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Community Service Essays

by Harry Punjabi

Some people believe that unpaid community service should be a compulsory part of high school programmes (for example working for a charity, improving the neighborhood or teaching sports to younger children).

To what extent do you agree or disagree?

As much as the modern society is advancing in the field of technology, it is increasingly ignoring the importance of human relations. In the midst of this worrying trend there have been demands for making unpaid social service mandatory for high school students. I firmly support this suggestion. Glancing over the immense implications to both the helper and the helped will shed light on the need and importance of this step.

To begin with, having to go through the act of social service will instill a sense of community in the students. This is something that has gone missing in this era of social disintegration and change. Having to witness the power of community effort at a still young age will certainly make sure that the coming generations would have a world where personal needs do not completely oust the community ones. This renewed sense of being part of the community might as well be the answer to so many social issues like crime and drug abuse that breed in the lack of social support.

Moreover, even those on the receiving end of these acts of kindness will feel inspired to contribute in whatever way they can. Acts of charity are contagious and always trigger a chain reaction. This is evident from the fact that we ourselves feel inspired to become better human beings when we hear stories of selflessness and sacrifice. Thus to empower those in need does not end at what they receive, the spirit carries on through them to offer the same to others. The sheer implications hidden in these acts warrant that these be integrated into the education programme for high schools students.

To summarize, the sense of responsibility to community and the contagious nature of selfless acts coupled with the benefits that these can provide to the society as a whole are reasons enough for it to be implemented. I am fully in support of this step as it is a step towards making the world a better place to live in. It is recommended however that the program be implemented in a seamless manner that fits in well with existing structure of the education programme.

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Comments for Community Service Essays

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Sep 13, 2014
awesome Community Service Essays
by: praba

wow man, what a great use of vocabularies and phrases. i am totally impressed and trying to write like you man. great work

Oct 16, 2014
very good one
by: galileoaskan

very good structures and range of vocabulary.

Nov 12, 2014
by: Noman

Mam... great writing.. but u have missed some thing ... u haven't written any relevant example

Nov 18, 2014
by: manpreet

Good range of vocab!! But examples are missing.....

Nov 21, 2014
Community Service Essays - Good!
by: GrapeBitchea

This is a very good essay!

Jan 07, 2015
by: Anonymous

Examples are mandatory? I do not agree that

Apr 15, 2015
13th amendment
by: Anonymous

The 13th amendment prohibits involuntary work.

Feb 03, 2016
8 band
by: Anonymous

good, good enough

Nov 15, 2016
by: Anonymous

I love this. Well fitting vocabularies

Jan 15, 2017
jaspal - Community Service Essays
by: Anonymous

A majority of vocabularies & phrases are being used in this paragraph.
I am totally inspired by you.

Apr 21, 2017
Found a superb one at
by: Student

I found an awesome essay for ielts writing part 2 on this page:

Title: Unpaid Community Service as a Compulsory Part of High School Education

Jun 13, 2017
band 9.5 essay
by: Anonymous

This essay crosses the limit of band 9 with a huge variety of vocabulary and the compressed ideas with flow in the paragraphs was amazing...

May 19, 2019
Ok Community Service Essay
by: Anonymous

Only ok

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Compulsory Unpaid Community Service

by Dhruvisha Shah
(Ahmedabad, Gujarat,India)

Some people believe that unpaid community service should be a compulsory part of high school programmes (for example working for a charity, improving the neighbourhood or teaching sports to younger children).

To what extent do you agree or disagree?

It has been suggested that high school programmes should introduce compulsory unpaid community services. The modern society is advancing in the field of technology, it is increasingly ignoring the importance of the human relations. I believe it is a good idea as this can provide students valuable skills.

Firstly, life skills are very important. Students can learn communication skill and also team work by doing volunteer services. Community services also teach to manage their time and improve their organisational skills. As we know, after-school activities are no more popular. Students go to home and sit in front of the screen to watch TV or to play games or to surf internet. These daily scenario can affect their growth mentally and physically. These also can make them anti-social.

Community activities can encourage them to be more creative. The skills learned by volunteer work can add rich experience when looking for a job and increase their employability. Children can gain more experience in order to develop their personalities and know more about real life. Moreover they will gain respect towards work.

In addition to, any kind of leisure time charity work will prevent from sitting down and doing nothing. There is also possibilities to reduce crime level in the high school age by providing community services compulsory. If students are actively participated in activities, they will not come up with silly ideas which can be dangerous to society or to them. Students can have contacts with people beyond their family, cycle of friends and school. Such activities help them to know others' culture and different environment. Community services can be a step towards building a better and healthy society.

In conclusion, I strongly admire unpaid community service to be part of higher education. However, success of such programme would certainly depends heavily on how it is set up, implemented and the activity options provided. I hope to see this programme to be implemented shortly by join venture of private schools and government.


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Comments for Compulsory Unpaid Community Service

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Apr 28, 2016
Is it 7 ?
by: Mariam

It has been supposed that educationalist should include obligatory unpaid community services in the modern education system. It is agreed that involving young adults in the social activities can be helpful in their socialization process, but it should not be mandatory.

No one would dispute the fact that it is very important that children nurture their spirit and learn how they can be fruitful for the society. Nowadays, human values are becoming pale and education experts are responsible for bringing back the values by putting up social activities, in particular unpaid community services, in curriculum. Inserting such activities would not only influence children's interpersonal skills, but also have a significant impact on the socialization process. They learn how to manage their time and team and improve team working. Support needed.

On the other hand, I strongly believe that this social activities shouldn't be mandatory. Compulsory activities usually do not create enough motivation and guarantee for more activities in the future. Coercion always has been a punitive strategy not incentive. Support needed. Education authorities should put such program in extracurricular not in the main programs which may interfere with their studies. Having flexible program and encouragement policies can grantee to keep on the activity in the future. They should learn that, anywhere anytime, they can be a member of any community service. As an illustration, according to a research in a university people who were active in school charity continue their activities in adulthood.

To conclude, unpaid community service which has a prominent role to teach life skills should be part of after-school activities and can have a lot of benefits for society and young adults. Using encouragement strategy can make a vow and commitment in adulthood and help to create the philanthropy culture in a society.

Jun 02, 2017
My response on this task - Compulsory Unpaid Community Service Essay
by: Abhay

The topic of introducing free social service in the curriculum of students of high school is often discussed in our society with varying views among students, teachers and parents. While some favour this stance, others oppose it. In my views, it is a good idea to make it mandatory for these students to serve the society selflessly.

People who are against to bring working for community's well-being as a part of activities of high school courses argue that it will waste students' time and efforts, and rather they should concentrate on the subjects such as science to make their career. They can contribute in society's welfare after completion of their education.

In my opinion, if we introduce servicing the society in different ways, such as, making the neighbourhood clean and green, giving training of sports to younger generation, collecting funds for community's betterment and so on in the high school programmes, it will bring students a sense of responsibility towards society for doing the greater good. Moreover, this step will make them grow as good human being. For example, when high school students make their colony clean and green, then there is high probability that they will keep continuing such activities after their schooling too. Hence due to these reasons, it will be a very good stand if such students are made to learn doing service for society for free.

In my final analysis, we must make it incumbent on high school students to serve the community. This action will bring healthy change in our society and we will have more responsible citizens.

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Unpaid Community Service Essay

by Arsh kumar

Some people believe that unpaid community service should be a compulsory part of a high school programmes (For example working for a charity, improving the neighrbourhood or teching sports to younger children).

To what extent do you agree or disagree.

Working for humanity without getting any salary is a real meaning of humanity, like educate poor people, planting trees, serving food to needy people as well as doing any better work in neighbourhood that's shows good people really exist in todays world, I completely agree with this opinion that it should be a part of high school programe with these type of programes we can even improve our world.

Firstly, working in a charitable orgnization it gives us more exprience about our neighbourhood and people who lives around us For example, team work and helping people now a days students don't have any workout tod o after school they do nothing with their spare time rather than westing it on video games and watching T.V. by sending our students in unpaid orgnization teaches them life skills and they learn team work helping people and including behaviour with older people/children and respect as well.

Secondly, volunteer work does not support your C.V but it teaches you more than that. For example geting Job after completion of school/college qualification you will understand the value of money and spending it in appropriate way rather than westing it on silly things these type of things we should only learn when we first do unpaid work. furthermore we should encourage our youngsters that they learn skills.

In conclusion, my opinion is crystal clear that high school system made it compulsory for students working in community service or unpaid orgnization it will be benificial for students, community as well as for the country.


Please comment on my answer.

Comments for Unpaid Community Service Essay

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Nov 02, 2016
by: Guli

In your first and last paragraphs: the pronoun "it" is not necessary as there should be only one subject in a sentence.

Nov 03, 2016
Subjects in a sentence
by: IELTS buddy

That's not true actually. You can have a number of subjects in one sentence.

The problem with the conclusion is that a full-stop is missing. It should be:

"In conclusion, my opinion is crystal clear that high school system made it compulsory for students working in community service or unpaid organization. It will be beneficial for students, community as well as for the country".

At least I think that is what it is meant to say. The essay has quite a few grammar errors that make it difficult to follow in places.

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IELTS Essay - Doing Unpaid Work

by ynhirye

Some people think that all teenagers should be required to do unpaid work in their free time to help the local community. They believe this would benefit both the individual teenager and society as a whole.

Do you agree or disagree?

These days, some people believe that teenagers should do unpaid work in their spare time for the benefit of society. I strongly agree with this notion that it is necessary to engage them in voluntary work. This essay will discuss the main points with examples.

To begin with, adolescents who take part in unpaid work would be more responsible to the community. When they are involved with other residents then they come to realize the problems that people deal with everyday like poverty, pollution and many more. Moreover, we all have been affected by the current Covid-19 pandemic and a good many people suffer a loss. As revealed by “ The Voice of Vietnam- VOV”, a volunteer who is against the virus and empathize with mental pain that the patients are going through, he always delivers oxygen and food for people who need it the most. For that reason, volunteering makes students the most responsible citizens of the country.

Furthermore, unpaid work can help children expand their social cycle and soft skills. Because when they participate in an unrewarded job, they will meet different types of people, as they learn from each other myriad skills such as leadership, teamwork, communication and handle difficult situations. For instance, a recent search conducted in Japan has revealed that students who had take part in voluntary work can be more sociable, energetic and also respectful to others. Compared with teenagers that do not do unpaid work, they will become more introverted, idle and listless.

On balance, I believe that youngsters should do unpaid work for social work instead of paying. This is because they are able to learn many crucial skills and are more responsible to society.

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