IELTS Computer Delivered Tests + Band Score

IDP or British Council for the IELTS Exam?

by kalyan

Hi friends, this is kalyan from Hyderabad.

I have one doubt. Which one is better to attempt IELTS, IDP or British Council?

Which one is it possible to get an easy and good score?

Comments for IDP or British Council for the IELTS Exam?

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Jan 18, 2013
Choosing an IELTS Test Centre
by: IELTS buddy


That is a common question: Where should I take the IELTS test, IDP or the British Council?

Actually it makes no difference.

Both centres have exactly the same test and the the grading is standardised (i.e. the same) across the world.

The test is produced by Cambridge English Language Assessement (one of the joint owners of the test) and it is sent out to IDP and British Council and any other places that run the test.

If you went to take the test one Saturday in Hyderabad at IDP and your friend went to the British Council on the same day, the test would be identical (of course the examiner chooses the speaking questions so they would vary).

Some people say they took the test in one centre and then took it in another at a later date and their score was different, but that does not mean the marking is different. It's common in any test for a person's score to vary because the content of the test is never going to be exactly the same every week and also a person's approach towards the test and general confidence can change. Ability of course also changes over time.

I'll let other people on the site give their own comments about this as perhaps they have their own experience as candidates.

IELTS buddy

Aug 19, 2013
Idp could be better choice
by: Anonymous

Hi kalyan,
I have heard idp could give u better result

Jan 02, 2014
by: harry

Hey, I have taken the exam in IDP and scored only 6 bands, but after that I have taken in BC and scored 7.5 band.

Now the choice is yours.

Feb 25, 2014
by: manjinder singh

BOTH ARE SAME EXAM British Council & IDP

May 27, 2014
by: ravi

In my opinion both are at same level as it is a standardized exam conducted by Cambridge ESOL univ.

I appeared from B.C and got good bands. So I would say it is good.

But some of my friends appeared from idp and the also achieved good bands.

Jun 06, 2014
Nmc registration query
by: Anonymous


I'm trying to get my nmc registration done in uk
But just a query will it be alright if i choose idp ielts rather than british council??

Pls help

Jul 29, 2014
friends tell me which one is better IDP or B.C ? i am already taken IDP , I got 5 band in IDP. please tell which one is better
by: Anonymous

I am also confused kalyani my friends suggested B.C is best.

Oct 05, 2014
No big Difference
by: Anonymous

It's all about how you are preparing.

IELTS is a common exam conducted by both. Prepare yourself good in each module. Practice a lot.

Follow the strategy in each module, crack it!!!

All the best

Oct 27, 2014
British is far better
by: Piyush

I have taken IELTS test with both bodies and I can assure you that British Council is far better than IDP. Please do not take me the other way. I am not saying this because I got less bands with IDP. It's to do with their administration of the exams in India. In fact, the results for 2 October has been delayed by a month and the same kind of delay occured for 27 September candidates.

This kind of things can definitely ruin your future plans. Even during exams, the conduct of those invigilators was not so professional. No feedback forms given to us.

Go with British council and enjoy their superior treatment for your money.

Jan 22, 2015
Both make money
by: Raj

Hi Guys,

I have taken a test in BC. I got over all 7 but knowing the requirement of getting 7 individually they have reduced .5 for speaking, I got only 6.5 for speaking and all others 7.5 and 7.

They usually cheat people by reducing .5 either for writing or for speaking. These are the two items they can be manipulative. They make huge money out of selling English. We have no other way, so we do it again.



Feb 06, 2015
by: ravi

I take ielts with bc and i got 5 bands 5 listening 5 writing 5 speaking and 4.5 in reading

I want to get 5.5 band so tell me which is best, idp or bc?

Mar 13, 2015
toddler making a comment
by: Anonymous

dear sir or madam it is all about making money . i think i would say if you are giving test for the first time then they will not gives you a band . because they are making themselves greedy .

i will say do not go for british council .

go for idp . trust me you will get good score .

regards :

prince charles .

Mar 23, 2015
British Council vs IDP
by: Anonymous

The NMC (UK Nursing registration board) does not accept IDP IELTS results, only the British Council ones so it is much better to do the IELTS test through British Council.

Apr 14, 2015
BC is much better
by: Anonymous

I gave two tests in idp and in first test i got 5 Band (L-5.5, R,S and w 5); In second test i got 5.5 Band (w-6, R,S,and L 5.5).

But i could not reach on my goal of 6 Bands and after that i gave test of bc and got each and overall 6 Bands With less preparations as compare to idp. so please go with bc without any hesitation.

Apr 17, 2015
IDP or British council
by: Anonymous

For my first test from IDP, I scored 6 in all modules except Reading. Reading alone I got 5.5.

Please suggest me, this time where should I write? IDP or BC?

Apr 27, 2015
IDP or British Council for the IELTS Exam
by: Anonymous

hi friends whatever the test idp or bc doesn't matter if you are capable of english language and practice well definitely you will score good band, no issues friends whichever do ur best. all the best. thanks

May 13, 2015
british council results
by: john


I got my IELTS results today .

Listening 8.5
Reading 7.5
Speaking 7
writing 7

This is my first attempt with british council.
But, I have taken 4 attempts with IDP , They are quite strict in the evaluation :)
Anyways thanks to british council and thier service.

May 15, 2015
experience was not good with IDP
by: Roops

DO NOT choose idp, it was very bad experience for me :(

In british council i hv got

L - 7.5
R - 7.5
W - 6.5
S - 7

and idp

L - 7.6
R - 6.5
W - 5.5
s - 6.5

May 19, 2015
IDP or British Council for the IELTS Exam
by: Anonymous

helo frnz i want to know which one is best idp or Bc ?

May 22, 2015
IDP VS British council
by: Ramakrishnan

British council evaluation is far better than IDP... I have gone through both the tests .. to give you a fair comparison... both the question papers are kinda same but the IDP is kind of stringent in putting the marks.
So I would suggest all to go for British council..

May 22, 2015
dont have trust on bc service
by: Anonymous


I'm really disappointed with BC service. everytime i got 5 band in each modules. today was my result n this was my third time. it should be just ashamed of British service because they are playing with student's life n their future.

our main purpose is to do ielts to get required band n able to go to abroad not be professionalism in english. after go to abroad all student can improve much better. just to make some money you are playing with student's life..

May 22, 2015
Ielts became business
by: Anonymous

I m really disappointed abt idp n bc service both making fool of all student. They don't give the student required band so that they cannot be able to go to abroad n start their career. Have u any idea idp n bc how does student feel bad when they third time get 5 band.. Yes this was third time bc service is really bad.. Bc should banned to hv punjabi lady as examiner bcs punjabi ladies Dnt hv any mercy in their heart.plz it is request only give right to men to take speaking test not any ladies bcs they r very bad in marking..

May 22, 2015
by: Anonymous

I have taken exam in BC and scored very bad band

overall 5 Band.

Even though i did not prepared well,But the score is to difficult to estimate.Plan and Practice well only then, At least we can achieve the minimum band.

Jun 01, 2015
Idp or british
by: Anonymous

Hi guys iam writing for the first time ielts can anyone exactly say me whether british council or idp better???please suggest some links for online tests for practicing ielts

Jun 03, 2015
Choose anyone which available on demand

There is no difference between IDP and BC.

All evaluation processes are same for band score.

Don't be panic or demoralize by choosing anyone, just go for it with good practice you will definitely achieve good score.choice of center doesn't matter if you capable or having good grip on English vocabulary.

Jun 07, 2015
idp vs bc ?
by: Anonymous

idp is not good ... their listening test speed is fast as compared to bc .. and reading module also very tough. therefore, I suggest you please don't fill idp, if your English is not up to the mark, you can't score good ...... And if your English is so so .. go to the bc.

Jun 09, 2015
IDP or British Council
by: IELTS buddy

"their listening test speed is fast as compared to bc .. and reading module also very tough"

This can't be true. If you attend IELTS in the same country / city it will be the same test whichever place you go to. They don't give the different institutes different exam papers.

Jun 14, 2015
worst british council
by: Anonymous

plsss dont go to British Council ....

its my own experience...............better idp get good band...........

Jun 14, 2015
Reply to above
by: Anonymous

Oh have u recently took your test in british council?

Jun 17, 2015
I have given my ielts in IDP for 2 times
by: Anonymous

IDP people are making money of it so pls go with BC

Jun 20, 2015
Both are Same
by: Adarsh Patel

First of all, all modules are same in both the boards. However, from my opinion, it's totally rumours that IDP is bad for taking test...from my view it totally depends on our concentration and hardwork in English...okk

Jun 28, 2015
Highly doubt on IDP evaluation
by: Anonymous

I gave one trial in IDP and got 6 band (overall)
where R-7, L-5.5, S-5.5, W-5.5

I accept, I blew my listening part. But was quite confident about speaking and writing parts.

I must say, They do interfere and down your grades in speaking and writing. Lets see, I am giving another trial next week. And this time if they give me less, I would prefer BC instead.

Jul 10, 2015
by: Anonymous


Jul 16, 2015
It is game of luck
by: Anonymous

I had given exam from idp and I got 6.5, 6 in writing, 5.5 reading, 4.5 speaking from Dehradun. Recently I given British council exam from chd, tomorrow is my result.

Who knows what is written in our destiny, may be I don't get my goal now although I would like to say it's a game of destiny.

Somewhere if luck support you, you get good score according to your requirement or if your luck is failure then all hard work useless because I have seen those pupils who are getting 6.0.

Or 6.5 band even their level is not up to the mark as a result they are studying in New York, Vancouver, Sydney etc

Jul 21, 2015
Hope for the good
by: Anonymous

Hello friends,
I have test tomorrow in IDP..
I'm well prepared. However,all this comments making me so overwhelm that I've started feeling afraid...Pls relax me ....

Jul 21, 2015
all d best
by: Anonymous

all the best for your exam

Jul 25, 2015
by: Anonymous

i have given exam in BC i got band 5 in all

writing ---5.5

when compared to idp in idp listening is so speed and the language is also some what tough to understand where in BC its very easy.....
I wish BC is best to avg people

Jul 27, 2015
Listening difficulty - IDP and BC
by: IELTS buddy

There can't be a difference between these places, or at least not within a country.

The same tests are sent by IELTS to BC and IDP. If you check tests that are done by students on the same day at the same time they will be exactly the same.

Jul 28, 2015
Which one is more better? IDP or BC
by: Anonymous

Actually I have given BC test and I got


But I want to give the exam again .. So please suggest me that in which IDP or BC I should give the exam? I am so much confuse seriously

Jul 29, 2015
Which one is more better? IDP or BC
by: IELTS buddy

As I said it won't make a difference as the tests administered in your town will be exactly the same at IDP and BC.

Of course the examiners are different in the two centres but the test is standardised and they use the same marking criteria so that should not make a difference either.

Aug 04, 2015
No experience in idp and well experience in bc
by: yuvateja

hi friends...
i got 5.5 in ielts for my 2 attempts and tommorow is my result.after my result i post a comment on bc rather than idp

Aug 05, 2015
by: Jatin

I have got results from BC today

L-7.5 r-6.5 W-6 S:5.5

I gave IDP two time and got below score:

L- 7.5 r-5.5 W-7 S:8
L-7 r-5.5 W -7 S :8.5

I dont understand which to trust, given IDP two times I an confident on my speaking skills.

But BC results really disheartend me ..:(.. I want to know how they do checking. I there any way for reevaluation.

Aug 06, 2015
BC is better choice
by: prashant

Please dnt give exam in idp.
Only take dates from british council.
U can achieve good bands in BC.
IDP is only for throughout english medium students....

Aug 08, 2015
Dont Panic
by: Wajahat Ali

Hi Guys!

I went through almost all comments, everyone is posting their opinion and personal experiences. Guys! whether u sit in for IDP or BC, don't be panic! Everything depends, how u perform during exam. I took BC in 2010 without real preparation (No preparations to say the least) still my grades were

W = 7.0
S = 6.0
L = 6.0
R = 5.0

I did well in speaking exam and was surprised to see my grades. My reading was really poor, because i didn't study well enough and i didnt know reading tricks.

This time, i registered for IDP (without any intentions) and the exam is on 29th Aug, 2015. I hope i will perform well this time.

Cheers!!!! guys! dont be panic, just practice and practice!

Aug 11, 2015
Hi wajat
by: Anonymous

Let us know ur results.. do your best

Aug 15, 2015
by: Shahab

To all the candidates who are thinking of submitting IELTS in IDP.


Unfortunately I got 5.5 in IDP after 2 months of studying by every possible mean.
Eventually, they gave me 5.5 which is the minimum to be accepted, in order to get the bachelor degree.

It was such a disappointed moment when I saw that band.

Most of my mates who went to the British Council got 7.0 and 6.5, myself and them are in the same level, because we study together and we know each other well.

So go to British Council and believe me forget about IDP.

Now I'm just filled with regret that I thought about going to IDP!!! >_<

Aug 15, 2015

by: IELTS buddy

Hi Shahab,

It's always tempting to blame the centre or examiner when you do not get the score you need, but it's the same test at both centres, so the differences in band score will be down to ability, not other factors.

Aug 16, 2015
idp exam fdbk
by: Anonymous

hello friends, i have my ielts exam on 19 sept, but in idp. so how do i prepare to get 7. after gone through above comments on idp i m not feeling good. pls guide me.

Aug 16, 2015
Its all about our performance
by: sanket


Dnt be panic for your result.
Its not all about IDP & BC. Its all about our practice & how we peerform during our exam.
So be confident & do ur level best.
All d bst.

Aug 17, 2015
by: Anonymous

i am very much confused please help me which is better idp or bc...

Aug 17, 2015
by: IELTS buddy


It's the same. As Sanket says, your score will depend on your ability.

If you go to a test centre in your town and they have IDP and BC and they run a test at the same time, it will be the same writing, listening and reading tests.

And the examiner doing the speaking and marking the writing and speaking band to the same grading scale.

So don't worry about which you choose. The centres may have different facilities. Maybe you find one centre a more pleasant atmosphere to take the test. So make your choice on that.

Aug 22, 2015
English Language
by: Anonymous

Better to improve your English Language ability in all modules of IELTS instead of blaming IDP or British Council. Both are equal. So Study & Practice hard.

Aug 23, 2015
Regarding personal experience with idp
by: Anonymous

Hi frdz i had given 2 times test of idp ... but not satisfied first time i got 5.5 2nd time 6 .. in writing i got 5 incredible ... i nvr got 5 in my mock tests also ... so its better now i muat try british council

Aug 23, 2015
Given test in bc
by: Anonymous

i have GIVEN TEST IN BC i worked hard i worked very hard in three months

Overall Band 5.0

Listening 6.0
Reading 5.0
Writing 4.0
Speaking 4.5

and this is result in bc i never it would happen in bc now i am trying in IDP

Aug 24, 2015
by: Anonymous


Aug 28, 2015
bad exp with idp
by: poonam

Hii frdz i have given ielts exam 2 times of idp and mot satisfied at all i got 6 overall... now plz suggest me what to do??

Aug 30, 2015
IDP or British Council
by: Anonymous

See, it doesn't matter to give IELTS exam in IDP or in British because these two exams are international standardize test standardize means it have some standard. those people who said that i got good band in BC but not in IDP so i want to say that it's a depends on you that how you prepare and if you give exam in IDP and then in BC so second time in exam you very well know that why i got less band score in first exam so you will prepare for BC and then get good score so that's the reason to get good score in BC or in IDP.

But finally it's standardize test so test paper and recording are same in both of the exam either it's taken by BC or IDP.

Aug 30, 2015
by: Anonymous

I took my test on 29 aug with idp an i felt that it was not a tough one to score.But i have some doubts on speaking module does it`ll be evaluated by the same person or by the other examiners.

Sep 02, 2015
Speaking grade
by: IELTS buddy

The score is given by the examiner who you spoke with.

Sep 03, 2015
one more time
by: Anonymous

I have taken my ielts exam twice in IDP but secured just 5.5...i am really worried with it preparation for the first month preparation for the second time ...but i got 0.5 band less in second attempt...this time i am planning to take it in BC ..HOPING FOR THE BEST...i find listening module is better in BC than in IDP...OTHER MODULES I FIND THE SAME...

Sep 08, 2015
Confused between idp and bc
by: Anonymous

In 2013 I scored overall 6 band in idp now I am thinking to appear with bc but bc dates are not available what should I do rather I go with idp or bc?? Plzz help me

Sep 11, 2015
British Council
by: Anonymous

Hi Guys i have given IDP
I got L5 R 5 W5.5 S6
Do not chose idp they are making money....Think wise before you choose

Sep 12, 2015
Hi guys!
by: Anonymous

Im currently in the UK and will register to nmc but first i need to take ielts. Do i need to take the ielts ukvi or just the b.c ielts academic? Nmc doesnt specify to take ielts ukvi but reading the ielts ukvi it says this is the new ielts accepted in uk. Before i took exam through idp and just has 6.5 in all areas. thank u

Sep 12, 2015
BC over IDP
by: Wajahat

Hi Guys!

Today, 12th Sept, 2015 i received, in General Training, a very disappointing results with overall 6.0 band from IDP. I was expecting overall 7 and at least 6.5 each in Listening, Reading and 7.0-7.5 in writing but the results are very poor.

In 2010 i appeared in BC for Academic module, without any preparations and the results were beyond my expectations. I would personally suggest go for BC.

This time my preparations were not very bad. But again, i would say, very disappointing evaluations. My recent grades are ;

S = 7.0
R = 5.5
W= 5.5
L = 5.5

Sep 13, 2015
by: Anonymous

Hi guys,

I am going to give my exam in october 10th, but i have taken dates with IDP, is that a mistake done by me? Actually before 4 yrs i had given exam in BC and I had got 7 bands in it. This time I am confused by reading at the suggestions given by U all..

Sep 13, 2015
for Mr. confused.
by: Wakahat

Dear friend.

Let us know what happens this time ok. Post ur comment here.

Sep 15, 2015
IDP and BC
by: Mr. AK

Hi Experts,

I already read that there is no much difference between IDP and BC test. But I am still bewilder because last year when I indulged under BC test, the practice book I got was similar to exam I have given, and this time IDP Practice Tests book is totally different and having tough practice tests for general training (specially reading). Hope it won't be like in exam as it is not digestible.

Thank you in advance.

Sep 20, 2015
by: Anonymous

I have exam next week, I am practicing both IDP and BC, coming to reading IDP I am scoring 10 to 13 out of 40, whereas BC, I am scoring 30 to 40.

I feel BC is testing your english skills, IDP is going beyond english, more sort of history knowledge of each word, really struggling with IDP practice tests. you will never be able to judge answers from a given para. even 10 to 12

I sometimes feel, I am guessing answers. Not sure how real tests goes :( btw I am very good at english.

Sep 20, 2015
by: ajay

I took idp exam on 29 Aug. Result was

L. 9
S. 7.5
R. 7
W. 6

Overall 7.5

I tried my level best to achieve good score in each module, but I got 6 in writing. How is this possible to have a huge difference in writing and speaking. I needed 7 in each module. Don't know what to do now..

Sep 21, 2015
It's in ur mind !
by: Sandeep

Both the exams council's i.e., IDP & BC are the same in terms of the marking system and the rest. I think it's totally depends on us how well we are prepared, how confidently we look that the exam and our approach is more important.
By the way if we are well confident of the preparation and doing the exam no one can fail us. I also say there are doing business to some extend with the system to make more money by choosing a person who seems to be a little in prepared or a first timer !

I just say with a confident preparation we could make any God Damn council fail to test us and stop scoring ! Happy preparation and all the best 👍

Sep 21, 2015
by: Wajahat

Sandeep.. beta tu IDP k liye register ho ja pir confidence ka pata chal jaiga..

Sep 22, 2015
idp ??
by: jay

hi guyzzz... i have take date on 8 oct from IDP. let's see what will happen this time.
it's a second attempt for me first time i gave from BC and got a 5 bands overall.
i m confuse after read these all comments that which is batter idp or bc.
i will practice more and try to get maximum bands that i want now i m leaving all things on god and concentrate on my practice

Sep 25, 2015
IDP sucks
by: Ric

Hey guys..
This is my BC score

And the this is my IDP score

I urge everyone to think twice before going for IDP.
IDP is just there for business, if you're looking to achieve a high band score then plz go with British council.

Sep 25, 2015
how to improve writing
by: ajay

@ Ric
what should we do to improve scores for writing
and is there any chances of increase in score in re-evaluation

Sep 27, 2015
by: Anonymous

I had given exams on both the test centers however I feel the BC is better than IDP as IDP is quite stringent in checking.

First time I got band of 6.5 without any preparation in BC.
W - 7
R - 6
S - 7
L - 5.5

I practiced and appeared it in IDP however I am not getting the required score.. 2nd attempt Band 6 and 3rd attempt band 6.

I require Band 8

Next attempt, I will attempt with BC.

I would suggest people to practice more and more, as I know I did less preparation on both attempt.

Go for BC.

Sep 30, 2015
both are same
by: Krishna

IELTS is jointly owned by the British Council, IDP: IELTS Australia and Cambridge English Language Assessment.

So, not much of difference in scores I believe.

Oct 02, 2015
idp or bc
by: shivang

Have got
L 7.5
R 9
W 5.5
S 6.5 in bc...should I try for idp for 6 each

Oct 02, 2015
Different perspective!!
by: Bawash

Hello Mates,

I have read all the comments on this page and i won't ask questions about which one is the best option to go for (BC or IDP) as it would be a never ending debate with no conclusion and it might confuse some test takers.Let's try to evaluate what could be other reasons that can enhance our results at either BC or IDP center (after all we all want good results :) ) I was wondering if some of you could throw some light on the below questions.

Is there any difference between IDP and BC test center environment? (for folks who have taken tests at both the places).

How about headphones quality?

Noise at test center?


Oct 02, 2015
Greediness at Peak
by: Wajahat

None of the bodies would let you get your desired band. You will get 8.0 in 3 modules but 5 in the 4th module to make ur forced resit the exam.

Oct 02, 2015
by: vinay

I wrote in both Idp and BC,every module is similar in Idp and BC, but in BC listening is very easy because u can listen track easily it is very slow.whereas in Idp listening module is too I advise you to go for BC because listening is the only module where u can score.

Idp:L-6 R-6.5 w-5.5 S-6
BC: L-7.5 R-6.5 W-6 S-6.5

Oct 05, 2015
Both are Same
by: Harpreet

Both are same idp or bc
in every city test are same so doesn't matter to take test in idp or bc so don't worry

Oct 05, 2015
Both are Same
by: IELTS buddy

Hi Harpreet,

The debate continues on here, but yes you are correct - the test is exactly the same for BC and IDP if you are in the same city and country so it makes no difference which centre you go to.

Oct 08, 2015
by: Anonymous

In my region I dont find dates of british council for jan 2016,whereas dates of idp available for nov and dec 2015. why is this so? why don't BC have more dates?

Oct 09, 2015
I would say british council
by: Ishani

I also felt its just a myth that thrs difference between BC & idp, bt i personally saw the vast difference in scores... I gave twice in idp i needed 6 each bt first time i got L-6.5 W-6,S-6,R-5.5 thn 2nd time it ws L-6.0W-5.5,S-6,R-7.5 some or the othr way i got 5.5 th i decided last time to gv in british i got my result tdy as L-8.5 W-6.5, S-7, R-7.5 overall 7.5 ... I felt like sudden change how could b possible ...

So i surely suggest british council ..!! 😊

Oct 12, 2015
even i would like to know which would be best to get higher band score
by: Anonymous

i want to get 7 band overall i am planning for ielts academic which would be best to go british council or idp

i am a weak student in english but i heard british council could give better result than idp please suggest.

Oct 12, 2015
Getting confused give clarity British council or idp
by: Sam

Any one suggest which to prefer for very weak English ishani how did u write it test for getting such a high score and what's special in British council but did u apply for academic or general which one to prefer for higher band score without much hard work and which is most lenient I don't mean total lenient but ut writing and reading most lineant

Oct 16, 2015
by: shaju mathew



Oct 16, 2015
My opinion
by: Anonymous

Dear guys don't listen to anyone....I have written both bc and bc I got


after the bc exam I prepared well for one and half month and completed my exam and I got the score overall 7 with


so plz don't see whether it is bc or idp....prepare well and attend the exam with confidence

Oct 19, 2015
Ielts Exam papers
by: Martin Jeba Singh

BC and IDP are the partners of IELTS. But,The owner, organizer, question module creator, its all by Cambridge IELTS ESOL Examiners.

Don't compare by practice tests which is available in the book given by IDP and BC. Its for practice purposes only. Easy and tough are depends on our luck. It varies from date to date. Don't worry.

Be Confident, pray well and practice without nervous. I trust in My saviour Jesus Christ. He will help us by his mercy. Take Care Friends.

Oct 29, 2015
by: Anonymous

Hi frnds,

plz tell me BC vs IDP which one is better.i gave ielts exam from IDP and scored less i got overall 5.5 band. plz suggest me frm where i give ielts exam-british council or idp? plz help me..

Oct 29, 2015
It is really about money
by: Anonymous

I took ielts twice from BC and both the times they gave me 0.5 band less tgan my desired score my writing*!

1st attempt L8,R7,W6.5,S7.5 next attempt L8.5,R7.5,W6.5 and S7.5

All local coaching centres and teacher say they cant find whats wrong in my writing!

Nov 06, 2015
I lost my writing
by: Anonymous

it was my first attempt with British council.


these are my scores .

how can I improve my writing score?
wil it help if I write with the idp?

Nov 13, 2015
by: Amandeep

I HAVE given my exam in BC and I have scored
Writing -5.5
Reading -5.5
Speaking -5.5
Overall -6

My friend has given Ielts from Idp and Scored Ielts bands 7
I think Checking in Idp is good.

Nov 13, 2015
IDP & BC: Money Makers
by: Wajshat

It is very hard to escape from these guys i.e IDP and BC.. very tough to get ur desired score bcoz they never let u get ur goal.

Nov 15, 2015
Bad british council
by: Anonymous

Please guys dont ever fill exam through bc u never ever get required band bcoz examiner check the paper carelessly n play with all student's life..they dnt even read n hv mercy in their heart that some students belong to middle class family n how inportant them to clear the test.

You should be ashamed of yourself just for money you are spoiling students life..just put yourself to their place then you wud hv realized that how it is feel wen everytime you get the same score..after all you proved it that you r too corrupt n no feeling in all of ur heart..everytime students face toughest exams why?..u doing this..we doing ielts means we hv little bit knowledge abt english bt u set the paper tht we r the perfectionist..everytime in reading n listenibg ur level go high n high n marking scheme r too bad in british council.

Bc should banned bcoz bc examiner r too bad in evaluation ..listening speed too fast, reading always puzzling n beyond to ur knowledge..atleast they should be lenient in marking scheme bcoz if students wearing nice outfit in exam it doesn't mean they r rich n u ll play with their future by giving them low score everytime..dnt fill exam in British Council..guys save ur time n money..say no to British Council..

Please set the paper according to students level not according to foreigner level..guys dont ever try british council..listening really bad n speedy n reading too tough will never ever crack the answer bcs vocab is too tough..writing topic just beyond to ur comprehensive n in speaking punjabi lady will never let you speak she just keep questioning n after that ll say ur speakibg test over within 5 min..bc just making money..

Nov 16, 2015
Bad british council
by: IELTS buddy


The exam is difficult if you want to get a high score, but I have to point out that there are a lot of very noticeable grammar errors in your comments.

I know it is frustrating if you can't get the score you need, but your grammar issues are likely to be why you are not getting the score you need, not because of the BC.

And as other people have said, it is the same exam whether you are at BC or IDP.

You need to take steps to improve your English and you will then be in a better position to get the score you need.

Nov 18, 2015
by: Anonymous

I am giving the IELTS for the first time in November itself through IDP as british council slots were full till mar-16.

The practice book which i have received, in that Reading is very difficult to understand...the passages are too big to read and the entire time gets wasted in reading itself..even the paragraph are so similar to each other that u gets confused what could be the answer for this...what coukd be done to bring 6 band in Reading

Nov 18, 2015
In Reply to Bad british council by: Anonymous
by: Anonymous

Hi anonymous,

As someone correctly pointed out, you really need to practice your writing. If you plan to settle in an English speaking country, you need to be able to communicate in English, that is why these testing bodies maintain high standards. In my opinion, you specifically need to work on your grammar, vocabulary, and spelling.

The other thing you said that the examiner doesn't have mercy in his heart, well he will not know about your financial background (rich or poor) for sure. The examiner is paid to do his job, he really doesn't have anything against you. If you apply yourself, you are bound to score well.

Regarding the test administering facilities - I think that both should be the same, as examiners are trained by using the same training material and standards. Moreover the question bank from where the questions are picked is the same for both IDP and British Council.

The only major difference is that the BC sends your scores to 5 academic institutions for no additional cost, whereas you need to pay something to the IDP for doing the same. I am not sure of the reason why this is, but someone can throw some light on this issue.

I am planning to take my exam from an IDP center in India on the 21st of November.

I wish you all luck for your preparation and hope you achieve whatever band you aspire.


Nov 22, 2015
There is difference in IDP & BC Exams
by: Anonymous

I did IELTS in both, I found the test pattern is easier in BC, But in IDP it is very tough, If you are trying to do IELTS general training then do it in British Council

Nov 24, 2015
British Council
by: Alex

I had the same confusion like most of you all whether to go for IDP or British. I had once appeared for IDP, so this time i thought to give a try to british. And I am happy for the choice I made.

I found british had a balance of both professionalism and convenience. British does have better administration compare to its counterpart, IDP. The examiners and supervisors were much friendly and had an understanding of the requirements of a candidate. They make the candidates relaxed and this helps a lot to perform in the exam as everyone feel nervous in the exams.

Additionally the speaking examiners try their best to help the candidate perform and relax and make it feel as a conversation and they increase your confidence as well as nod their head and have a smile on their face which make you feel comfortable and less stressed while speaking as the test progresses. Tests at British is like flowing water and goes smooth without any nervousness and you can expect good support staff while you sit for your exam.

These all things were missing while I appeared for IDP and trust me I did got 7.5 bands at IDP and the opinion is not biased at all.

It is strictly on the hospitality and the behavior of the administration and examiners at both the centres.

Nov 26, 2015
which to prefer for higher band score please share ur recent results
by: Anonymous

I am weak in English which to prefer so i get 7 band or more in academic ielts i am confident in speaking but very poor in writing and reading some what good in listening i prefer to take test at idp because British council slots are not available can any one share their scores of idp ielts academic who achieved higher score with with less effort

Nov 27, 2015
which to prefer for higher band score please share ur recent results
by: IELTS buddy

Hi Anonymous,

There is no point in trying to find a centre that you think is going to give you a higher score so you can get a 7.

Your comment was very difficult to read or follow so your level of English, as you say, is very weak.

Sorry but you are not going to get a 7 at the moment and you will need a lot more training before you are at that level.

You need to focus on improving your English skills rather than worrying about whether to go to IDP or BC.

Nov 30, 2015
Has IELTS increased the level of difficulty then last year?
by: Kush


I am planning to appear for IELTS through IDP at Ahmedabad, INDIA on 12th December 2015. I have received a book from IDP and going through the practice tests, it appears like IELTS listening is toughest of all the section. I can hardly score 6.5.

I had appeared for IELTS earlier (21 Sep 2013) and got a band score of 7.5 in Listening, R-7.0, W-5.5, S-6.0, overall 6.5. Can you please,provide me tips to tackle this difficulty. I am looking for and overall band score of 7 with no sub-score less than 6.0


Dec 01, 2015
ielts format
by: Anonymous

does bc ielts and idp ielts recieve the same question paper

Dec 01, 2015
Question Papers
by: IELTS buddy

Yes they do, it's the same

Dec 01, 2015
a little difference
by: Anonymous

Writing and Speaking matter in IDP. where BC is better choice!

Dec 01, 2015
a little difference
by: Anonymous

writing and speaking matter in idp. where BC is better!! but after all the most important is our efforts.

Dec 02, 2015
British council very bad in marking
by: Anonymous

Do not fill exam through british council bcoz examiner r very careless n will never give u required band..just try idp at least they put easy exam n r lenient in marking n also u will clear in first attempt n ur money will be saved . .british council just waste money n time of students.

Dec 06, 2015
by: Anonymous

I just finished the exam on dec 3 here in Makati Philippines. I observed that the examiner here from idp is rude. I know that i did not perform well in speaking test during that time but to shut the door on my back after the exam is a kind of rudeness. I am thinking now if i should write to the management and report that examiner. Management should not allow that kind of attitude to examinee. It is very dissapointing and discouraging.

Dec 06, 2015
British Council is way better
by: Sexy Potato

I've taken the test with bc and I've got pretty good band (6.5) for my writing although I didn't manage to finish section two in time (probably only wrote about 180 characters) but they didn't minus much band from my score.

Besides that, the examiner for speaking test was kind and very helpful compared to examiner from idp. By kind I mean the examiner makes you feel comfortable and appreciated unlike the one from idp, hostile and unfriendly.

P/s the stationaries provide by bc is of higher quality than idp. Idp gave me used pencils and pen and it was of inferior quality

Dec 10, 2015
by: Anonymous

I gave my IELTS on 21 November and i got my results on 4 december. My university deadline to send the official score was 31st december and i didn't receive the hard copy of the result till 20december and the procedure to send the official report even after paying 1250 rupees per university which is apparently "fast track" takes minimum 14 days to process.
People who gave it through IDP received their hard copy of the result the very next day.

Dec 16, 2015
If your score is 6.0 in British Council then 5.0 or 5.5 is your score from IDP's evaluation.
by: Anonymous

Though many have suggested me to choose British Council over IDP, I didn't care that much regarding the evaluation but realised after giving test through IDP.

I have scored (6.0) which I have expected (6.5) for sure. I haven't guessed my score blindly but did after undergoing a series of lot of practice and evaluation. My friend who scored almost same as me gave his exam through British Council scored (6.5).

If you get 5.5 in British Council then you would score 5.0 in IDP. IDP too strict evaluation !

Dec 18, 2015
by: Anonymous

Close your eyes, go with British Council. I HAVE EXPERIENCE OF BOTH THE TESTS. I found all the evaluation of BC more realistic than IDP. I think IDP is not serious in checking papers. GO WITH BC.

Dec 18, 2015
Bad british council
by: Anonymous

Hello guys

As u wrote abt my comments n said that my grammer is not correct..I do not need to prove anyone that how is my grammer n english..that time I was in pain n hurt n i do not check when i post any comments or do blogging but in exams I do not do this. .

hope when again n again u get the same band then it will give u pain..L 6 R 4.5 W 6 S 6....everytime I get the same score..yes I m poor in reading but not all three modules..I spent 80,000 in ielts gave 4 time test n every time british council give me bad score ..

only men have mercy in their heart n I remembered when one man gave me 6.5 in speaking bt in rest of modules 5.5 n in reading 4..I faced three ladies who was punjabi n some gave me 5 n some 5.5 in speaking even I did so well ..

my all teachers cannot be wrong about me they told my speaking is good n natural..yes my weak point is that I cannot cram anything I do it all with my understanding. ...

so it is my request to u british council stop playing with students life ok

Dec 19, 2015
Go to British Council
by: Anonymous

Hey guys, just go with British council. At least they understand and follow the criteria for marking examinee papers.

Dec 20, 2015
Go with BC
by: Anonymous

please go with BC .. since i have attend in both BC and IDP ... BC seems best....

Dec 29, 2015
Work Hard
by: Vijender

Hello everyone !

I have recently given my IELTS exam from BC wherein I scored less in reading section in compare to others, which is justified as Reading Section is a stumbling block for me.

Moreover i have started to be more focused with my area of improvement rather than which institution (BC or IDP) is the best.

Having read all above comments I am mesmerised with IELTS BUDDY's comments and suggestions as it is lombastic situation to castigate the pattern of exam or the sound track speed in listening section as both are set by IELTS.

Therefore I would paragon to all folks to be more focused on preparation rather selection of institution to bring prolific changes in your career.

Dec 31, 2015
by: Anonymous

No Need To Give IELTS.. JUST ENJOY....

Jan 04, 2016
Worst bc n idp
by: Anonymous

Hey guys

Do not waste ur money to give stupid ielts test bcs both centre became greedy they will never give u required band n also bad in marking..

bc is worst than idp..if you ever fill the re-evaluation then they will just eat your money..many students wasted their money n time to fill the re-evaluation n got poor result.

bc examiners r heartless they cannot give just one band so that your score will be good n u can easily apply..shame on u bc..students r giving exams n filling re-evaluation n what u all doing just enjoying their money n making yourself rich.

you are playing with your own indian students n people life..u should b ashamed of yourself..

Jan 07, 2016
concerned on ielts uk
by: Anonymous

I applied ielts slot in idp and my exam is on jan 23rd and i want to go canada. My concern is about is there any other exam to go uk and i heard there is an exam with ielts called ielts life skills is that really important to choose..

Jan 08, 2016
IELTS Life Skills
by: IELTS buddy

IELTS Life Skills is just if you are:

1) Applying to UK Visas and Immigration for a ‘family of a settled person’ visa

2) Applying to UK Visas and Immigration for indefinite leave to remain or citizenship

You can read more about it here:

IELTS Life Skills

Jan 11, 2016
by: Anonymous

Hi, I have booked my IELTS on 23rd Jan 2016 through IDP... The comments of all are more confusing. Some are cursing BC and few others IDP... It seems working on our skills matters the most than selection of the institution. I had given IELTS through BC in 2011 for academic and scored 6.5 bands easily. This time I didn't find dates with BC and hence booked for IDP... This time it's for general training purpose as I need it for CANADA PR application purpose.

Hoping for the best !!!

Good luck to all.

Thank you. God bless all of us !! Cheers !

Jan 11, 2016
by: Anonymous

Brother i have also scored 6.5 easily before from BC, but when i gave the exam from IDP later, it was just mad scoring 6. I can guarantee the exam had become more stronger than previous.

Jan 15, 2016
Both format is same in test
by: Anonymous

Helooo frnd....
Me and my bf had the test on same date ie. 19 sep 15
When returning back we discussed the questions and answers - it was all the same.

All the same even listening writing and reading all were same.

No difference sooo choice is urs.... Grab and book ur seat if u get a chance good luck👍

Jan 17, 2016
Both BC and IDP are greedy. You will loose money as i did
by: Anonymous

Now IELTS is just a business and they purposely don't give 7 in speaking and writing as these two sections are in there hand.

I am toastmaster and good orator and also i am a good blogger. I am surprised to get 6.5 in speaking and 6 in English.

They Play with student life and cheat people.

I can challenge the lady who took my speaking test can speak better than me.

Immigration and Education system should not accept IELTS anymore than you would see the real face and every one would get at least 7 in each band.

The whole education system is greedy and care a damn about the future of students. In fact they should write comment on what parameters they have allotted any score. Its not like ok i like this guy i will give 8 and ohh i don't like this guy so you better go and take 5.

Better Do start ups in India and be your own boss rather going and begging jobs on foreign land. Make India a developed country so whole west should trade in Rupees and not in dollars.

Jai Hind.

Feb 02, 2016
go for idp
by: Anonymous

idp is best. as the environment is friendly.

Feb 05, 2016
BC is the best
by: Anonymous

Dear all,

I have gone through all comments and found that BC is better then IDP. Yes, it's true. I am sharing my experience.

I have appeared 2 times at IDP and the scores are below:

1st attempt:

2nd attempt:

both times i have done my best but by knowing requirement for immigration purpose, 0.5 band was reduced even i did my best.

1st attempt at BC:

Now choice is yours.

Even though the exam patterns is exactly same, its better to enroll in BC.

Feb 06, 2016
The reality
by: Rajesh

The best article written to disabuse the myth either IDP or BC is easier than the other one. An interesting read:

IDP or British Council? Which is easier?

Feb 07, 2016
The reality
by: IELTS buddy

Thanks for the link. It's got some really useful information in there, which repeats some of what I and others have said on here - it's the same test at both places.

It's better to spend your time practicing for the test than worrying about which centre to go to.

If someone does better at one test centre than another it is probably simply because they have improved slightly. Or if they do worse it may be because they just didn't do so well in the test that time.

Each test over the weeks is different - different writing questions, readings and listenings so it's quite possible to do slightly worse one time than another.

These can explain things rather than differences in the centres.

Feb 14, 2016
Worst bc n idp
by: Anonymous

Hey guys,

Do not waste ur money n time to fill the ielts exam bcoz british council or idp will not give u required band in first attempt n if u fill again n again exam then it is just waste of money n time

Same like when some students fill the revalution..bcoz ielts became shameful act bc u do with u have any idea how they arrange money n some getting aged bcoz without ielts nobody can go to abroad..just think about their life..when they'll settle n help their parent..

it is very easy to play with people life n spoil their future but it is very difficult to make their life once it is spoiled by u all..

Feb 14, 2016
Ielts or bc
by: Shazm

Guys...Go with the ielts bc ....I'm really amazed to see my result in ielts.. I scored overall 7 in first attempt with 6.5 in S&W and 7.5 in L&R...

However, I believe u don't need to be bothered about idp or bc ...Just practice as much as you can before facing the ielts exam......

Feb 27, 2016
I found IDP better
by: Meet


I gave my first IELTS in British council and received overall 6.0 bands.


After compeleting SAT i gave ielts again in IDP as British councils seats were not available and i had to send my score on an earlier, so without thinking too much i took the ielts date for the next week and received 7.5 overall band(L-8.6,S-7,R-7.5,W-6.5).

i was not believing myself as i didn't prepare much for it and i had decent gap between my 2 ielts(4-5 months). So, here it is what i l personally found out

1) British council are far better in terms of providing services (they got far better staff).

2) British councils difficulty level was somewhat high as compared to that of Idp (i am not saying Idp is too easy but was comparatively somewhat easy in all three modules).

I hope by above example you can figure out that idp giving low bands than British is all myth, I do have 5-6 close friends who find the above comment accurate and have experienced it..

So, stop making excuse that i received low band in Idp and British is better... Both are the same... Its just you would not have performed well in Idp. (there are many minor mistakes we do because of which our bands go down and the thing is we arent aware of it till the end and we keep hoping for our high score which aint gonna show up).

Hope it helped (i am not any genius but an average student) if anyone need any help regarding tips or any simple questions which makes you worried you can ask me on

Thank you

Mar 03, 2016
idp is the best
by: Ansif sheik

Pupils don't go for bc
They are money making business..

I am saying because
I have got overall band in bc 7

But in idp I got overall 8.5
R-8 L-9 S-8.5 W-8.5
So go for idp..

Apr 01, 2016
by: Anonymous

Hi all,

Please do read my comments

I had also appeared for IELTS through IDP and have a very strong feeling that they manipulate scores in your reading and listening section. So i have found that you can send your papers for re-checking which again is a chargeable service. However if your score changes to positive you will get a refund of full amount (only rechecking fees). So if you feel you are confident that your scores will change, you can go for this option.

Apr 02, 2016
by: Ronak Patel

Dear sir,

please give me answer

idp and british difference means idp listening and speaking very hard

British listening and speaking easy

Apr 04, 2016
Avoid IDP in India if possible
by: Ali

Taking IELTS test through IDP and BC should be the same in theory but unfortunately they differ in practice. I gave my IELTS test 3 times through IDP since test dates for IDP are far many than BC's and initially I was under the same impression that both testing agencies are virtually the same. My results are as follows.

1st Test: L-9, R-8.5, W-7, S-6
2nd Test: L-8, R-9, W-7, S-6.5
3rd test: L-8.5, R-9, W-7, S-7

My scores in listening and reading were quite consistent and in-line with my expectations. However, I was expecting a better score in writing as my last writing task went brilliantly (how hard can an essay about the advantages and disadvantages of bicycles be, right?) but alas, I received the same score as before. I was expecting a minimum of 8.

From the above data it is clear that there is something fishy about IDP's evaluation of writing tests. I wonder if they are reading the answer sheets even.

I would like to add that the conditions at IDP's test centre in Hyderabad were appalling. The hall was filled with smoke, there was noise disturbance from the adjoining hall and the AC was not working.

I would have preferred taking my test with BC the third time but as I said before the test dates for BC were unavailable. The waiting time is a minimum of 2 months.

Hence, I would like to suggest to all other candidates to take a lesson from my experience and book a test date with BC instead of IDP. You can thank me later. All the best!

Apr 07, 2016
by: Ale

The one who come to conduct test .. I mean speaking test... I wish to know their speaking score..bcos the one who came for me was aweful.. N he gave me score 6.5. IDP ..

In fact that 50+ old man speaks aweful pathetic English.. If they demand that much value for this..why can't they send someone who really GuD in speaking.. Rather than who says s.....kool for school n sa ca poola for scapula

Apr 12, 2016
Need a good mentor from Pune, Maharashtra
by: Nilesh Hire

Dear Buddy Team,

I am looking for a good mentor from Pune who could aid me to improve at writing skills.

Your help would be highly appreciated.

Thanks in advance.

Apr 19, 2016
bc is better
by: Anonymous

My first attempt in idp:


after 2 week attempt in bc:


Apr 22, 2016
Difference between IDP & British Council
by: Anonymous

Some say IDP has an Australian accent and British Council has UK accent, then the pronunciation in listening will be different or not?

Apr 25, 2016
Difference between IDP & British Council
by: IELTS buddy

As has been mentioned on this thread many times, both centres have exactly the same tests, so you will have the same listening test whether you are at IDP or BC. So accents are the same.

May 08, 2016
weather to give exam with IDP or BC
by: Gautam

Hi frnd's i'm also confused rather to choose idp or bc...all are suggesting me to go with bc ...!! What to do ?? i don't have any tym to waste on choosing any of one..! what to do..suggest me! :(

May 13, 2016
by: Anonymous



May 15, 2016
seeking help
by: Anonymous

Hello i'm appearing for ielts test in idp. Will it be good because I have heard they are giving less bands so please advise me what should I do.

May 18, 2016
Both are money driven
by: Nisha

I have been hearing from a lot of people that IDP or BC are money driven and they don't give you the marks required initially until they make you write at least 3 times. Initially i couldn't believe but my experience says its true...!

May 19, 2016
asking for advise
by: Anonymous

i will book my exam for ielts.. but i don't know which is better in giving higher score wheather idp or bc.. anyone can help please.. thank u

May 19, 2016
Which IELTS Test Centre?
by: IELTS buddy

Just a reminder to read through all the posts.

If you do you will see that it is exactly the same exam each week at British Council and IDP and the examiners use the same grading system to mark.

So it does not make any difference which one you go to.

There is also no conspiracy to give people low scores so they have to take the test again and again.

If you look below there is a link to a site someone posted which explains why some people end up blaming the test rather than their English skills.

You are better to spend your time focusing on practicing for the test rather than worrying about which centre to go to.

Jun 07, 2016
Both Are Same.. Just examiners differ.
by: Ankit

Today I’d like to clarify how IELTS, British Council and IDP are related, because many students and future immigrants were asking me this question "What is the difference between IELTS, IDP and the British Council and who has the easiest exams?".

IELTS was invented by the University of Cambridge, British Council and IDP all together. It so happens that in certain countries the British Council is in charge of IELTS exams and in other countries IDP runs IELTS exams, and then there are countries where both the British Council and IDP offer IELTS exams, which people find confusing and are not sure where to go.

The most important thing for you to know is that the IETS exams are the same worldwide, it doesn’t matter who supervises the test, the British council or IDP. We have seen many times that in two different countries people have got the same questions and topics.

As to scoring, there are two parts of the IELTS exam that are clerically marked – it means that your Answer Sheet is being checked by people who have clear instructions what answers are to be considered correct and incorrect. These two parts are the Reading and Listening tests and for those it doesn’t matter who does the grading.

As for the other two parts, namely Writing and Speaking, it is not that simple. In some countries people are telling me that the exams at IDP are easier than at the British Council, but since the exams are the same, it can only mean one thing – the staff, the examiners who do the grading of Writing and Speaking are giving more favorable marks, compared to staff elsewhere. This is the only explanation I can think of.

Jun 11, 2016
by: Anonymous

Hey I chose IDP its my first time attempt for ielts exam many people suggested me now to take bc date now I'm little confused.

Is it true that IDP is concerned about grammar compared to British Council or does it really give less bands to candidates.....I'm in stress now..

Is their any cancellation policy so that I can cancel my date in IDP and take another date in bc....😥

Jun 13, 2016
Minting money, nothing else!
by: Shruti Sethi

They are making business and minting money. Tell me how many of you, who are quiet sound with your English, have managed to clear the exam in one attempt. I scored 8.5 in all the sections except writing where i scored 6 bands. And I am not able to take that result.

Both the conductors are just doing business and taking advantage of our seriousness for our career and life. If you file a revaluation, one it is very expensive, second I have heard that they get offended and rarely change the result, and third, it takes too long, so that the candidate decides to reappear for the exam to meet deadline.


Jun 16, 2016
exam cancel
by: Anonymous

i have booked my exam through idp. Is there any way to cancel the exam?

Jun 22, 2016
BC is good.
by: Anonymous

Dear friends,

i think British council is more better than idp, we can easily score in BC and idp is little difficult to score.Idp listening test speed is fast as compared to bc .. and reading module also very tough.So I would suggest all to go for British council.

thank you

Jun 24, 2016
BC is good.
by: IELTS buddy

The listening can't be faster and the reading can't be more difficult.

As several have said on here, it is exactly the same test whether you go to BC or IDP. On the day of the exam they have the same listenings and readings.

Jun 26, 2016
ilets confidence level
by: sagar

Hy frnds i just want to say only one thing either you opt idp or BC it is your choice but for both you must require confidence.if u have then u easily crack it.

Jul 03, 2016
by: Anonymous

i think IDP is not good.we should always have a choice in BC ielts to give exam and score good marks.

Jul 08, 2016
bc is better
by: Anonymous

IDP should be sucks...

Jul 17, 2016
Do not ever choose IDP
by: Anonymous12345

Exam wise both are same, but in giving your results in a proper time, IDP is worst, go for BC they provide you results on time. I was supposed get my results on 1 july and now its 17th.. they don't care..

Jul 18, 2016
BC would be better as its fully booked for next 2 months
by: Sandeep

Hello Everybody,

Just wanted to share my experiences as well. I appeared second time for IELTS IDP and got a score of 5.5 in Listening and Reading which made me ineligible for Canada Express Entry. I was issued an Invitation to Apply by the Canada Immigration but due to the fact of lower score my application was refused.

I would suggest everybody to give IELTS through BC as IDP is just making money. You can yourself observe this as there are no test dates available for BC for the next 3 months. It is IDP who have the available test dates in 2weeks. Moreover BC is a charitable institution.


Jul 27, 2016
fake fake fake idp
by: vandana

Hi, I want to say everyone don't choose idp they are fake. I was giving exam first time I got 5 band I took exam second time they give me the same result as last time in each module ... howzz that possible I can't understand

Jul 27, 2016
Fake IDP
by: IELTS buddy

Hi Vandana,

You say you took the IELTS twice and got band 5 in each module both times.

Why is that a problem with IDP? It just sounds like you are a band 5 candidate. The fact you got 5 twice supports that.

Aug 11, 2016
by: varun

i had my IELTS exam on june 18 of this year, my result was supposed to be published on july 1st, but i knew my result only on 10/8/2016. I got a low band of only 6, But i expected 7 or 7.5. so i wanna give a shot at IDP, so please someone guide me whether i should take in BC or IDP.

Aug 12, 2016
don't know what will happen
by: Mohit

I filled my exam in BC and tomorrow is my speaking test was good let's see what will happen tomorrow.

Aug 13, 2016
speaking module
by: Rajdeep

Hello sir,

Yesterday in my speaking I did well in part 1.

In the second part I completed my cue card and after that the examiner asked me if I wanted to speak more and I replied to him that no sir thanks.

And in 3rd part he repeated 2 questions 2 times and his face expressions were not good.

What does it mean?? Does it affect my band score???

Plzzzzz plzzz rply

Aug 15, 2016
Speaking Module
by: IELTS buddy

Hi Rajdeep,

Not sure what that has to do with IDP or British Council!

But anyway, it's really impossible to tell someone how there score may be affected without hearing your test.

You are marked on many things throughout the test as well, you are not graded down for one specific thing like that.

So really you will just have to wait for your result.

Aug 16, 2016
by: Anonymous

i got a 4.5 band in b.c now i am going to write idp after that only i know which is better for ielts.

Aug 18, 2016
Mechanical Process
by: Mark Jarvis

IDP OR British Council

Well, I would like to say that for both authorities, process is damn mechanical especially for Speaking Part. They hardly do any human interaction rather just read from their books....

Also, the mock test booklet provided by IDP is tougher and I am scoring less, when compared to BC mock tests booklet. I scored L-8, R-6, W-6.5, S-7 with British Council

Hope to score 7 in each sections with IDP on August 20th

Aug 19, 2016
fuck idp
by: anu

Never go for idp, its playing with the future of pupils me I had a very bad experience with idp.......seriously BC is far better.....idp sucks......foreigners were the taking test....they were bad too....._|_

Aug 19, 2016
worst idp
by: Anonymous

BC is far better than idp....I scored overall 8.5

Aug 25, 2016
both are equal
by: shreeharsh





Sep 03, 2016
idp ielts the worst
by: Anonymous

Guys, though ielts examiners of idp and bc are trained under same norms of Cambridge university, I felt bc results are much more reasonable than idp scores.

As per my experience idp evaluation is very strict and tough in comparison with bc. So if u need good scores I recommend to appear IELTS test under bc.

I tried 6 times under was really disappointing time even I sent for revaluation for a 0.5 increase in my writing module....but the result was unchanged....from my experience idp is more of business than bc....just to waste our time....i now wasted almost 8 months with idp and I am never gonna try it.

Sep 06, 2016
Selecting BC or IDP
by: Ganesha

I've reviewed all the comments on this page. Talking frankly, I'm gonna toss a coin and tell my mom to select. Trust me, whenever in doubt do that, or see the signs, if your heart tells you to go for BC then go for it, if for IDP then go for IDP.

I will share my result after taking the exam.
  1. Work hard and do not treat IELTS as an exam, just enjoy it.

  2. Read novels, see English movies and serials without using subtitles (don't take this advice in the wrong way :P)

  3. Prepare through materials as well.

  4. The more you stay happy and positive, the less your fear will affect you. I was once so stressed then I realized come on man, this is just an exam, I have to express my views and opinions in English (talking about speaking and writing which I feel is everyone's headache).

  5. Put your focus on expressing your views in writing.

The real exam is to stay confident and trusting your own abilities.

Rest all, leave it to God!

Sep 15, 2016
Bc best
by: Anonymous

Bro frankly speaking Bc is far better than Idp . I gave my first test in Idp they gave me good bands L 7 S 7 W 6 but in reading they gave me only 5 .. Bcz they know with 5 band in reading it is not possible to go good country so they only play with u and they fulfill their banks but Bc is best according to me I got 8.5 no less then 7 😊

Sep 15, 2016
Idp is better
by: Navjot

All have different experiences..... According to me it depends on the luck.... From both the tests students have scored 8 and even 5.... So how can we blame god and your confidence ... All is gonna to be best

Sep 20, 2016
Don't be stupid...
by: Anonymous

There are some seriously retarded comments here.

BC and IDP both own IELTS, and follow exactly the same training and assessment procedures. Exam results are monitored by Cambridge AND variations are investigated internally regularly.

If your English level is crap, you are going to get a crap result. Stop looking for shortcuts - improve your English. Stop blaming Examiners, BC or IDP and start blaming your own laziness and / or stupidity.

Neither institution can change data or fix test results.

Test results vary because performance varies - questions, conditions and performance are all linked... duh!)

Sep 24, 2016
Time Issues
by: Anonymous

hello guys

I just recently took the IELTS in IDP Jeddah and 2 years ago I took the exam with British Council also in Jeddah and I'm sorry to say there are huge differences in the way they conducted the exam.

I prepared for my exam for 3 months and have always timed myself and was able to practice managing my time for my exam.

This time around IDP was conducting the exams, prior to the start of the exam they collected our watches, which I don't really know the reason behind and during the writing test the clock running on the computer, as projected on the board in front of us, was running so fast.

There was an instance during the tests that I looked up and saw there was 14 minutes left, so I told myself I was right on track, then I looked up again there was 6 minutes left and I barely wrote another sentence when I heard the proctor say time is up. I was like 'what?'.

The proctor said there was something wrong with the timer, so I'm just wondering in instances like this, aren't there any contingency plans in place for the rest centers to follow? Losing 5 minutes in the writing test means a lot.

Sep 25, 2016
Time Issues
by: IELTS buddy

If something was wrong with the clock and you had less time than you should have then you need to make an official complaint to either your local IELTS Centre or IELTS itself.

Sep 26, 2016
Listening unexpected to listen
by: Anonymous

I gave General Module paper on 25 September 2016. To my surprise, Listening was extremely unexpected to listen with focus and answer questions swiftly. Other sections, reading and writing very fair to deal with.

Sep 26, 2016
by: Anonymous

IPD IELTS exam, is it useful for canada Express Entry?

Oct 07, 2016
here is your solution
by: Amit

i have given my academic ielts via IDP on 24 September. points to take care of:

1. listening was tough. it was very fast. so i would suggest take proper listening coaching from an Institute like touchstone and do the book of Barron's ielts.

2. reading was tough. not even a single answer was straightforward. it was a huge mindjob for one hour.

3. writing task 1 was challenging. i was able to do it as i had done proper coaching on how to write. same with writing task 2

4. my speaking was taken by an englishman. my advice: remain calm and genuine and speak from your heart. think of examiner as your buddy and not and interviewer. bring this attitude and you'll never get nervous.

conclusion: my score: L7, R7, W6. 5,S7.

Finally: i suggest british council for those who have average english and IDP for those who have high level of english. please take proper coaching of atleast 2 months before giving the exam.

Oct 07, 2016
BC is better than IDP Institution
by: Anonymous

I would like to declare my IDP-ielts academic result
EXAM DATE: 15.07.2016



BC-ielts academic
EXAM DATE: 24.09.2016


Now, you decide...

Oct 21, 2016
positive attitude
by: Kumar

Hi All, even I was confused as you all who are reading this comments & getting confused whether IDP or BRITISH COUNCIL would be better?

I was total confused & was juggling mind set as in what to do, Because it is all about TIME & in fact MONEY too...& finally I made my mind with IDP on the 1 oct 2016 I had my speaking after a weak on the 8 oct I had L/R/W & Got my results on the 13 day which on the 21 Oct 2016 with Band - 6


I did not even go for any class I just depended on YouTube and referred the test modules and had self prepared. And just had positive attitude & rest trusted on faith.

So I would not suggest u which is better but just trust in u and have self as well as be positive.

Good luck.. friends...

Oct 28, 2016
by: Anonymous


Nov 04, 2016
by: Anonymous

Go for idp if u want to pass go for British if u want to score. Idp is best according to its well organised nowadays.
And result is also declared earlier.

Nov 04, 2016
bc is better than idp
by: Anonymous

Hi friends I think British council is better for ielts exam as idp marking is vèry tight.

Nov 05, 2016
Poor quality systems used in IELTS in most centres.
by: Harvinder

I have taken IELTS many times and have noticed their sound systems are of poor quality as the sound echoes or is too fast affecting overall score.

They charge a lot of money but the end product is bad and they enjoy the monopoly and that is what'S keeping the business thriving.

My score in individual tests have varied by 1.5 to 2 band in short span of time. They can't be a worse test than IELTS!

Nov 12, 2016
A flaw and money making
by: Preyansh

i gave examination twice in 2016 over 5 months of gap. My requirement is at least 6.5 in all modules.

i scored 6 in first examination... but after getting trained and analysed by expert and also performing well up to mark in second attempt, i got 6 again.

As if they are making us fool. Reassessment is an option but no use of that as i cant achieve anything from it.

i know my speaking was very good than it was in first attempt but still they gave 6 in it.

yes they are manipulating the result.

i cant say anything about BC

Nov 16, 2016
IELTS IDP vs British Council
by: Anonymous

Can someone tell which one among IDP and British Council has good audio system for listening section?

Nov 16, 2016
audio system for listening section
by: IELTS buddy

There are 100s of test centres around the world and they may well all use different systems so it's not really possible to answer that question.

Dec 02, 2016
Don't go for idp.... Its money making machine
by: Anonymous


All those people going for ielts exam with my personal experience sharing u pls don't go for IDP.

This people are holding exam for making money by giving bad results so that u can go for various attempts and rechecking. Pls don't go for idp it is worse.

Dec 09, 2016
by: Prashanth

i got 4.5 and writing 5...

how can improve the english

Dec 10, 2016
Stop complaining you pathetic fools
by: A.J

All the people complaining are pathetic losers. There might be a profiteering way of doing it by both IDP and BC but that's how they do business to keep their customers happy.

Go for IDP or BC. It doesn't matter. I gave exam oy once through IDP and scored 7. I think it's good enough for my level of preparation.


Dec 12, 2016
BC best in terms of revauation
by: Roh

HI All,

People confused about choosing BC or IDP, I have a good point for you guys.

I gave it via BC for the first time and scored L-7, R-5.5, W-6.5, S-6.5 = total 6.5 but I needed all 7 for Aus immigration.

I have read the terms and conditions of both of the centers and found that the revaluation cost in BC is half its exam fee. And in IDP its equal. That means if you are missing the score marginally you can go for Revaluation for less price in BC.

Also I feel BC exams are conducted in much professional way than IDP.

Dec 16, 2016
Can BC give me a better score
by: Anonymous

Hi friends, I have taken two tests in IDP general.
First test:

L= 8.5
W= 6

Second test


Do you think I will get better score by taking IELTS through BC? I need 7 in each module.

Dec 16, 2016
difference between bc and idp
by: Harmanpreet singh

Can anybody tell me that, Is there is any difference between exam of BC or IDP?

Dec 16, 2016
Can BC give me a better score
by: IELTS buddy

They have exactly the same marking system so it should not make any difference where you go.

Dec 20, 2016
Difference between IDP and BC
by: Shyam


Hope you all know about the difference between Australian English and UK English.

Indians comes under British English category.So its better for Indians who go for BRITISH COUNCIL.

Australian English was little tough for Indians to have fluency. so if you are fluent in Australian English go for IDP.

The exam patterns are same but the reading sections marks level will be different according to your fluency.

so kindly prefer for British Council as we are all having accent of British English.

Dec 22, 2016
by: Anonymous



According to me BC is better because my friend achieved 7.0 bands and she is not so intelligent.

Jan 10, 2017
Which day usually remains as a speaking test
by: Anonymous

Hi Guys,

I would like to ask you, as per trend is there any particular day (per se Monday or friday or tuesday or some other day) that the speaking test falls. I am asking for a british council general training speaking test day in Bangalore. Could anyone say their day of speaking test in bangalore.


It's not possible to say for sure. Usually it is the same say as the test which is Saturday (and some Thursdays) but I know some countries have other days as well, such as China.

But sometimes if there are a lot of candidates the speaking test may be held on a later day.

You really need to speak with your local centre.

IELTS buddy

Jan 11, 2017
BC Better
by: Philanthropist

My IDP results:

L =5.5
R =5.5
W =5.5
S =7.0

BC Result.

L= 6.5
R= 7.0
W= 6.5
S= 6.5

Still not satisfactory but at least i managed to achieeve my goal for qualifying to Express Entry. I would say BC is a bit more lenient and fair.

Jan 11, 2017
Just see my comment
by: Vikash Jangir

Hello guys, what I think is one should work hard and prepare well up to a good level so one doesn't have to fight over which one is better IDP or BC?


Correct! It's exactly the same exam and marking system in both places.

IELTS buddy

Jan 13, 2017
Idp provide headphones or not
by: Anonymous

Does IPD provide headphones in listening test??


I think most centres do now.

IELTS buddy

Jan 15, 2017
by: Anonymous

When I last gave my exam under IDP I scored:

S 6
L 6.5
R 5.5
W 6

Now I gave my under BC I hope for the good result.

Jan 19, 2017
by: simar

Which is best idp or British council? I'm confused 😖

Jan 19, 2017
by: Anonymous

I got:

Total-5 from idp

Jan 23, 2017
by: Anonymous


Jan 25, 2017
by: Anonymous

What was your score under idp?

Feb 08, 2017
by: Anonymous

Hi guys,
This is for the first time I am appearing for IELTS but I am confused. Can u pls suggest me whether to go with BC or IDP? my desired band is 7.5-8.5..pls help

Mar 03, 2017
Enquiry on results
by: Anonymous

Hi, I have earlier given my IELTS through BC and scored overall score 7:

L - 7.5
R - 6
W - 7
S - 7.5

This time I reappeared for the exams through IDP with the hope of getting higher score.

Unfortunately, I got overall 6.5 score.

L - 6
R - 6
W - 6.5
S - 6.5

I am not satisfied with this scoring as my all modules have gone much better than the earlier one.

So, I have decided to go for EOR. My query regarding this is what are the chances of getting scores changed? Do they really re-check the modules on fair grounds or they just give you the same score in order to maintain their credibility? If anyone of you have gone for EOR then please share your experience.


They will properly check it again but it's impossible to say what the chances of it changing are. Some do change some don't, but there are not statistics on how many get changed.

IELTS buddy

Mar 04, 2017
by: Anonymous

I gave my ielts exam 3 times first under idp i got:

Listening 6.5
Writing 6
Speaking 6
Reading 5.5

Overall 6

Then under bc:

Listening 6
Writing 6
Speaking 6
Reading 5.5

Overall 6

And lastly under idp:

Listening 7.5
Writing 6
Reading 6
Speaking 6.5

Overall 6.5

I think idp is better and the rest depends on your luck.

Mar 04, 2017
Better your English, higher your score.
by: Veena Fernandez

I did IDP and I had no problem. I scored reasonably good the first time itself:


After my exam, I figured out the exams given by both the IDP and by BC were identical papers since my friend wrote in BC the very same day.

The truth is, both IDP and BC provide the same IELTS exam from the same exam board. So definitely the different scores by different people reflect on how much English you know.

If you know better English, your score will be high. If your English is poor, your score will be poor.

The scores completely depend on you and how you write the exam. The examiners have nothing to do with how much English you know. So stop blaming the examiners and prepare well for your exam.

No matter where you take your exam, you will be taking the same IELTS exam.

Good luck!

Mar 09, 2017
Listening unexpected to listen
by: Anonymous

I gave IELTS General module exam - British Council on 4th March 2017 at Ludhiana center. Although, I had received 8.5 out of 9 Band in previous exam, however, this time, unexpected listening came which was difficult to understand and answer to the questions. British Council IELTS Listening is unexpected to deal with.

Mar 10, 2017
British Council (ielts)
by: Srishti

Hi guys, please have the impression that BC gives you quality service. I took the exam recently and let me tell you to what extent there was so much mismanagement.

The exam was supposed to start at 1pm however due to lower level of management it started even a little later than 2pm. It's just an English exam but there is lots of anxiousness and nervousness which was increased due to this, plus we all were tired and famished.

Next the result date as usual was given as 13 days after examination day. Icing on the cake was that on the day of declaration of result i was sent a mail that some papers have gone for some quality check and u had signed the T&C that result may take more than 13 days to be revealed in a few cases - i was astonished.

I called up and they gave me a date which was a week later and i waited. That date came as well but no updates. I called up again the lady said after 4pm you will receive a mail. lol again nothing.

They take no responsibility and its so unfair on their part. Some get their results and some have to wait for 6-8 weeks (kidding me bro?).

They released the result for the next date exam not caring about the previous candidates waiting.

May 05, 2017
Bc or idp
by: Anonymous

I have given ielts from both the institute. Paper wise it's exactly the same. No difference at all. I found idp to be better organised as compared to Bc.

Firstly they delayed the exam by almost 1 hr.Then there were technical issues of headphones. They took lots of time for the registration and verification.

That is the reason I found idp to be well organised in terms of timely exams and results.

May 12, 2017
British Council Is Horrible
by: Anonymous

I have had horrible, horrible experience with BC.

Invigilators are so bloody hopeless, they act like hitlers and so damn commanding. one of the invigilators disturbed and harassed me for no damn reason throughout my writing exam as a result i could not focus on my writing exam and scored only 6 band in writing. i got 8 in listng, 7.5 in readng, and 8.5 in speaking.

I am now thinking of suing BC for harassing me in the exam center and I will most likely send them a legal notice for this. Let them taste their own fucking dish. Bloody they are running a circus.


Jun 22, 2017
depends on examination city
by: Anonymous

I've heard from a friend that, it depends on your examination city. If you are choosing a major city, the score will be lower.

Also if there is a craze of BC in your city then go for IDP, and vice versa, as the less demanded council tends to give better results.

Jul 20, 2017
Go with british council!!! It'll totally come out the best for you!!
by: Anonymous

I'd taken my ielts examination with British council, on the test day, I'd experienced great services along with their 'conduct and behavior' because these two elements totally affect a test taker. So, go with British council and enjoy their superior treatment for your money. Besides this, it's up to you to choose between those two. But I strongly recommend to go with British!!!

Aug 12, 2017
Bc beats idp
by: Ajay gubbala

I don't know much about exam content even though I attended both.But deciding factor is administration of exam.

IDP exam I attended at Vijayawada no body is professional, they conduct it like talent test by schools. Utter chaos. First they made us stand in hot sun of Vijayawada. They don't have proper baggage counters and reception, it's a family affair a boy and his father did the job of verifying and taking baggage.

And last minute they informed me my exam room is in another building, so I have to rush for a moment.

Then they provided pencils and erasers of archeology excavations (in such a bad position) I don't even like to touch they are like from garbage bin. So I placed them on the floor under my table, by watching this one staff approached me and ordered to take them out and to place on table, which I ignored being in the middle of exam and he keep on insisting and finally he did it for himself.

To add upon power failure twice in middle of exam so disturbed twice.

I can write whole book on it.They are purely an unprofessional bunch of people. This time I went for British council, they do have lot of rules like IDP but as of their professionalism those rules helped us.

At first instance they verified properly and advised us accordingly, pencils are brand new, no disturbance either by staff or by electricity. No problem at baggage counter. As a whole it's purely professional, that will help you to get high scores.

Truely speaking as far I concerned IDP paper is easy but as of these mismanagement I end up getting less score in IDP than bc.

Aug 20, 2017
DON'T go for British Council
by: Anonymous


The supervisors at British council are very Rude and commanding.

Will Harass you for no reason and I have had a really bad experience with BC.

So I am planning to go for IDP now.


Aug 30, 2017
Idp vs bc
by: Harshit

Not go with bc because they are just making money i got overall 5.5 bands:

Listening 6
Speaking 5
Reading 5.5
Writing 5.5

Idp is much better than bc..

Oct 03, 2017
idp is easy then bc
by: bikram bhathal

Guys ipd means international test and bc means British. I got 4.5 in bc now i take ipd test on 28 oct.

Oct 05, 2017
IDP lacks professionalism
by: Anonymous

Hi! I know this is an old post, but I would like to add my experience.

Recently, I had taken the IELTS exam with IDP, and realized that the invigilators were not only very strict, but also lacked professionalism and management skills. And made the calm students nervous!
A horrid thing to do for students who try to give an exam.
Some of the main invigilators were quite rude.

If anyone could tell me how the listening module is conducted for British Council, I will be extremely grateful. Will we have headphones or will it be played on a speaker?

The Truth.

Oct 29, 2017
IDP/BC Comparism
by: Anonymous

To be honest I have experienced both centers and I can say they follow laid down standards. I think they are not wired to mark down people, you mostly get what you give in.

Though, it's possible you are unlucky to have difficult questions in one centre on a certain day and much easier on another day. It all depends on your preparation and confidence level, coupled with the grace of God.

For me, I did my first two at BC and had L 7.5, S 7.5, W 6.5 and R 8; L 7.5, S 8, W 6.5 and R 8.5.

Recently I opted to do it at IDP because I couldn't get a space at BC on the day I wanted the test. To be candid, I gave myself another 2 months to prepare well and then took at IDP. I got
L 8.5, S 8.5, W 7.5 and R 9. I thank God for it and I would say your level of preparation determines what you get.

All questions at IDP and BC are perceived to be the same luck and grace with lots of preparation play major roles.

Oct 30, 2017
My experience as an IELTS trainer
by: Anonymous

I have seen quite a number of trainees and trainers who have sat the exam throughout my 10 year career.

Well, the fact of the matter is that there would be no difference in terms of scoring in the Reading and Listening modules since it's an objective procedure in this case. However, one can experience a band score difference of up to 1.5 (to your disadvantage of course) in the writing module of IDP centers as, no matter how standardized the testing, the procedure is subjective. The same might apply to speaking as well though. quartz

My fellow trainer, who holds a Ph. D in linguistics with more than 15 years of experience, has managed to get a 9 twice by BC but that seems to be impossible with IDP.

Nov 10, 2017
Sad about replies
by: Anonymous

Today, my BC result was published.....
The score made me too depressed.

Overall I got 5.5

Only for writing they gave me 6.0 & for listening and speaking; 5.5 and for reading 5.0.

I worked really hard to get good score. Unfortunately nothing happened.

IELTS is like a lottery...if you having a luck, definitely u can crack....BC and IDP are nxt I go for IDP/.....pray for me.

Nov 26, 2017
bc zindabad
by: Anonymous

i have taken the ielts nighmare for 4 times...3 for idp and one for british stuck in reading..n scoring 8 in reading ..n 6 in writing..

Nov 26, 2017
PTE easy
by: Anonymous

Go for PTE. I Was struggling to get 6 in IELTS now I got score 83 in PTE. This exam is very easy to score without actually improving our English but to out smart computer. However, speaking is only the one to work and get 79+ score.

Dec 09, 2017
Idp or bc
by: Anonymous

For all the guys who are confused. Let me tell you i have taken academic bc ielts and scored 6.5. Now, 5 years later i registered for idp.

Before receiving the materials from idp i was practising online scoring 7.5 to 8 in online reading tests. I received the idp pract materials today and took 3 practise tests.

I HAVE TO TELL YOU IDP READING SECTION MADE ME SWEAT. I am making 12 to 14 mistakes in reading as compared to bc where i would get 3 to 4 wrong on an average. The idp reading tests in everyway goes much beyond testing your average skills. It is definitely much much advanced than bc.

I will not recomend you to take idp. Such tough papers are not required to judge a person's general speaking ability. I have not taken the test yet but i just feel like crying and i might even cancell my idp plans and go for BC.

IN SHORT BC IS MUCH SMOOTHER AND GENTLE. As i have dealt with both i will beyond any regret ask you all to go for bc. Can some one also tell me if the reading in general ielts at idp will be as tough as the practise tests


The tests for IDP and BC are exactly the same. They use the same tests on the same test day, so it's impossible that they are more difficult.

IELTS buddy

Dec 12, 2017
Idp or bc?
by: Anonymous

Plzz anyone can tell me......i gave my idp test on 25 nov i got only 5.5.....which is better exam idp or b.c....some people ask me when we go idp to b.c they cut our half band when we go to tan idp to idp they increase our .5 bnd...thats right or not

Dec 17, 2017
Mis-match venue and invigilator behavior!!
by: Amar

I am writing this review for my ILTES test taken on 12/16/2017 Hyderabad.

On 12/9/2017, I got an email which said the test venue is in a hotel at Begumpet and after couple of days on 12/11/2017, I again got an email which said that the test venue is changed and will now be at Abids.

On the test day when I got to registration at Abids at 12:30PM they informed me that my test venue is in Begumpet and I need to reach this place within 20 mins, which is about 6 kms away. With no option, I have to drive my bike very fast, risking my life on road to reached Begumpet test venue, where the test already started. I had to start this test without any listening test instructions. I want you people to just visualize this situation before booking your test with BC. After paying fee of 11K you have to go through this which is not at all acceptable!!!

After this un-imagining situation, on the other hand this invigilator name "Kundan" erased my last answer from my reading answer sheet in front of me while collection the answer sheet. Hoo man!!! I don’t know what to call this kind of behavior? So if you are taking test through BC, the invigilator has the right to erase your answers!!! Not sure who has given them this right???? Plzzzz don’t book your test from BC.


I can't explain about the errors over the test centres, but regarding the erasing of an answer, the invigilators will do this if a candidate writes an answer down after they have been told the exam time is up.

IELTS buddy

Dec 29, 2017
very bad results
by: Anonymous

i got my results today from IDP and was so depressing for me. The 4 categories were all easy and i am confident enough to pass the test but surprised me that my obs is 5.5. I was really shocked!

This is my second time around. First was british council my obs was 6.0 it was quiet hard for me but i studied hard for my second take but the more i study hard the more my results went low. So, I decided not to take ielts again, it's time wasting and it's all about money business involved!

Jan 12, 2018
had given 2 times from idp and now opt for british
by: Anonymous

Guyzz i had given 2times through idp firstly i score overall 5.5 then 2nd time i got overall 6 (l-6,R-5.5,w-5.5,s-6) and now opted for british on 1st February’2018. I am really worried this time it will crack or not?

Mar 19, 2018
Idp marking appears doubtful for writing module
by: Anonymous

I have appeared 5 times. Following are the scores.


6, 8, 7.5, 8 (bc)
7.5, 6.5, 7.5, 7.5(bc)
8.5, 7,7. 5, 6.5 (bc)
8.5, 6.5, 7.5, 7.5 (bc)
7.5, 7, 6.5, 8.5 (idp)

If you notice my writing score is always 7.5 through bc which surprisingly went down to 6.5 in my last attempt through idp. Well, that sums it up.

Apr 09, 2018
Re: Idp marking appears doubtful for writing module
by: Anonymous

I think I was wrong when I posted above comment and indicated that my writing score was always 7.5, which went down to 6.5 when I appeared through IDP.

It was a myth and probably I made some mistakes in that particular exam as I appeared again through IDP and achieved band 8.5. I am very confident now that both (bc and idp) are same and it rather depends on how well the questions were answered on the day of the exam.

My sixth attempt scores: LRSW 9, 8.5, 8, 7.5.

Apr 27, 2018
Can idp and British council scores be clubbed together for final evaluation
by: Sonam

Can idp and British council scores be clubbed together

Apr 27, 2018
scores be clubbed together
by: IELTS buddy

That would really be up to the institution or employer you were applying for. You could offer to send them both and they may accept it but it's likely they will want one certificate with the scores on. That's normal practice.

Jun 02, 2018
IDP offer free water, British council no water
by: Anonymous

It could make sense

Jul 06, 2018
Didn't get bands
by: Simranpreet

I took three times test in idp but i didnt cross the mark of 5.5 however, my performnce is too good, what should i do please tell me

Aug 07, 2018
two time attempt in IDP i got only 5 band
by: Anonymous

i two time attempt exam in IDP i got only 5 band but that time my English was so good
so help me third time which stream i should choose for exam because this time i want good marks

Aug 14, 2018
Please suggest
by: Anonymous


My wife gave ielts exam BC on 7/4/18 for canada pr n she got 8,7 , 6, 7 (LRWS) n on revaluation, score changed 8, 7, 6.5, 7.

Now recently, on 28/7/18 she gave another test in BC n got 8.5, 9, 7, 6.5 (LRWS)

Now what to do? Go for a revaluation in speaking? Or go for another test? BC or IDP?

Please suggest

Oct 25, 2018
Idp or BC
by: Yogitabaali

Hey please suggest me idp is best or B.c because i have only 5 bands in idp exam?

Dec 03, 2018
IDP Vs British Council
by: smartblogger

IELTS exam is conducted by IDP and British Council which are both same and I had given exam in both of them, i found:

1. exam procedure is almost same in both of them

2. the exam is conducted by both the bodies on the same day of the month and even with same timing

3. important thing is they both have the same questions on the same day

4. they even use the same OMR sheets and same writing papers on which we have printed symbols of both IDP and BC.

6. I didn't like the management procedure at IDP compared to BC

Feb 22, 2019
by: Ganta

I wrote in BC two times
Each I got same score and especially speaking 5.5 for the second time I prepared well and I improved a lot but they didn't gave good score
They are doing for money

Apr 25, 2019
by: Anonymous

I would say never go for BC!! I have written the exam 3 times till date.. My second exam was on 13th october result was to be declared on 26th of october and yet today, on 26th april i am still waiting for my result to come. It has been more than six months and no trace of it. everytime i try contacting them, all i get is a automated e mail.Apart from that BC also has some serious issues with administration, all the three times i wrote, my exam was conducted 1 hour late, not only that there was power cut during the exam as well.

Oct 03, 2019
Overall 7+ from computer-based IDP from Australia
by: Anonymous

It there anyone who got overall 7+ from computer-based IDP from Australia? If yes, after how many attempts? Please guide how did you do that?
What is your first language and home country?

Will appreciate your true sincere reply. Thanks

Nov 20, 2019
Which one is better IDP or BC
by: Kartik

Last month I had taken my IELTS exam from IDP and got 6 bands overall


Now I am thinking to take my IELTS exam from BC is it fine?

Nov 21, 2019
Which one is better IDP or BC
by: IELTS buddy

It won't make any difference where you take it as it will be the same test with the same marking criteria. You will get a different examiner but even if you retake the test at IDP you'll probably end up with a different examiner to last time.

Dec 21, 2020

This question comes to every person’s mind who is in process of taking an IELTS exam.

IELTS exam has been joint effort of British Council, IDP and Cambridge assessment English so it does not make a difference whether you appear for the test by booking through IDP or by booking through British Council because no matter what, from which ever institute you book the exam the exam will be same and there will not be any difference in the difficulty level of the exam.

People have a doubt in their minds that sometimes, the British Council exam is easier sometimes they have a feeling that the IDP exam might be easier, but in reality it does not make a difference that from which institute a person books the exam.

It is rumored that people have a feeling or people are being told that one of the exam might be easier than the other be it, British Council or IDP, but the main reason behind this is that British Council and IDP have the referral agents for exam bookings, so whenever somebody books an exam through the referral agents (Referral agents are the mostly the coaching institutes) they get a certain portion of the exam fee as commission to refer the candidates and that is why they spread the news that if you book exam doe a particular institute, their marking will be easier, and the same is the pattern followed by the other Institute’s referral agents, but in reality it does not make a difference that from which Institute your book for the exam, the difficulty level remains the same because British council and IDP are not making the separate exams. The exam is is jointly owned by three Institutes IDP, British Council and Cambridge assessment English.

However, there is one difference which people should be taking care of while booking the exam, that is what facilities are available at a particular centre. Different test centers are associated with different conducting organizations so it’s possible that at certain locations one of the centre might not be offering headphones and the other centre might be offering. For example in Canada most British Council centers offer headphones and for the IDP centre they do not have headphones at most of test locations in British Columbia, as in December 2020.

So, do not worry, prepare and book the exam and give is confidently. Whichever organization conducts the exam, it will not affect your final scores.

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