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Animal Experimentation Essays

by Andre Fredo

Testing on animals is common practice for products such as cosmetics or drugs. Some people regard testing on animals as completely wrong and inhumane and they believe is should not be allowed.

Do you agree or disagree with this statement?

In 21st century where the development of technology are in advance, people commonly kill animals for products that are used in life or to find something new to fulfill human necessity such as cosmetics or drugs. Some people are of the opinion that it is totally wrong and inhumane so it should not be allowed. On the other hand, there are people who disagree toward this statement. Personally, I absolutely agree with this opinion because of several reasons.

Firstly, cosmetics is something that people,especially women, use to build up a better appearance. However, in my opinion, it is not the main necessity that should be fulfill as there are many types of cosmetics such as the products of Body Shop which make up without any animals resource. By using goods that are originally made up with part of animal body such as skin increase confidence, social status, and prestige. For these reason, the rate of killing animals for particular reasons is increasing as more and more demand comes to be a business profit. Secondly, scientists kill animals for finding and creating new types of drugs is not fair. We all agree that every living things without any exception have a right to live. It is not only accepted in humanity side, but also supported by particular religion such as Buddhist. Moreover, the sources of drugs is not only comes from animals, but there are various types of substance that are contained in plant and can be developed to be useful medicine.

To sum up, killing animals for cosmetics or drugs is categorized as inhumane activity no matter what reason they are as all living things have a right to live.


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Comments for Animal Experimentation Essays

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Jan 13, 2016
killing animals not good
by: Anonymous

I will not agree with this statement because it kills animals

It damages ecological system, we can't see some animals forever we wanted take special protection on kill animals

New act or section will be implemented

Jan 14, 2016
Try to be neutral in essay.
by: Anonymous

Animal testing maybe needed these days in order to test drugs whether they can be used as medicine for treatment of a specific disease. Such kind of testing is necessary to prevent risking human life by direct testing on individuals. Animal testing can be used where it is necessary but in the case of cosmetics which is an extra thing,animal testing must not be allowed.

Feb 20, 2016
Cosmetic or drugs to be tested to animals
by: Tano

The fact that medicine's are important for healing different type of diseases they have to be manufactured in numerous number to reduce the diseases in the global area. When cosmetics or drugs have been manufactured they have to be tested to observe whether they are working properly or not, but the question is where do we test them? To fellow human beings. The answer is no because it may end up killing fellow human beings, so the best way is to test the cosmetics to animal and observe the outcome • Then the drug or cosmetic will be able to be determined whether it is working or not•

Oct 16, 2022
Using animals in scientific experiments
by: Fares Mamdoh

I will not agree with this statement because it kills animals

It damages ecological system, we can't see some animals forever we wanted take special protection on kill animals

New act or section will be implemented

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Arguments For and Against Animal Experiments

by princy goyal

Examine the arguments in favour of and against animal experiments, and come to a conclusion on this issue.

Over the recent years, a number of research and experiments being done on animals have increased significantly. In my opinion, such an act of using animals for various kind of experimentation should be stopped immediately as animals are often tortured and hurt during search experimentation.

Humans think it to be beneficial to do experiments on animals for several reasons. Firstly, most of the medical research was successful as scientists were finally able to find cures for a number of diseases.

However, I don not think that these arguments stand up to scrutiny. Animals suffer a lot of torture and are sometimes killed also during the research process. They are mostly used for the production of cosmetics, fashion garments, etc. Moreover, animals and human bodies are different; as a consequence, this testing may not provide safety that its proponents claim.

I hope that the government will forbid animal experimentation in haste and would severely punished those who are involved in this inhumane activity.


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IELTS Essay: Animal Experimentation

by Samin.A.A

Some people argue that all experimentation on animals is bad and should be outlawed. However, others believe that important scientific discoveries can be made from animal experiments.

Can experimentation on animals be justified? Are there any alternatives?

A number of people believe that animal experimentation should be lawful for scientific studies as it helps to discover beneficial knowledge, while others hold the opposite view and think this is wrong. I think that any kind of experiment on animals is inhumane and scientists should look at other alternatives such as plant-based research instead.

First of all, animal experimentation requires them to undergo severe tests and trials that are harmful to the creature. These beings are put into stressful conditions in order to derive results and gather data on a specific subject. For example, Rabbits and Mice are put into cycling machines to measure how quickly each individual species can perform. Such methods of testing are extremely harmful and do not justify the results no matter how beneficial they are.

In addition, science should focus more on plant-based research as it does not harm the species or exploit natural life. A study conducted by National Planet shows that almost 50% of discoveries can be made while reducing the harm, by switching to the study of plants alternatively.

Although it may not be as effective as experimenting with animals, its benefits still outweigh the drawbacks as millions of lives will be saved worldwide. All of this in turn will promote ethical and sustainable practices.

To conclude, animal experimentation should be made unlawful and scientists should rather switch to plant-based research due to the fact that it results in mistreatment caused to the fauna.

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