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IELTS Bar Chart - Science Qualifications

by Nicolo

Science Qualification in Two Countries

Science Qualification in Two Countries

The bar chart illustrates the percentage of science qualifications in Malaysia and Singapore. On the x-axis there are 4 types of qualifications in science, which are as follow: Master's Degree, Bachelor's Degree, School leaving exams and no qualification.

Overall, it can be noticed that in both countries science qualifications hold by people increased.

The percentage of people who held no qualification in Malaysia and Singapore is 65% and 60% respectively. A significant decrease is evident comparing school leaving exams (Singaporinians 30% and about 35% for Malaysians) to no qualification in the same countries. A low percentage of Bachelor's Degree and Master's Degree Is shown in the graph. In Singapore the percentage of people who held a Bachelor is 20%, instead in Malaysia it is the half, that means 10%. On the other hand, the number of Master's Degree gotten are steadily at about 5% both in Malaysia and Singapore. Finally, more than a half of people held no qualification in science.


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Comments for IELTS Bar Chart - Science Qualifications

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Jan 05, 2016
Bar graph
by: Rahi shah

Good job writing tasks are helpful for my ielts test.

Jan 06, 2016
IELTS Bar Chart
by: IELTS buddy


Your description is generally ok and fills the requirements of the task, but you should avoid using 'time' phrases as there is no time frame in this graph.

For example you say:

"Overall, it can be noticed that in both countries science qualifications hold (held) by people increased".

So your overview is in fact incorrect because nothing increased.


"A significant decrease is evident comparing school leaving exams..."

"On the other hand, the number of Master's Degree gotten (awarded, not 'gotten') are steadily at..."

Stick with compare and contrast language if there is no time frame.

But apart from that you are approaching your analysis in the right way - introducing the graph, providing an overview, and describing the main trends whilst ensuring you make comparisons and contrasts.

Jan 07, 2016
by: Anonymous

about 7.

Jul 19, 2017
please give feedback and band score
by: Jitendra

The bar chart compares the proportions of the people of Singapore and Malaysia who hold qualification in science at various levels of education.

It seems from this bar diagram that both countries are roughly similar in terms of the number of their citizens having qualification in science at different academic levels except the number of bachelors in science degree who are more in Singapore than Malaysia.

In both countries, the largest percentage of people are those who do not have any qualification in sciences with almost similar proportion in Singapore and Malaysia at 60% and about 65% respectively. Similar situation exists for science education up to school level in both countries with Malaysia's having five percent more people in this group than Singapore (30%).

In contrast to this, Singapore has twenty percent of its people holding bachelor degree in science, which is twice of the corresponding proportion of Malaysia. Both countries have only five percent with master's degree in science.

It can be inferred from this bar chart that while Malaysian seems to have slight margin in terms of science education at school level, Singapore has more graduates in science than Malaysia.

Apr 08, 2018
science qualifications
by: Anonymous

A very poor performance. the chart is about comparison and not about changes.

Overview was wrong. Did not mention any trend, or difference.
poor language was used as well. No coherence with in sentences.

Would get marks around 4/5.

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