IELTS Computer Delivered Tests + Band Score

How I got a band 8

by Madhuvathani Shakthivel

Hi aspirants,

I'm madhu. I got an overall band 8.

Listening - 8.5
Academic Reading - 8.5
Writing - 7
Speaking - 7.5

I was initially nervous to take up IELTS thinking that i would end up scoring lower bands. But it was a great experience.


The interviewer for the speaking test was an old gentleman who listened patiently to whatever i have to say. I did not practice anything for the speaking test.

The topic given to me was "The Furniture you have at your home". I didn't give him details on what material the furniture was made of or anything since the test was just to assess how you present your ideas. The test went on for 10 mins and i was asked to leave.


The next day was the big day for me. I started my listening test. One very important thing to be remembered while doing the listening test is keenly listen to the sound clip and write all your answers in full form. Do not use short forms for months or any other words (eg: do not write Dec 21, please write December 21st).


For the reading test I found it a bit difficult since i took the academic module. In this section you have 3 passages altogether. The second passage is given and you are asked to match the passage number with appropriate headings. This is something which you have to concentrate on.

Please practice as many tests as possible before you go for the test. You are supposed to match the MOST appropriate heading.


Writing is an important section since it depends on your style and how well you are able to convey your opinion and how effectively you justify your opinion.

All the best people....Wishing you great success in future.

Comments for How I got a band 8

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Jun 08, 2012
Band 8
by: IELTS buddy

Thanks for your comments Madhu.

You have given some useful test tips to help people with the IELTS exam.

Nov 28, 2012
by: JOEL

Hi Madhu,

I just want to ask if it's your first time to take the exam and got the band 8? Because, i know a lot of people tried many times before they can achieve the band score they want. If you nailed it the first time well, it's really good! Congratulations!
Btw, thanks for your advice. I will sit on my IELTs on December 1st.

Apr 16, 2013
by: Robin

Initially congratulation's Madhu and i must say thank to u for this helpful information.

Jul 24, 2014
Got a Band 8 too
by: Harshad

Hi Madhu,

Congratulations! I got my results yesterday and happy to announce I got a Band 8 too. 8.5 each in writing, speaking, and listening; and 6.5 in reading. The last score bummed me - that was in fact the best section for me. Anyhow, 8 is cool. Suits my requirements.

Aug 09, 2014
by: Paul

It contained a good information regarding IELTS test tips and speaking skills.

Sep 19, 2014
I scored band 8
by: Van Heilsing, West Africa

Listening: 8.0
Reading: 9.0
Writing: 6.0
Speaking: 8.0

Overall: 8.0

It is all down to practice..more practice..and even more practice. I used to speak to myself in the bathroom so much my wife was scared i was going crazy lol. result was picked for quality assurance reassessment what ever that means.

Sep 19, 2014
I scored Band 8
by: Anonymous

i got the results today.


overall 8.

For listening I solved Cambridge ielts tests which are easily available on YouTube.

In reading, the passage 1 is the easiest and 3 is the toughest. Try to finished para 1 in 15 min. time so that u have ample time for para 3, which is lengthy. Get ur ideas clear about false / not given.

For writing, practise essays and get it corrected from someone whose English is better than urs. There are so many apps for learning new words. Try to get relevant and simple phrases into essays. Keep the essay limited to 4 paragraphs. Introduction in 3-5 sentences(50 words), 2nd para either for/against the argument(100 words), 3rd par for/against (100 words), and a good conclusion in 50 words. In writing, read the question carefully and complete all the tasks asked from you.

For speaking don't try any accents, speak as if ur conversing with ur friends. Try to pick up good sentences from movies, news, commentaries/ documentaries.

Practise, so that u know ur weaker and strong areas.

Hope this helps....all the best.

Oct 29, 2014
by: Anonymous

Dear All,

I have attempted IELTS twice, as was targeting 7 each in all modules. Both times I missed out on either writing or speaking by half mark. however the over all score is 7.5. Last time I scored 6.5 in Speaking and 7 in writing, this time I scored 7.5 in Speaking and 6.5 in writing. Don't know what do I do to get 7 in each module, can some one suggest some strategy.

Feb 13, 2015
by: Anonymous

I just got my results today.

8.5 average on my first attempt.

8.5 for both speaking and listening.

8 for both writing and reading.

Honestly, I only did one practice for the listening and reading components. I would advice to just calm yourself and not be nervous. Nerves penalise 30% of your potential. Just be yourself and do your best for each component. Also, pray hard after!

Feb 16, 2015
How I got an IELTS band 8
by: Anonymous

Recently took IELTS academic and got a score which surprised me.

I needed the test for my citizenship application and the score they required was around 6 or so. I didn't have time to prepare at all because I had many other exams and literally went to the test without even knowing much about the format, hoping I will manage the required 6 somehow.

Well. ..I got 8.5 overall. 9 in listening and reading and 7.5 in writing and speaking. I had an awful topic in the speaking - it was about news and news reporting and I watch the news once in a blue moon. Had I gotten a food topic, I'd scored 9 probably :)

Be positive about IELTS - if I could do it, so can you

Apr 02, 2015
Ielts remark
by: Tiffany

Hey everyone, I'm a Malaysian girl who just took her ielts test recently. I see a lot of people who are anxious about the ielts test (I totally understand, I was like that too) the first time I took the test my scores were as follows:

Reading 9
listening 8.5
writing 6.5
speaking 7

I decided to go for a remark and my scores were increased, for that which I am eternally grateful
reading and listening the same

writing 7
speaking 8

So my advice for those who didn't achieve the band they wanted, it's worth the remark if you are confident in your fluency. You'll get the money refunded (RM560 in my case) if there is a change of score.

All the best peeps! :)

Apr 10, 2015
Got a band 8 today
by: Abhishek

Sincere thanks to IELTS buddy...

This website has all the information one needs to prepare for IELTS.

I got my results today and delighted to see an 8 :)

Listening - 8.5
Reading - 7.5
Writing - 7
Speaking - 8

Apr 14, 2015
How to get IELTS Band 8 like me? In 4 easy steps
by: Karthi

I got IELTS band 8.5 in recent IELTS test.
Check out easy tips and tricks & questions asked to me in my blog

May 05, 2015
by: Anonymous

Visit she has great tips

I seriously recommend you pay careful attention during the listening and reading comprehension phases. Pay attention while you listen and don't focus on the passage as the tape plays.

My scores were as follows

Listening 7.5
Reading Comprehension 7.5
Writing 7.5
Speaking 8.5

I am certain that my scores are higher, and I will be asked them to recheck my papers. If I score less, it will not matter. The institution I am applying at needs a score of 7 or higher and I scored 8.

I didn't practice much for the test, because I had no time. I only practiced the night before.

During the speaking test, if you feel like you cannot contribute to the topic explain why that's out of your league of understanding. That's still scored.

May 25, 2015
I Scored 9.0 Overall
by: Yasir Abbasi

This is Yasir From Pakistan who Recently Scored
L- 9.0
R- 9.0
W- 9.0
S- 9.0
Overall 9.0 Score.

Jul 11, 2015
So Motivated!
by: Samboocha

Very good and motivated techniques.I really appriciate you.

Thanks for your tips.

Aug 17, 2015
by: Anonymous

I never take an IELTS exam before, but I have been practicing for 2 months now. Whenever I take a mock test at my extra class, I just got 7.0 for both Reading and Listening. I know that Writing and Speaking is my weakness, so I want to get 8.5 for both Reading and Listening.

Pls give me some tips, in details :< Do not tell me to practice bcos I do it everyday. I am always get confused at Head matching and True/False/Not Given. Pls tell me how to get it correctly.

Thanks a lot.

Oct 22, 2015
by: Anonymous

man! it's been so helpful

Nov 28, 2015
Band score 8
by: Jeffrey

I just received my score and had a Band 8 overall.

Reading - 9
Listening - 9
Writing - 7
Speaking 7.5

I was thinking I would score higher on the speaking session. But I couldn't speak for 1-2 minutes on a topic. Didn't have that much to say.

Ps. I only studied once.

Apr 08, 2016
Thank You - got overall 7 band score
by: Nishi

I got band score of 7 in speaking, listening, writing & reading in one week practice through ielts buddy. The materials are awesome and very helpful.
Thank you very much....!!

May 30, 2016
Tips for Speaking
by: Ricardo

Before start the 2min speaking test, you will know the topic and have some time for preparation.

My advice is to think about some related topic, so if you get out of issues, you have another line to explore.

Despite they say you should speak beetween 1.5 and 2 minutes, they expect you speak for at least 2 minutes, so do not mind about being interrupted, keep talking and make sure you cover all topics within the minimum 2 minutes.

Jul 21, 2016
How I got a band 8
by: IELTS friend

Hi there,

I sat for my IELTS exam and got band 8 as follows:


It was my first time of taking the test and I did watch a few youtube videos especially on writing as it was my weak point. I was disappointed with my writing but I must say watching those videos made a huge difference.

Focus on the main trends in task 1 and use as plain english as you can and edit with synonyms later. For task 2 you should write as fast as you can as simply as you can. Paraphrase after you are done (use a pencil in the exam). Have enough water in the test.

For reading skim and scan. I got distracted in listening and didn't answer a few questions so I ended up guessing. The trick is to move onto the next question whenever the recording leaves you behind.

Greetings from Uganda

Jul 23, 2016
No has given the practical tips
by: Anonymous

No one has given practical tips, everyone is trying to behave like a professor here. All the tips have been given already. No body bothers to give his personal experiences like what problems they faced or how they tackle tricky questions..

Aug 04, 2016
7 in each module
by: Anonymous

Hi, I had got 7 in total (reading 7, listening 7, writing and speaking - 6.5), 5 and half years back.

I was in INDIA that time. In NZ from past 5 years.

Now want to get 7 in each component, in order to study further.

Any tips plz....

Aug 13, 2016
IELTS score 8
by: Neri afonso

So basically everyone wants to score an 8 but its really not that hard if you have good basics in English.

That being said, i managed to get an 8 (L8.5, R7.5, W7.0, S8.0).


The reading part will be the trickiest cause in some cases the vocab is hard and you tend to waste a lot of time solving it, but keep in mind there's a clock ticking and those examiners are gonna grab your papers as soon as the time is up, so if you're stuck in a particular para, skip it and move on.

Time management is the key in reading and if you master it you could have a few extra mins to even recheck your answers which is always good but not possible mostly.

There will be one tricky para and that's for sure. So be prepared.

Practice online, download material, keep a timer and solve them. Improve on your mistakes and keep practicing until your confident that you can score a 8 on any article in the reading section.

Oh and ielts is way wayyyy easier then toefl, cause I've taken both and scored a 89 in toefl. So u can see the level of toughness.


I aced the speaking section, could be cause i have good command over the language but i feel its more about logical reasoning as well, so when asked a question think carefully and answer, remember you don't have to use jargon words but simple and effective English and keeping it simple is hard for many people but trust me if you do you will get a good score.


As for listening, it's the easiest. Just be sure to focus your entire concentration on that sound clip during the exam. Don't bother to look at your partners next to you, the examiners moving around you except the clock.

If you get distracted your gonna miss out on an answer and its gonna cost you, furthermore u might panic that you've missed an answer and miss a few more.

So concentrate on the audio clips and be sure to have gone through the question in the few extra mins you have before the clip is played, it helped me.


Now for the part everyone hates, writing. It's all about your vocab and grammar, but if ur finding it hard just keep it simple, no complex terms again, just use logical reasoning and answer the question, no extra BS.

So before the exam it's gonna be a very tense atmosphere and your gonna be like damn look at that dude i bet he's good at English, don't do that, believe in yourself, keep calm and concentrate on your exam, you've paid a lot of money for it, you've prepared, you will do well.

If you're still not confident about scoring well, keep practicing. There's nothing that can't be mastered with a lot of practice.

P.S forgive my language here, typing on my phone is never easy and i make mistakes.

Good luck folks!!

Aug 13, 2016
thanks Neri
by: Anonymous

Thanks Neri for giving us tips and motivation.

I was crying before I read your post. Today I just scored 28 in reading while practicing. My test is on 20 Aug. I am so tense.

Sep 12, 2016
by: Abdurashid


Now I'm going to take IELTS exam, but my result is not good especially reading and writing.

IF you will help me with this problems. THANKS!!!

Sep 12, 2016
Fanyastic boy
by: Anonymous

CAN you take from me online test?

Sep 22, 2016
help me plz
by: komalgrewal

Hello friends. My name is komalgrewal plz help me how can i get higher scoring in ielts test. Please tell me tips to improve my ielts skills

Oct 07, 2016
High score
by: Dolly

I recently had my ielts but I scored 6 only. I need 7. Please help me to score more. Suggest good sites to score more than 7.

Oct 07, 2016
by: Anonymous

This is navjot from india... I scored 7.5 overall but only 6 in reading... And 8 in listening 😊

Oct 10, 2016
by: Ssiva


Oct 18, 2016
Good Luck!
by: Anonymous

Listening: 9
Reading: 8.5
Writing: 6
Speaking: 8.5

Overall: 8

My writing score is pretty low and now that I'm applying for UCAS I'm worried that it might hold me back.

UCL asks for 7.0 minimum in each criteria and King's wants 6.5 if I'm not mistaken. I think writing is considered as the most influential among the four and I regret not trying harder to achieve a higher mark.

So anyone who is about to take IELTS, don't take writing lightly, pay attention to your vocabulary and actually make sure that your sentences make sense xD

Nov 16, 2016
problem with reading
by: jasneet

I have a very huge problem with reading please give me a solution.

Dec 02, 2016
Ielts score 8
by: Archita anand

Speaking -8
Listening -9
Reading -8.5
Writing -6.5

Overall -8

First attempt and no coaching.

Dec 12, 2016
Thanks a lot!
by: Thathsarani

Thank you very much ielts buddy for giving these kinds of stuff to help ielts exam candidates, this is a very useful site and easy to use too.

I'm still following an ielts class and self studying these days. I'm planning to sit for the exam in March or April. I'm trying to do this by my best and again thanks for your great help.

I'll sit for the exam and once I get my results I will post.

And also all the best for all the exam candidates!

Dec 12, 2016
help me plz
by: jasneet

Hey guys I'm in very much stress because I didn't got bands in reading. Please tell me tips so that I can improve my mistakes 😿.

Plz guys help me

Dec 20, 2016
by: Anonymous

Hello everyone !
Actually i really need any kind of postulation as to reading as well as listening !
Please help me to refine my score
Thanks in advance

Dec 23, 2016
by: Jiten

Thankyou for your tips
hope your tips will help me and others too.

Dec 24, 2016
A guy who went through both academic and general examination.
by: Anonymous

Hey guys. I took the IELTS examination twice. The first time was an academic test which i got a 7.5 overall with every score above 7 or equal. The second time i took the general examination and got an overall of 8 with all above 8 except for a 7 in writing.

I got some advice for those of you who are unaware of the IELTS system.

Firstly, listening is generally easy. All you need is a good listening skill and an average knowledge of English language. For listening practices, i suggest movies without subtitles. It improves your focus on the topics and allows you to develop your sense of hearing.

For reading, Always remember that you won't have time to read the entire paragraphs. Try to find the answer instead of reading everything and figuring the answer from it. If you do manage to finish before the time runs out, you may return to the questions and try to make sure of your answers. For this particular part, practice makes perfect.

For writing, it's a bit tricky. While it is considered to be a topic that you may write whatever you want, there are certain factors that are essential. Firstly, No misspelling. Try to write the words correctly. Grammatical errors are also a big problem for most of the people. Also, try to write in a more formal matter. Use more advanced words but do not try to over-complicate things as that will lead to a negative influence. Always try to cover everything that the topic requires from you and it is a really good improvement to your topic if you put some examples from your own experience. They do not want your opinions in the topic unless asked. So try not to be biased towards a certain criteria. Be fair and be informative. But you may explain your own ideas and thoughts on the matter as well. However, not in the body of the writing.

And for speaking, The best thing you can do is practice. Talk with people and listen. It improves both your speaking and listening skills. Try to answer as complete as possible. Do not fear that it's too much. What they want to hear is you talking fluently and comfortably as if you're actually are completely fluent in English.

Jan 18, 2017
writing and reading help
by: Anonymous

Hi, I wrote the IELTS exam 9 times, I got speaking and listening 6.5/7/7.5 but writing and reading 4.5/5/5.5. How can I get individual 7 with in 20 days. Please help me, how to practice I mean the way of practice and tips please please my next exam on Feb 11...

Feb 04, 2017
Help me to achive 8 band score . Please
by: Vishu

Hello friends, I am a new student. I have just started my IELTS and I want to get 8 bands.

Moreover, I want to complete my graduation in Canada. Thus, I have to learn english perfactly. Can anyone suggest me for best. I need your help. Please, post your suggestions and ideas

Mar 09, 2017
My despair
by: AnonymousAidrous

I took IELTS academic test on February it was my first attempt. I wanted a band 8 however I scored 6.5. It was great despair to me but it reminds me the old saying "when we succeed we party, when we fail we learn from it."

I am planning to sit another time with my utmost preparation. I hope I will score the band I am looking for.

Wish you all the best

Mar 09, 2017
by: Anonymous

Hi, from which institute you had IELTS training?

Apr 05, 2017
About to test
by: Anonymous

Hey guys !

My ielts exam is on 8th of April

Can anyone advice me about the writing and how to prepare for it in a short time?

Thank you!

Apr 06, 2017
by: Anonymous

How can I reach 8 in speaking plz help me

Apr 18, 2017
How I got an IELTS band 8
by: Anonymous

Congratulations Madhu for your score. My score when I gave IELTS last was 7.5 overall. Listening - 7, Speaking 7, Writing - 6.5, Reading 5.5. I am due to give my IELTS now and this time, I have to score 8 in each band. I am wondering how well will I be able to give IELTS this time.

Apr 20, 2017
by: Anonymous

Please how can i practice Reading test for general studies got some information on Academics can you please help

May 24, 2017
tips for writing
by: Anonymous

I feel like I'm pretty good at listening and reading, and a bit more than average in speaking (good at speaking but ideas don't generate properly). But what I fear the most is writing, can anyone please suggest me some tips and idea generation in writing?

p.s.- I have my ielts exam exactly after 1 month, i.e. on 24th of June :)

Aug 16, 2017
7 band
by: Anonymous

I took the exam two weeks ago here are my results

Speaking 7.5
Listening 7
Reading 6.5
Writing 5 the shocker

Don't get scared my previous writing result in in exam I sat for two years ago was 7 in writing.

This time around my punctuations were bad as I was in panic fearing that I was running out of time. FOCUS ON PUNCTUATIOS GUYS!!!

my other mistake is I forgot to throw in some (complex structures) and my handwriting was awful.

Apart from that my essay was colourful and my vocabs were fairly wide.

My requirement was 6.5 as an overall result.

By the way 6.5 is high proficiency in English. What is needed at this stage is

1. More practice and more technique
2. Don't panic relax breathe and solve the questions

If you do that next time around your band scores will Definitely be increased.

A third mistake is concerning my writing band score is that I spent most of the time in task 2 I began with that one and I spent 45 minutes.

When I came to task 1 the one that is based on a picture or a diagram I was in Panic and I didn't know how to deal with it so instead I tried to write as many words as I can racing against time.

Time management is a key here when it comes to the writing section.

Also, you have to Learn more techniques
Relating to converting a diagram into a short essay.

Don't just focus on task 2. Task one is equally important, practice in this one as well.

Good luck y'all

Oct 14, 2017
Overall 8 in first attempt
by: Anonymous

Hello All,

With a few days preparation (was on a field visit and had in total 3 days to prepare), I scored an overall 8 in my first attempt,

Speaking 8.5
Reading 8.5
Writing 7
Listening 7.5

My test result has just been published and would really love to hear your feedback on whether I should reappear or not. A lot of my friends are suggesting that I should take the test again with preparation to improve the scores in listening. Well? One of the reasons behind a poor score in listening was due to lack of practice and I was suffering from severe cold.

Will it be a wise decision? Given I cannot take leave from work and have extensive field visits.

Mar 08, 2018
How I achieve overall 7 bands in IELTS
by: Kiran

Please help me brothers and sisters to achieve 7 bands overall. My disadvantage is that I felt nervous when I give real test and I loose my potential

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