals should not be exploited by people and that they should have the same rights as humans, while others argue that humans must employ animals to satisfy their various needs, including uses for food and research.

Discuss both views and give your opinion.

It has become a debatable topic increasingly in number of people think that animals should get rights as people and animals should not be used by mankind. On the contrary, others dispute that humans must utilize animals to fulfill their various demands, including uses for nutriment and experimentation. This essay will discuss both views.

With regards to the exploitation of animals, people believe it is acceptable for few reasons. Firstly, scientist develop method to mitigate pain and discomfort suffered by animals during scientific experiment. For instance, injection of drug on animals carried out by researcher before inception of experimentation. Furthermore, make use of animal is crucial to invent new medicine to cure illness. This is because when a new drug or surgical technique developed, many believe that it is unethical to use first on human-being as it may cause harm rather than good. Instead, the drug and technique is tested in animals to ensure that it is safe and effective.

However, many people disagree employment of animals for human needs. Firstly, it is unnecessary to kill animals for food. A healthy diet is possible without eating meat. For instance, human could get adequate nutrients from nut, seed, soy product , vegetable, and fruit. Secondly, the lives of animal s should be respected. Animals are also living creatures in the earth, and as such animals deserved rights to be respected. That is to say animals have consciousness and empathy, like human-beings possess. They do know who their friends are and who their rivals are.

In conclusion, I agree completely humans do not own the rights to exploit animal to fulfill their own needs. If human decrease the utilization of animals, all the living creatures in the world could live peacefully.

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