IELTS Computer Delivered Tests + Band Score

Improving IELTS in One Month

by Bilguun


Is it possible to improve my score 7 to 8 in 1 month?

I'm an international student who is planning to take IELTS soon. But I can't decide when should i take it. After taking Official Practice test under strict rules I got 7 points which is one point away from my target in reading and listening. Should I register for it today or wait a while?

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Feb 05, 2016
7 to 8 in 1 month
by: IELTS buddy

Hi Bilguun,

It really depends on what your current level is.

Some people are actually very good at English but need to just learn a bit more about the skills of the test and the format. They may be able to improve quite quickly.

If it is other things stopping such as weak grammar then it will likely take longer.

So only you can really know that, or a teacher who check your ability for you.

If you are not in a hurry I would say wait. Take a few more practice tests and see what you get. If you keep getting around a 7 then it seems like you need to take more than a month or maybe take some kind of lessons.

Good luck

Jun 11, 2016
to improve 6 bands
by: Anonymous

i got 5 bands in couple of months, how do I improve my English to get band 6?

Jun 13, 2016
to improve 6 bands
by: IELTS buddy

It's really not possible to tell someone how to get from a 5 to a 6 in a forum message.

There is so much to learn - the site is here for that so please study the materials that are available.

It also varies for every person as everybody has different weaknesses and strengths.

Jul 23, 2016
by: Anonymous

Is it possible???????

Nov 05, 2017
Need to improve my score from 6 to 7
by: Anonymous


I have score 6 in all 4 skill sets but my need to score minimum is of 7 in each for all skills. I have used lots of study materials provided by institution and other available online material to prepared for test.

Can you please guide me a way to improve scores or way to learns technique to prepared myself to score better.

Jul 13, 2018
Band 6.5 to 7
by: Anonymous

Dear Sir,

How can I increase my current ILETS score LRWS- 6.5,6.5,6,6.5 to 8777 in span of two months. What strategy in terms of studying pattern, I can use to score higher points.

May 28, 2020
IELTSin1Month can help you improve your score in one month
by: IELTS Student

I really like your question, there is literally a website called IELTSin1Month that offers a course to improve your ielts band scores in just one month. Of course, it is very intensive but worth every penny. Check it out at
Good luck!

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How can I go from and IELTS band 5.5 to 7 in one month?


can anyone guide me How I can score 7 band in each sectors?

I have given once but I got 5.5 band only so please help me specially for Writing part

I am going to give exam again on 7th February 2015, suggest me how should I prepare in a month?

Comments for How can I go from and IELTS band 5.5 to 7 in one month?

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Jan 08, 2015
Band 5.5 to 7
by: IELTS buddy


To be honest, if you really have a 5.5 level of English (i.e. you got 5.5 because of your English skills rather than a lack of understanding of the test) then it is very unlikely you will be able to get to a 7 in one month.

Remember it is a language test - you are talking about drastically improving your knowledge and ability in a language in four weeks. Not many people can do that.

But to have the best chance you need to learn about the strategies and skills of the test and have some practice too, which you can get from a site such as this (see the lessons pages for example) but you would probably also need some kind of lessons from a teacher as well if you have such a short space of time.

Good luck

Jun 11, 2016
band 5.5 to 6.5
by: Anonymous

is it possible to increase the band 5.5 to 6.5 in one month

Jun 13, 2016
band 5.5 to 6.5
by: IELTS buddy

For some people but not everybody.

It really depends on your current abilities and how much time you can dedicate to studying.

Jan 24, 2018
Band 5,5 to 6,5
by: Anonymous

How can I improve my score 5.5 to 6.5 in 14 days

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Improving from IELTS Band 5 to Band 7 In a Month

by Diana Magzhanova

Hi everyone! Thanks for attention!

I have a question. Is it possible to reach 6.5-7 band score if now its 5?

Moreover, I have just month.

Comments for Improving from IELTS Band 5 to Band 7 In a Month

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Sep 18, 2016
Improving Band Score in One Month.
by: IELTS buddy

That depends on why you got 5.

If you are good at English, but you got 5 simply because you did not understand a lot of the test skills or practice enough, then you could improve to a 6.5 or 7 in a month.

So in other words you are now at around 6.5 but you just don't really understand how to best tackle the test.

However, if your English skills are really at the band 5 level, improving that much in one months is very unlikely.

You are learning a language and that takes much longer than a month.

Dec 03, 2017
IELTS Band 5 to 6.5
by: Anonymous

can i improve my band score in 2 months with hard working

Dec 04, 2017
to get 7 from 5 in 2 months
by: Anonymous

Dear Teacher!

Is it possible that getting IELTS band 7 from 5 in 2 months?I have 4 hours daily to study.

Dec 06, 2017
Improving band score
by: IELTS buddy

It's really impossible to generalise about how quickly someone can improve as everybody is different.

People learn at different speeds, I don't know your current ability or why you got a lower score. Also it depends on who your teacher is. All those things are unknown. It would be easier to give you an idea if I met you and assessed you but I cannot do that.

But going from IELTS band 5 to 7 in two months is quite unlikely. 5 is quite a low level, but 7 is high.

Like any language, it takes time to improve. Going from being quite poor in English to being very good in 2 months is a bit unrealistic so I would probably set a longer term goal to get 7.

Feb 28, 2018
IELTS band 5.5 to 6.5 in a month
by: Anonymous


My last score is 5.5 (Overall)
L = 5
R = 5.5
S = 5.5
W = 6

Can I obtain 6.5 bands in one month preparation?

My required score is each 6 and overall 6.5,so is it possible to obtain in one month preparation?

Can you guide me?

Mar 06, 2018
5.5 to 6.5 in a month
by: IELTS buddy

It's not impossible but I'd have to say it is very unlikely.

To get a 6.5, that means you need at least overall 7 in two of the modules. So: 7, 7, 6, 6, = 6.5.

So you are talking about going from band 5.5 / 6 up to a 7. That is a very big improvement to make in one month.

But really you need a personal assessment to find out more about you and your skills. I have no idea why you got those scores or your general English level. If you got those scores because of misunderstandings with the test and your English is quite good then there is a chance.

If you got those scores because of weak English skills, it's unlikely to be able to improve that much in 4 weeks.

So it's likely that you may have to set yourself a longer term goal to improve. You will waste your money if you keep taking the test when you are not near to the right level to get some 7s.

Apr 06, 2018
IELTS band 6 to 7 in a month
by: Anonymous

I got 7.5 bands overall with 8 in listening and reading, 7 in speaking but 6 in writing, can I take my score in writing to 7 in a month???

Apr 09, 2018
IELTS band 6 to 7 in a month
by: IELTS buddy

To know that, I'd have to see your writing.

For instance, if you are weak at grammar then going from 6 to 7 in a month would be very difficult as improving grammar takes time.

But if it was other issues, let's say for example you got 6 because you did not answer the question properly or you are not structuring it in the right way, that can be fixed quicker.

So yes you could potentially go from IELTS writing band 6 to 7 in a month but it depends why you are a 6.

Jul 07, 2018
Need to improve from 5.5 to 6.5 in writing
by: Joshna

Hi recently I have given exam and got 7 in listening, 6.5 each in speaking and reading but only 5.5 in writing, so I need to improve my writing score to 6.5 in one month. can it be possible please let me know

Jul 08, 2018
Need to improve from 5.5 to 6.5 in writing
by: IELTS buddy

It depends on several factors as to whether you can do that and it varies for each person. Can I suggest you look at this page:

How to Prepare for IELTS

Oct 22, 2018
Unsuccessful 3 attempts on ielts

Hi..I've given ielts 3 times..1st time I got overall 5.5(R-6,L-5,S-5.5,W-6),,2nd time overall 6(R-5.5,L-6,S-6.5,W-5),,3rd time overall 5.5(every area 5.5),what section I should work on and how can I get a band 6.5 with individually 6.

Nov 03, 2018
How to improve band 5 to 6.5 with individually 6 in 2 1.5 month
by: Payal Patel

Ii got 5 band and I want to achieve 6 band or 6.5 band in just 2 month how can I do practice more and achieve more band in each module . please guide me .how I can improve my level

Dec 27, 2019
by: Anonymous

I got 5.5 in writing. I need to get band 6 in writing. How can I improve, madam?
I really don't know what was the mistakes I made in exam.

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