IELTS Computer Delivered Tests + Band Score

How can I improve my fluency in the IELTS speaking test?

by Niharika

How can I improve my fluency? All of my teachers say that I do not have any mistakes in grammar but the fluency. Please suggest me. My test is knocking my door. I am getting upset day by day.

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Oct 17, 2015
How can you improve your fluency
by: Siraj Ali

Well, it depends on you and create an environment through which you can be fluent and get your desired band in IELTS or daily talk to someone may be on skype etc to enhance your fluency. I think it's plays a key role in it that's why I'm fluent in this way and probably you may too but you need to implement this methodology .......

Oct 17, 2015
improve fluency
by: mubeen

my fluency also bad if you any help me to improve it.

Oct 19, 2015
tips to improve your fluency in the IELTS speaking test
by: Anonymous

Hi Niharika
my test is knocking the door as well :). It's on Nov 7th . The examiner tests your ability to use IELTS SKILLS not "how perfect is your English". You should bear this in mind.

I suggest you to do the following:

1-Gather a good deal of topics have been asked in the previous exams

2- Have an idea about contemporary issues. It's not uncommon to discuss topics such as social networking, immigration, global warming and so on

3- Do not memorize sentences for the speaking test and recite them to the examiner. You can learn and memorize a few words for each interesting topic, then you can practice by using them in sentences

4- PRACTICE by recording yourself while you are talking. By this way you can hear your mistakes and correct them, know how much time you have talked, you can notice your speaking speed. You will notice that you are improving and you fluency and confidence are getting better.

Do not freak out. just learn, practice and do your best

wish you best of luck :)

Oct 20, 2015
practice for IELTS speaking fluency
by: bindia agarwal

You can improve your speaking section by practicing in the time limitation structured as per the ielts norms and get it recorded and then keep habit of listening it yourself, this kind of sessions will help you in generating confidence, in addition will aware you about your flaws and strengths.

Oct 21, 2015
How to improve fluency

You can improve your fluency by reading dictionary,writing essays and having conversations in english.Do not memorise,be confident and impress the examiner.All the best!!

Oct 21, 2015
Speaking Partner
by: IELTS buddy

The best way is simply to practice speaking as much as you can.

You can contact other people to practice with here:

Find a speaking partner

Oct 24, 2015
by: Anonymous

Even i spoke and understand english language well, but i did not use it daily as the common language is not an english language,and as of this less used my fluency is not much improve.
what help can i get from IELTS.

Oct 27, 2015
Be more impressive
by: Bob Swan (Reza Hobab)

Hi buddies,when it comes to doing a very good job on the IELTS Speaking Test considering gaining fluency,you may find the following piece of information to your benefit as well as more impressive way to achieve confidence and assure your success in doing the job.

Whatever question you might be asked,it is highly recommended you do nothing but follow the miraculous speech plan as follows.


Here's an Example:

Q: Tell me abit about your personality.

A: AS far as my personality is concerned (TOPIC INTRODUCTION), I am the kind of person who is crazy about helping people out of difficulty (DIRECT ANSWER) since i consider my self to be a practical guy.(SUPPORT OF YOUR ANSWER).

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Will correcting myself again and again while speaking affect my score?

by Hafsa


I am preparing for ielts 10 Oct attempt. I am having trouble with speaking part as I don't have anyone to practice it with. My question is that I tend to rephrase my sentences a lot especially when I get stuck. Will correcting myself again and again while speaking affect my score?

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Sep 25, 2015
Fluency and Coherency in the IELTS Speaking
by: IELTS buddy

Hi Hafsa,

Yes it will.

What you are referring to is your 'fluency and coherency'.

If you keep stopping and correcting yourself then your speaking will keep stopping and starting, meaning that your fluency (the ability to express oneself easily and articulately) will seem weak.

For example, for a band 5 for 'fluency and coherency', the band descriptors say:

Usually maintains flow of speech but uses repetition, self correction and/or slow speech to keep going

So if that is you, you will get limited to a band 5 for that criteria.

I am not sure why you keep rephrasing yourself. Is it because of grammar errors? You do want to avoid too many grammar errors, but there is no point if it is then affecting your fluency.

Fluency is very important as good fluency makes a good impression in the test, so try to avoid your rephrasing unless really necessary.

Good luck

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How can I speak English fluently?

by yaan sinthu

I want to speak English fluently. What can i do?
can you help me?

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Apr 06, 2013
by: Anonymous

This is how I got from 5.0-6.5 within 1 month. It sounds like cheating but it is not and u have to put a huge effort and some money. Believe me, it works!!!!

I hired a private teacher who was American (native) and I paid like 15dollars/hour.

First step, I downloaded a lot of the speaking questions from the website, and asked my teacher to answer the questions (almost 70 questions). I wrote the answers in a book.

Step 2, I memorized all the questions and practiced everyday and used the the recorder to record my speaking (try to remember). On the actual test, if u see the question which is similar with the one that u prepared, don't be nervous, just speak what u used to speak in the same way.

For example, tell me about your favorite activity or tell me about what u do in your free time or tell me about what activity u and your family usually do. See these questions are the same thing, all u have to do is practice and practice.

Plus, remember the good pattern of introduction. For example, When it comes to ......, I would have to say..... or I would like to tell u about .... and I have a couple reasons based on my personal experience.

Aug 14, 2013
speaking with fluency.?
by: Aman

first of all relax yourself and think about something which gives u a piece of mind.

After that be confident while speaking and also be natural. Take less pauses. For this use connectors instead of pause u can say; moreover, besides, in addition, you know what i mean, do u understand me,additionally, so on and if u r making some kind of comparison then use; whereas, however and all.

Must do mirror practice; speak in English with yourself and in a loud voice in front of mirror. do some sort of passive exercise like meditation, and all.

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Did I get an IELTS band 4?

by Shiela

Hello IELTS Buddies,

I think I messed up my IELTS speaking today :( I have so many lapses and repetition of words. The examiner is also a little intimidating. It is bothering me so much.

Do you think it's possible the examiner gave an IELTS score of 4?

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Oct 04, 2016

by: IELTS buddy

It's really impossible to guess a score without hearing your test.

However, from looking at your writing, I'd be surprised if you are as low as a band 4 in your speaking.

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Stammered in IELTS speaking

by manish

I just gave my speaking exam. I got stuck twice where I fumbled due to not being able to find a particular word I was searching for.

Because of this, I stammered during those 2 times and it was quite obvious that I was stuck searching for a word. One was during the 2 min part 2 cue question, and next time was in one part 3 question.

Apart from this, I managed to give detailed answers to all the question.

Can I hope for a 7?

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Mar 31, 2019
Fluency ielts speaking
by: IELTS buddy

You are referring to your fluency in IELTS speaking. However, the IELTS scoring does not work in the way you are suggesting.

You don't get marks deducted for one-off mistakes. The test is marked holistically so the way you speak and any possible issues are looked at throughout the whole test.

So what you did won't stop you getting a 7 but whether you will get a 7 for your fluency will depend on whether you really did have any other issues with it throughout the test.

And all the other criteria also affect your score e.g. grammar and pronunciation.

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