IELTS Computer Delivered Tests + Band Score

IELTS Result Withheld

IELTS is doing nothing but trying to make money from people like us. Please don't ever opt BC.

I have written IELTS thrice from BC. I gave my exam in October 2018 and for some god-forsaken reason my result was withheld. Today is 27th april, and i am still waiting for the result. When tried to contact, i just get an automated message and No person from IELTS answers my question.

After waiting for 6 long months I also tried going to the centres where exam is being conducted so that i can at least find a person to talk to. But no!! they are least bothered even to address.

After such a long wait, i finally dediced to write exam for the third time and gave it in april 2019, and know what!! i get L=8, R=8, W=6.5, S=7.5. I lose my criteria by 0.5. yet again!

IELTS (BC) is trying to extort money in all possibles ways from students like us. Is is making money either by with-holding results for hell lot of time (7 months in my case and still counting!!) or by not giving the desired score.

I have never seen such an unprofessional and pathetic administration. I have been to 3 different centres for 3 times and all the times my experiences while conducting the exams have been bad!

Comments for IELTS Result Withheld

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Apr 28, 2019
IELTS Result Withheld
by: IELTS buddy

I've never heard of a centre simply not giving someone their result. There has to be a reason for this and they would have to tell you what the reason is.

IELTS results can get withheld because there is some reason to question it. This could be for example if the results don't seem right. Maybe one score was very high but another very low. In this case it is maybe being rechecked / remarked.

Or there could be suspicions over malpractice. There could be suspicions that some kind of cheating took place, such as memorising an answer or suspicions that a different person took the test that who applied for it.

But usually an IELTS Result is withheld just for standard reasons.

But either way you should be kept informed of this. It is possible it could be delayed for a few months but this is unusual. It's usually just a week or so longer than normal.

So if you genuinely have not had your result after all this time you need to make an official complaint and keep contacting them. It sounds unusual though.

As for your recent result, scores can go down by half a band as the tests are never the same so it's possible to do a bit better on one day than another.

If you think an error has been made you can request a remark.

Aug 23, 2019
Bad experience with freaking IELTS organization
by: Anonymous

I have exactly the same issue with suspicious organization like IELTS, they just making money, it's business and nothing else, I did two exams and they witheld my IELTS result. I don't know what can I do to expedite it, because I have deadline and that's why I took the second exam.

Oct 01, 2019
Results have been witheld for quality purpose
by: Anonymous

I am in a similar situation, did not receive any notification till date.
Got to know when i called their head office that is was witheld for quality purpose.
Can someone help?

Oct 03, 2019
IELTS Results have been witheld for quality purpose
by: IELTS buddy

Didn't they give you any more information? Only the head office can tell you what is happening and how long your result may be so you need to talk with them again.

Oct 19, 2019
IELTS Results Withheld
by: Anonymous

My partner took his test on 15th August 2019 and it has been over 2 months now and still no update

Nov 03, 2019
withheld result - Oct 2019
by: Anonymous

The same has happened to me. My result is withheld and I am losing my university offer because of their delay. Does any one know if I can take another test? I mean if I take another test will they withhold it untill the previous result is released?

Nov 06, 2019
withheld result - Oct 2019
by: IELTS buddy

I don't think if you take another test it will have any connection to the delay in your score for this test, unless there is some kind of issue with you yourself e.g. your identity, doubts over cheating.

As noted above, results are usually withheld because they want to check the marks again, perhaps because there was a big discrepancy in some of your scores (which could mean an examiner made an error marking rather than you doing something wrong).

Have you phoned to ask about it? The first thing to do would be to discuss it with them so you can get some kind of clarification.

Nov 17, 2019
IELTS Results
by: Anonymous

My Partner took his Exam on 15th August 2019 and it has been over 3 months now and still no update on this. What should I do in this situation? I am feeling so anxious right now

Mar 18, 2020
Result withheld
by: Anonymous

I am in same boat. I gave my test on 13th Feb 2020 and expected the result on 26th of Feb. Its been over a month and I haven't received my result yet. After reading that results can take more than 6 months, i feel worried.

Mar 19, 2020
Waiting for IELTS result
by: IELTS buddy

You need to contact your centre and ask about it or otherwise there should be some kind of contact from any email correspondence you have.

May 02, 2020
Results delayed due to...
by: Anonymous

friends .. i would like to share that i gave ny ielts test on 13th feb 2020 .. but dint receive my result on 28th feb as expected. i received my result yesterday i.e. on 1st may 2020 and i got L/R/W/S as 8.5/9/7.5/7 and my previous ielts result was L/R/W/S as 8/6/7/7.5 .. so u can see that there was a difference of 3 points in reading.. thats why my result was withheld. so i would like to mention that if your results are withheld , that can be for good reason as well.
all the best.

Mar 12, 2021
IELTS Results withheld
by: Anonymous

I gave my exam on 3 Dec 2020 still waiting for results.. God knows what quality checks they are doing..

Jun 25, 2021
Can one appeal IELTS decision and get Justice?
by: Anonymous

My wife wrote on the 20th May 2021 and her result was withheld initially. After series of mails to them, they sent a mail to her three weeks after to inform her that her result her been permanently withheld. They also gave room for appeal. Does this appeal work?Does anyone have experience on this appeal option? Help a brother in need please.

Jun 26, 2021
Can one appeal IELTS decision and get Justice?
by: IELTS buddy

I think there must be some error here. She paid for the test so I don't think they could just withhold the IELTS result without giving a reason. If they have then you would need to ask for a refund.

Sep 21, 2021
Result witheld permanently
by: Anonymous

My partner took exams on the 10th July 2021 and after 2 months plus some days they sent a mail that the result is held permanently.They kept sending mails, they spelt out that they are investigating, my partner responded in the first mail and never responded again till it was pronounced witheld.
Reason for withheld: Suspicious malpractice from the center or candidate.
Pls can someone advice me if she should go ahead and appeal or go for another test instead of appealing??

Dec 24, 2021
IELTS results withheld
by: Anonymous

I sat for the test on 4th December 2021 and am still waiting for the results. I received an email from British Council that your test results are being investigated and hence withheld. Can someone update how much time it takes?

Sep 16, 2022
Result Investigation withheld
by: Anonymous

This is the mail which I got from them. Now I don’t understand what should I do.

"Strict quality control procedures are in place to protect the integrity and security of the IELTS test. As part of these procedures, test results are routinely analysed by the IELTS Test Partners before they are issued to candidates.

As a result of these procedures, your test scores for the 03/09/2022 have come under scrutiny and are being investigated. Your results are being withheld while this investigation is being conducted. Please note that all investigations are conducted without prejudice by the IELTS Test Partners."

Sep 17, 2022
Result Investigation withheld
by: IELTS buddy

Unfortunately you'll just have to wait for the conclusion of the enquiry.

Sep 23, 2022
Home online test
by: Anonymous

Hi There,

What is the expected time to release the home online test's result, what if it is not released by then?

Feb 20, 2023
Results withheld
by: Anonymous

Hi all, I'm facing same problem written exam on 13 feb 2023 ,When I called to IDP they informed me that my test is under investigation don't know next step. Please comment if face similar experience and tips you followed.

May 02, 2023
Query about IELTS
by: Anonymous

Hello madam

My ielts results is under investigation and it has been more than 1 month.

Is there any chance that my results will be witheld again if I reappeared exam.

May 11, 2023
Query about IELTS
by: IELTS buddy

It's impossible to know that without knowing why it was withheld the first time.

One month seems a long time - I would contact them and ask how long it will be and what the issue is.

Feb 29, 2024
Test score under scrutiny
by: Anonymous

I wrote my IELTS exam both on the 13 and 16 December 2023 I was expecting my results on the 29dec I got a mail on the 30th dec that my results is being withheld and under investigation I have sent them a written statement up till now my results is yet to be release have sent several mail till getting same response please who else wrote same date as me.

Apr 25, 2024
Almost 3 months of investigation.
by: Anonymous

I have done my IELTS test on the 3rd of Feb 2024, after 13 days i received an email saying that my resuts are being withheld for investigation and they needed me to fill a handwritten form with a paragraph that they sent along the email.

Today, 26th April 2024, I called my test center in Malaysia after unimaginable numerous calls asking for updates, all what i hear whenever i call them is "Your results are still withheld under the investigation team and there is no update".

I also asked if i can get a refund they said that i can't until the investigation is over which they absolutely didn't give me a timeline for it, another question i asked is what if i take a new test will i be in the same situation again, they said most possibly because my name in the system shows that my results is withheld.

Can anyone help me on what i should do, im soo frustrated and mad.

Jun 18, 2024
Result withheld
by: Anonymous

I had a exam on 25 may 2024,still i am waiting for my result.Any idea about it?

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IELTS Results Withheld - Quality Control Procedures

by Alexandra


I have recently sat for the IELTS test, Academic, with the following results:

L 8.5
R 8.0
W 5.5
S 8.5

My results were withhold as "as part of the quality control procedures designed to protect the integrity and security of the IELTS test".

The score for the writing was a shocker....

Is there any point in remarking? As I need at least 7.0 for the writing component. It would be highly appreciated if you could share a thought or two!!!!

Does too much data description in Task 1 Academic lead to low scoring?

Regards, A.

Comments for IELTS Results Withheld - Quality Control Procedures

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Feb 05, 2017
IELTS Quality Control Procedures
by: IELTS buddy


I would say in your case given the big difference in the score and the fact that you were actually told they had been withheld for quality control it's pretty definite they have been looked at again so a remark is probably not worth it.

Have you been through all the IELTS writing lessons for Task 1 and 2 on this website? Maybe you did something wrong if you expected much better.

Yes, writing lots and lots of details could reduce your score for Task 1.

You need to show your ability to identify the the key changes or key points rather than just describing everything you see.

That's why you need to make sure you have gone through the lessons on this site.

But it's not possible to know whether you did anything to cause this or, if you did, to what extent it may have affected your score without seeing your actual answer.

Feb 27, 2017
results are not released
by: Anonymous

Hi, Ielts buddy, my IELTS UKVI results are supposed to be announced on 24th February 2017, but I got a mail saying that my results are withheld for quality checks and is under some investigation.

what does that mean?
when can I expect my results?

Please help me

Thank you

Mar 02, 2017
results are not released
by: IELTS buddy


I'm really not sure how long it could be as it will vary for everybody.

I would call and check with your centre.

Nov 18, 2021
Ielts indicator results withheld
by: Anonymous

They said "A decision has been therefore made not to issue the result" and it was also stated that my exam was not taken in good faith although I do believe I didn’t commit any form of malpractice. I would like to know how I can solve that problem?

Nov 24, 2021
Ielts indicator results withheld
by: IELTS buddy

In your message you said "a decision has THEREFORE been made..". That suggests they gave you a reason but you have not stated what it is.

Without that it's difficult to give you advice. You really need to contact them to discuss it if you are unsure why they have withheld your IELTS result.

Feb 07, 2022
Result delayed for quality check
by: Anonymous

My mother wrote the test on 20 Jan 2022 ad we were awaiting the results which was to be released on 4 Feb 2022.

She did not receive any mail regarding the delay and still has not received anything. Only after I called the customer care executive did I come to know of the delay in results due to a quality check.

The last mail that my mother received was regarding the exam date and venue. A mail has been sent to the IELTS IDP official email id too! What should I do? Please help!

Feb 11, 2022
Ielts result withold, exam done on 29th Jan 2022
by: Anonymous

My exam result has been witheld and thus is giving me serious concern.
I had my exam with idp. Have never experience such before now. Reason for withholding was because of quality control or so.

Feb 15, 2022
IELTS Result delayed for quality check
by: IELTS buddy

All you can do is to continue to query it with the customer service people you spoke to or your local IELTS centre where your mother took the test. You need to check how long it may take but they may not know.

Mar 25, 2022
Results for this test is currently not available.
by: Anonymous

I wrote my exam on the 12th of March and the result was to be posted 25th march but after I logged in it shows "Results for this test is currently not available. Please contact your test center for further details." I didn't receive any mail about withheld or anything...
Pls what should I do

Apr 04, 2022
Results for this test is currently not available.
by: IELTS buddy

You need to do what it says then and contact the centre to discuss it and find out why your IELTS result has been withheld.

Apr 26, 2022
Will re taking the exam will also get affected
by: Anonymous

My results are also being withheld and it's been a months and a week. If I re take the test will it gets results be affected by my previous issue.

Jul 05, 2023
Withheld result
by: Anonymous

I wrote my first computer based Ielts on 9th June 2023 and received result in 3days but for second attempt on 16th June as I couldn't get desired bands my result is still withheld and nobody is responding my calls and email ..I contact both test center and IDP Australia but nothing is come up its very disappointing experience

Oct 27, 2023
IELTS withheld result
by: Anonymous

I wrote IELTS exam since on the 10th of June and is over 5 months now without releasing my result still under investigation i have written series of emails to British council still no results yet.

Jan 26, 2024
Withheld result
by: Anonymous

I wrote my ielts on 13th January, and yesterday I got a mail that the result is withheld, I wrote the back yesterday and I learnt that the result might take weeks to months before its released.
What will I do,should I start calling them because what I want to use it for is long o

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Waiting for IELTS results for four months

by Enmr


I've been waiting for ielts results for four months now. I have written to support many times, they always answer the same thing - to wait.

Does anyone have the same problem? I took ielts online in idp. The fact is that I need to retake as soon as possible, where can I take the test so that the results come on time? Is it better to submit a paper version? And how can I get the money back? Thanks

Comments for Waiting for IELTS results for four months

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Apr 14, 2023
Waiting for IELTS results for four months
by: IELTS buddy

I've no idea why it is taking so long. Surely they must give you a reason when you ask them?

The computer test result is normally quicker than the paper result.

If you take the test again I assume you would get your result back as you should do.

I think you need to query further with IELTS about getting your score and what the issue is.

Mar 31, 2024
by: Anonymous

my ielts result is under the investigation. so,how may i reply their return mail? Help me please!.

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