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IELTS Power of the Media Essay

by Trang Dang

Media Essays

Media Essays

Whoever controls the media also controls opinions and attitudes of the people and there is little can be done to rectify this.

To what extend do you agree or disagree?

Since communication technology has developed rapidly, the influence of the media is undeniable. However, there have been questions about how powerful it really is. Many argue that it has the power to control others’ views and attitudes, and little can be done to remedy the problem. From my point of view, I partly disagree with this idea.

On the one hand, it is reasonable that the media governs a number of people in society. Having control over the media means preferred information is selected while disliked information is censored and controllers’ opinions and attitudes could also be added to the news. As low educated people tend to believe most of what they saw, or heard, it is clear that the media has control over these people.

On the other hand, there are many people whose opinions are not affected by the press (or the media). These people are able to omit distortions, and think independently. In my home country, a country where everyone is educated similarly and even forced to think similarly; there are still a range of distinctive views about a controversial issue, apart from the government’s idea. Therefore, it is wrong to say that the media controls people.

There is a huge difference between these two groups of people: the education gap. According to this, may be the only way to reduce the power of the media is education. Higher educated people would not just believe with what they see or hear because they have the ability to think outside of the box.

In conclusion, I am against because even if there are people being controlled by the media, there are still many who have their independent opinions. Therefore, the only solution to this problem is education, as it is the only difference between these groups.


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Jul 04, 2017
Be relentlessly clear
by: Anonymous

I think that getting the ideas across instantly matters; you must be relentlessly clear and waste no time in saying it. If your reader find it hard to grasp the main idea, they will give up trying-and think less of you.
Good luck with IELTS! Cheers!

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Death of Newspapers and Magazines

by Rajan

Some people say that the Internet will soon become the preferred method of delivery of the news and information, causing newspapers and magazines to gradually disappear.

Do you agree or disagree?

In this contemporary world the ethical competition between internet media and printed media is quite visible. Few prefer conventional method of reading while others like digital methods. However, I tend to open that the internet delivered reading will soon prevail amongst the readers.

To begin, paper based media has its own merits. Although these books are heavy to carry and requires lot of care, readers can always make notes and highlights keywords which is not possible in digital media. Another thing is that in this methodology, a reader does not require electricity, internet or any other hardware just the printed media serves the purpose. Also according to a recent study in UK, people reading printed books over digital are more likely to possess better memory than internet readers.

On the other hand, with the growth of smartphones, laptops and other internet supported devices the way of reading and studying has evolved among the readers. The digital media in internet is free of cost with wide range of information, new and articles. Nowadays even the educational institutions have started to move towards digital books and libraries as internet is dominant over the young generation. Besides digital media eliminates the need of paper, which indeed helps the nature. As per a recent survey, in organizations people now prefer digital methods of sharing information as it not only saves paper and nature but is also secured.

To conclude, I would reiterate the fact that internet reading has significantly increased among readers and soon paper based reading will have its place in history.

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Death of the Radio Essay

by Teja

With the development of media online, there is no future for the radio.

To what extend do you agree?

Media online has become increasingly popular these days. While some people believe that radio might disappear soon, however, In my opinion, I totally disagree with the given statement

Although media online is developing rapidly around the world, people living in rural areas may still struggle to access internet coverage. In other words, Media online can only be used if internet signal could reach. For example, a recent survey conducted by JIO stated that there will no Broadband accessibility in rural areas especially during bad weather. Otherwise, radio might remain its function to broadcast information to its audience because it does not depend on the internet coverage for broadcasting even though when bad weather or natural disaster occur. Hence, Net accessibility is totally depends on some factors nevertheless, it is not in the case of radiotelegraph.

Admittedly, while Wifi is not free of charge like radio, poor people cannot afford the price of wifi payments.Furthermore, Radio is a prevalent piece of equipment installed in a car. Most people consider listening to FM will be the ideal idea when driving. Consequently, people can take full advantage of their time and obtaining the latest information, such as news, weather forecast, society, and so forth. For example, a recent survey conducted by FM stated that in the US, 90% of the population chosen FM while going long drives. Moreover, FM broadcasting is accessible to the audience with free of charge On the occasions where people cannot watch TV, read newspaper, to surf the net, they can resort to radiotelegraph. Therefore, even though there is a huge development in technology, the role of radio will never vanish.

To sum up, although the Online technology is developing expansively and almost covers most areas in the world, there exist some issues regarding its signal coverage. By contrast, radio could cover almost all places around the world even in emergency period. Thus, it is evident that there will always be future for radio.

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Death of Newspapers Essay

by Nia Georgieva

Newspapers Essay

Newspapers Essay

In the future, nobody will buy printed newspapers or books because they will be able to read everything they want online without paying.

To what extent do you agree or disagree with this statement?

After some years, people will not anymore face the need of buying books, printed newspapers or magazines, because the online network will be so developed that they could freely be able to read and gather all of the information needed online without paying a penny. I fully agree that in the near future the paper resource of information which is currently the main one, will be replaced by the easier and more convenient online method.

Firstly, printed newspapers and books are no longer up-to-date, nowadays. Due to Corona virus, people have been obliged to stay particularly at their homes, which has led to times more people consuming information from online news, rather than from the traditional paper resources. What’s more is that everyone is aware that the information on the internet is more efficient, as well as better represented and organised. For example, you can find whatever you want on the net just with one click of your mouse and it doesn’t depend on which sphere of life your search concerns. Whilst if your newspaper is about horse riding , but you want to check the newest models of cars on the global market, it’s impossible to do so and then you have to buy another newspaper about cars, meaning few dollars more.

Secondly, the present’s trend in recycling and acting in a more eco-friendly way will for sure reduce the producing of paper, including both books and newspapers, which, on the other hand, will increase their online version demand. For this reason every kind of paper-delivered information will be replaced by information delivered online through our computers and telephones. For instance, one step further of the eco-friendly people’s mind could be the usage of online students books saved in pdf format, instead of the commonly spread paper books. Not only this, but the fact that almost every school this year is working online, with students attending all of their classes through the network , gives us a clear need for more online information than the paper-delivered.

In conclusion, I think that if we take the time machine and go into the far future, we shouldn’t be surprised if we see people using the internet as the only source of information, without any kind of need for buying newspapapers which cost money.

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Radio or Television Essay

by jeordge

Some people think that radio is more enjoyable than television.

What is your opinion?

When people are free at home, they like to spend their time using technical products such as mobile, television and radio. There are some people who believe that free time with radio is more interesting than television, but in reality most of the people always prefer television in their leisure time. In my opinion, television is more enjoyable than radio in modern era.

Due to the advanced technology, so many improvements have been made in the television .For example, there are some televisions are available in market which can be connected with mobile, and it gives access to people to watch their episodes and movies in big screen. There are so many games can be played on televisions that can keep the children occupied, and parents can do their household thing in their own time. Other than that access to the internet is also possible with the help of chrome cast, so it makes people job very easy to get information all around the world.

On the second side, some people like to spend time on listening radio because this is a traditional way of gathering information, but in the advanced time there are so many limitations can be found in radio. Radio is very outdated source of entertainment, and there are limited channels available which can be based on the domestic news not internationally. Range problem is also found in radio in the remote areas which disturbs people entertainment. There is no access of internet on the radio, so people cannot find the information outside of their country too.

In conclusion, some people prefer listening radio while they are free, but most of the people always go for television. In my opinion, it would be better for the radio organisations if they make radio more modernised according to the demand of current generation, but it is impossible to make people fully neglected from television.

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Future of Newspapers Essay

by Nia Georgieva

In the future, nobody will buy printed newspapers or books because they will be able to read everything they want online without paying.

To what extend do you agree or disagree with this statement?

After some years, people will not anymore face the need of buying books, printed newspapers or magazines, because the online network will be so developed that they could freely be able to read and gather all of the information needed online without paying a penny. I fully agree that in the near future the paper resource of information which is currently the main one, will be replaced by the easier and more convenient online method.

Firstly, printed newspapers and books are no longer up-to-date, nowadays. Due to Corona virus, people have been obliged to stay particularly at their homes, which has led to times more people consuming information from online news, rather than from the traditional paper resources. What’s more is that everyone is aware that the information on the internet is more efficient, as well as better represented and organised. For example, you can find whatever you want on the net just with one click of your mouse and it doesn’t depend on which sphere of life your search concerns. Whilst if your newspaper is about horse riding , but you want to check the newest models of cars on the global market, it’s impossible to do so and then you have to buy another newspaper about cars, meaning few dollars more.

Secondly, the present’s trend in recycling and acting in a more eco-friendly way will for sure reduce the producing of paper, including both books and newspapers, which, on the other hand, will increase their online version demand. For this reason every kind of paper-delivered information will be replaced by information delivered online through our computers and telephones. For instance, one step further of the eco-friendly people’s mind could be the usage of online students books saved in pdf format, instead of the commonly spread paper books. Not only this, but the fact that almost every school this year is working online, with students attending all of their classes through the network , gives us a clear need for more online information than the paper-delivered.

In conclusion, I think that if we take the time machine and go into the far future, we shouldn’t be surprised if we see people using the internet as the only source of information, without any kind of need for buying newspapapers which cost money.

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