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Child Development Essays

by Sophie

Hi there,

I was hoping to get a band 7 and above. Thank you all in advance for the kind help with this child development essay!

Some people think children should obey rules and do what the teachers want them to do, others think controlled children are not prepared for children's adult life in the future.

Discuss both sides and give your opinion.

The views on whether children should obey rules and to what extent children should follow teachers' instruction are split. Some people believe that children should always obey authority, while others think that following orders does more harm than good to children. I believe that whether children should follow the rules is definitely not a matter of black and white. In other words, we should judge it on a case by case basis.

First and foremost, very often we make rules with the intention of teaching children values rather than constraining them. By making rules, we teach children to love and respect other people rather than bully and mock others, to share rather than to be selfish, and to respect diversity rather than be narrow-minded. It is both unrealistic and silly to expect children to be born with good values. In this case, I believe that it is beneficial that children obey rules.

In addition, children are more susceptible to negative influences comparing with adults. It is common practice that films are rated and thus
children below a certain age are not exposed to excessive violence. In the same spirit children are banned to drink alcohol and smoke cigarettes. In these scenarios, I strongly support the idea that teachers should make sure that children follow rules.

On the other hand, teachers should not become dictators who do not tolerant different ideas and expect children to blindly obey orders all the time. Much research indicates that too much authority can curb creativity, which is an important human characteristic. Actually, creativity is the major characteristic that differentiates human beings from other animals and thus we should always make sure that children are not limited by the fear that they have different and novel ideas. In the end, we evolve and make progress by having bold ideas and dream big.

Last but not least, we should not try to control children and make every decision for them - sooner or later they will have to make choices for themselves as they grow up so they should learn to make up their own minds as children. If children are taught to be obedient all the time they may feel lost once people no longer tell them what to do.

In conclusion, I strongly believe that children should obey some rules so that they are taught the right values but at the same time children should not be expected to blindly follow the teachers' orders and controlled by rules.

Comments for Child Development Essays

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Apr 19, 2016
by: claudia

I am chinese too!!! Can you give me your email?

Apr 20, 2016
well organized Child Development Essay
by: fati

Your essay is awsomely written! Well organized. By the way word count is more but I think it's okay for this essay topic

Apr 21, 2016
Essay is too long,
by: Raj

Essay is too long, about 400 words....Try and upload it again with 250 to 300 words, So that it will be helpful for IELTS students

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Spending or Saving Money

by Moin

In the past children were taught how to save money, but today they only learn how to spend it.

Do you agree?

Nowadays, children all over the world prefer spending the wealth they have rather then saving it which their elders used to do when they were of their age. With the advent of advancement in movie making many child stars became millionaires with in no time. It is agreed that children choose to spent their money rather than saving it. This point will be analyzed by taking into account the examples of child celebrities like Paris Hilton and Zain Malik.

Firstly, children nowadays consider temporary comfort over long time benefits. For instance, consider the famous actor/singer Paris Hilton who on her 16th birthday celebrations landed on her penthouse on a helicopter, which she purchased on her birthday for this purpose only. This example clearly shows that children look at immediate bounty rather then future rewards. Thus, it is evident that children love spending money, while they should be saving it.

Secondly, children’s have a feeble and immature mind and they think that by spending money they can get everything. For example, Zain Malik the famous lead vocalist of the band “ONE DIRECTION” purchased a diamond wrist watch worth billions of dollars. A watch is just a watch after all. As this example shows that children have a immature mind and they need guidance. From this, it is apparent that the little ones favour spending rather then saving.

In conclusion, after analyzing the fact that children look for immediate benefits rather then future rewards due to their immature thinking. Taking into account both the examples it is obvious that children spent their money instead of saving it. It is recommended that parents and guardians should look after their children and guide them.

(Words 281)


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Becoming Good Members of Society

by sania

Some people think that parents should teach children how to be a good member of society. Others, however, believe that school is the place to learn this.

Discuss both views and give your opinion.

A good member of any society is an asset of any society due to these people any society and any country boost up. Some people believe that children become a good person from their home their parents make them to a good person. But other people have a different view about them they said it is not only responsibility of parents a main responsibility to parents a main learn the place is a school to make a good person of children.

Mother is the first learning source for a child. Some people believe that parents should teach children how to become a good person of any society. Parents have a great impact on their child, for example, any child speaks the same language of their parent's language and child has a same religious to their parent's religious. So parents should emphasize to their children to become a good person of any society.

There is some children institution to educate them discipline and make the good citizen. Some people believe that school have the responsibility to make a good citizen. Any child spends a lot of time of the day in and learn bookish knowledge as well as learn the responsibility and duties of society for example in London children spend 7 to 8 hours in school between that they learn how to communicate, how to participate in any activity ti help other people and how to perform their duty in any situation. In overall child learn a lot of things in school or any education institution.

In the nutshell, children are learned from both places home and school.

No doubt some people think that children are learned how to become a good citizen in the home and other have different view children learn good citizen responsibility to their school.


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Jun 18, 2015
not bad but
by: band 6

even if i am worse than him in writing; i can see some problems in the essay like the use of punctuations, poor argument style...or in short i feel as if some thing is missing in the child development essay.

Jun 19, 2015
It's fine
by: Shahira

I feel that there is some repetition information wise in your child development essay

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Parental Versus Teacher Education

by Chinita

The education a child receives at home from having parents who are positive role models is more important than the academic education a child receives at school.

To what extent do you agree or disagree?

Education starting from good parents had a greater impact than academic learning a child received from school. Good parenting contributes more on how a child will become mature and responsible adult.

As a saying goes 'parents is our first teacher' from the day we were born until we reached every milestones our parents is a witness. They teach us our first walk, first word, first ride every first we had. Therefore children's attitude is built and nurtured at home.

'What monkey see monkey do' another metaphor applied in nurturing children with good attitude and positive outlook in life. Good and responsible parenting can produce a responsible adult one who knows how to handle bad situation in a seemly manner.

A plant must be watered and exposed to sunlight to grow, same with the child it must be nurtured with love and care, teached with good manner and support in bad or good situation he encountered. Although academic education also plays an important role to a child's well being it is just secondary or can I support to what was previously implanted such as good manners and right conduct.

In conclusion responsible parenting is the foundation of the becoming of ones attitude,belief,inspiration and ambition. It is were it all started from teaching every first, planting good values until it reaps into goodness.

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Mar 13, 2015
sayings and proverbs in IELTS essays
by: IELTS buddy

Just one point about this - don't use proverbs, or 'sayings' in an academic essay like this.

You use several but they should be avoided.

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Advice from Young or Old People Essay

by Munisa
(Tashkent, Uzbekistan)

It is better for young people to get advice from old people than young ones.

Do you agree or disagree?

The biggest amount of the people thinks that old people can give the best advices to youngsters than people of young generation. Mostly they mean that elderly person has more life experiences than young one and it could be seen in many Asian countries. However, for teenagers getting advices from old people have pros and cons, which would be discussed in this essay.

Firstly, with getting advice from grandparents or fossils young people could achieve their goals in life such as getting married. Since our ancestors have already passed through such significant moments of life they obviously can give an important and even necessary advices as the duties and roles of wife and husband in the family, which could help to newlyweds. Furthermore, teenagers see the mistakes of their parents try do not repeat in their own life and do some kind of reaches, this is also considered as advice from old people, even there is a proverb “…learn from mistakes”.

Nonetheless, sometimes the advices of old people may not coincide with current conditions and time, because life style and worldview of people are changing very fast, day by day. For instance , ancestors say that young people could spend their time to read a book instead of wasting time with using phone; while, nowadays internet and gadgets have more benefits to improve skills. Although, these days some part of young generations also could have life experience and give some advices to peers, because life is not give experience only to old person. A little girl, who is growing in extended family, reflects as an adult, and it is obvious that her friends might get advice from her.

In conclusion, advice could be given from old and young generation too, such as people in both of age might be experienced from life. In my opinion we should get all of the advices which have benefits for us.

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Motivating students to learn

by Mikko

Education is very important. How can children who are disinterested in study be motivated to learn?

Education is by no doubt one of the most fundamental aspects of modern society. In a world that is becoming increasingly complex, studying is both useful and necessary. However, some children find it difficult to stay motivated during their studies, often preferring other activities such as playing or doing sports. This is highly problematic because it causes many young people to finish school with low grades, thus making it more difficult for them to be successful in their careers. I will present three practical ways of dealing with this issue.

Firstly, classroom teaching should involve more interaction both with the teacher and among the learners themselves. A lack of interest in study may be due to an environment which some children do not find stimulating enough. For instance, a very active child might feel frustrated when having to sit in a classroom for what he sees as a long time without being able to talk and express his opinions.

Secondly, teachers should consider using a different approach to learning, for example by sometimes going outside and explaining things in a more playful, dynamic way. This is certainly an effective way to teach science classes. In my experience, many children become interested only when realizing the connections between what they are being taught and what they experience in their everyday lives.

Lastly, there is some evidence that forcing children to learn as much as possible, as soon as possible does not always lead to a better outcome. The Finnish educational system is proof that the opposite may be true: children in Finland start schooling later than children in most European countries, but they also consistently rank among the best students in the world. In some cases, waiting before a child is ready to focus on studying might be the best solution.

In conclusion, education plays a very important role in our society. It is vital to motivate children to learn, be it through more classroom interaction, an alternative approach or later schooling.

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Dec 21, 2014
Child Development Essays - Motivating Students to Learn
by: Anonymous

Perfect and a good style

May 18, 2016
a nice one
by: Anonymous

indeed a well-written piece

Dec 28, 2016
Child Development Essays
by: Anonymous

Thanks for sharing this wonderful post, I really like it.

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Encouraging Competition

by MH

Here is my practice on IELTS task 2 writing, a Child Development Essay.

Hope you guys could give me a little help on it.

Some people think that a sense of competition in children should be encouraged. Others believe that children who are taught to co-operate rather than compete become more useful adults.

Discuss both these views and give your own opinion.

Nowadays, many concern that children should compete each other in someways, while some other suggest that children need to be taught to co-operate. In my point of view, these two ways to educate the young are both important in different situation.

I believe that when children accomplish a task as a a group, they can acquire some abilities of communication, improve the skill of being a leader, and learn to interact with other properly. For example, in class we need to report a presentation in a group. We have to divide the task to a small one, then assign it to each member. In this case, we need to find everyone's specialties and debate when should we have a meeting or a deadline. Everyone should work hard for the group not for itself, and consider the result of one's laziness or arrogance.

On the other hand, it is also very effective method for children to have motivation to improve skills by competition. Though the system of racing with other people, children would have more awareness that "Others are better,so I need to catch up on them." For example,in a basketball team there are only five people who can be on the court. So when you have a chance, you will not just let it go, and if you can not be called, you must will practice harder to improve your skills.

In short, each teaching technique has its reason to make every child more skillful, useful, and even better in their future.

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Reading Books Essay

by Tural Rustam

Many children no longer read books and instead spend their time using modern technology. While some people think this is a positive trend, others think it is a problem.

Discuss both sides and give your opinion.

Reading a book has always been a significant activity but in the present time, modern technology has an influence on almost everything including books. A section of the society believe that it is favorable for children to prefer modern technology over books, whilst others disagree and argue that there are negative impacts in this regard. This essay agrees with the argument that despite the benefits of modern technology today, it poses certain difficulties for our life. This essay will discuss both points of view.

There are a number of people who think that it is a utility tool for children to use modern technology in order to access the information they want in a short time. It is certainly true that one of the main aims of modern technology is to provide fast communication and this in turn, assists children in many areas, particularly in education. For instance, nowadays many schools organize online courses in a variety of areas, such as sustainability, job marketing, and so on. It means that children have the opportunity to join these online courses and gain knowledge in various fields using modern technologies.

Nevertheless, I believe that no matter how much technology develops, books are irreplaceable in human life, therefore, I agree with people who think that it is a problem for children to spend more time with modern technology. First and foremost, modern technology teaches to children achieve something without suffering and this also creates habits such as laziness and indiscipline in them. To exemplify, in previous periods, people need to read many books to obtain information in any field, now any information is just a click away.

To sum up, in spite of the fact that modern technology seems more attractive to children, in my opinion, it also can form harmful habits on them.

(301 words)

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Playing Video Games Essay

by chillpil

Nowadays many people have access to computers and a large number of children enjoy playing video games.

What are the advantages and disadvantages of playing video games for children?

In today's modern world, we all have an unprecedented access to gadgets like computer, I-pad, notebooks, google etc. Using such modern devices have both advantages and disadvantages. Once such important topic that I would like to discuss today is advantages and disadvantages of playing video games in children.

The easy access to video games in homes can have a lot of benefits in children of this millennium. During colder weather or during current pandemic, children can remotely play video games with their friends by logging in at same time. They can enjoy game time in safe living rooms and be socially distant, without going outside. It also saves parents a lot of energy in comparison to watching over children play in a park. Parents can condition children to play an evening video game session that has to be followed by a healthy snack like milk and cookies.

There also remain a lot of disadvantages of playing video games in children. For example, they can become addicted to playing video games and not give enough time to study. Too much of video games also puts strain on eyes and ears which is not healthy for children while growing up. Another disadvantage is missing on out social interactions which is really important for the overall development of children.

I think it is really important to strike a balance of indoor games like video games and outdoor games for children. One way to do that is allowing only 45 mins of video game per day to children. This way they can enjoy a nice game and not be totally addicted.

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IELTS Essay - Punishing Children

by sreeja

It is important for children to learn the difference between right and wrong at an early age. Punishment is necessary to help them learn this distinction.

To what extent do you agree or disagree with this opinion?

What sort of punishment should parents and teachers be allowed to use to teach good behaviour to children?

Learning the difference between good and bad during childhood is vital for children in order to become good individuals. Some people think that children should be penalized to make them understand this distinction. In my opinion, punishments which do not do not physically or mentally damage the children should be given.

Punishments are crucial for children as it helps in preventing them from doing the wrong thing again. For instance, unless children are punished for not doing the homework regularly, they will keep repeating the same thing which results in their lower grades in their studies. So, punishments should be given to the children to help them in learning what is right and what is wrong.

Small punishments which do not affect the children in physical or mental way have to be given. For instance, giving extra tasks to children and allowing them not to play which reduces their free time can be given as punishments. In addition, children can be denied from buying their favorite toys. Discouraging children by scolding them severely will bring them down mentally which can have bad impacts on children. Beating children is not a good punishment because they hate the people who beat them and they may turn violent in future as a result of this. So, these physical and mental punishments should be avoided.

In conclusion, simple punishments which do not harm the children severely should be given. These kind of punishments helps the children in learning what is considered as right and what is considered as wrong.

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IELTS Essay - Children and Behaviour

by Saruul

Some people are of the opinion that children should be rewarded for good behaviour. Others think they should be punished for bad behaviour.

Discuss both views and give your personal opinion and reasons.

Teaching proper behavior to children is one of the hardest tasks a parent can find when raising them. Many people believe that good behavior can be encouraged with rewards while others think bad behavior can be dealt with punishments. This essay will analyze both arguments and why it is important to give children positive reinforcement, so they fare well in the future.

Rewards can be very effective for children who behave properly because they will become inspired to do better. When they are offered something nice, children begin to understand that there are positive outcomes in doing good things. For instance, receiving a small piece of candy after doing the dishes will encourage the child to do house chores more often. Overall, children can be taught the necessary behavior with good incentives.

When it comes to bad behavior, some parents argue that the best way to teach children is through punishments as they will be less likely to cause trouble in the future. Being punished after a wrongdoing will leave a strong impression, making children reconsider their actions and begin adapting better mannerisms. Children who are playing games instead studying, for example, became more obedient after having their belongings confiscated. Hence, it can be determined that such approaches can help reduce poor behavior.

Parents always want to make sure that their children learn the importance of good behavior and how they take measures to ensure them is also crucial. While punishments may be effective for preventing misdeeds, there is no guarantee that the outcomes will be perfect. If anything, children are more likely to become scared and traumatized if they are punished harshly. Instead, I believe that rewarding good behavior would lead to a more positive impact for children and their future.

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IELTS Essay: Children's Free Time

Some people say free time activities for children should be organized by parents. Others say that children should be free to choose what they do in their free time.

Discuss both views and give your opinion.

Some people say free time activities for children should be organized by parents. They claimed it was the best way to maximize the children's potential and time. In addition, parents will be able to relax as they can fully guarantee that the children will not do anything that can harm themselves. Many parents fill the children's free time with additional courses or lessons. They believe that children should learn as much as they can while they are still young. However, I personally believe that too much courses and lessons are giving children more stress and thus, hindering their maximum potential and even cause their healthy to deteriorate.

On the other hand, others say that children should be free to choose what they do in their free time. They believe that children should learn how to manage and enjoy themselves. Futhermore, free time is the best way to explore and nurture hobbies. As a result, the children get to maximize their own potential free from any stresses and pressures.

In my opinion, it is the best when parents do it moderately. It means that children should be free to choose what they do in their free time but neither all the time nor all the way they want. There should be still some limitations and prohibitions so that the free time for children is still supervised by parents. It is essential that children should be able to choose how to spend their own free time and therefore, they are able to know themselves and explore their potentials or simply release stress. But, as children are still young, they prone to not know what is wrong or right things, so they might want to do things that can harm themselves. Therefore, parents should still supervise and control children if the way children spend their free time deems to be harmful in anyway. Or, parents can organise children's free time once in a while. For example, when the kids are lacking workout, the parents can schedule sports time.

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Sep 03, 2023

by: IELTS buddy

Introduction and conclusion?

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