IELTS Computer Delivered Tests + Band Score

Never give in - I finally got an IELTS band 7!

by Shanshui Shanghai

Guys, just to share with you guys the good news that broke out today. :-) yes, I made it i.e. all above 7.

First time: L-7, R-7, S-6.5, w-6
Second time: L-7.5 R-8 S-7.5 W-7

I am relieved from such a big burden that I had been carrying along for months.

I used to feel like 7 in writing was just too tough and jump from 6 to 7 was said to be just too big. I was not encouraged at all but I kept trying and reading forums and got essay corrected online, of course, dollars needed.

My experience is that first thing first, make grammatical mistakes as less as possible and use simple sentences rather than going for complex sentences.

I first completed task 2 then went back to task 1.

After the test, I thought my writing score would be in between 6.5 and 7, and most probably leaning towards 6.5 but by the grace of God,it came out to be different. YES!!!!!!!!!!!! All above 7. A step forward to PR application.

Guys, nothing is impossible, all that you need to do is be determined and keep trying. Never give in.

Good luck!!!

Comments for Never give in - I finally got an IELTS band 7!

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Jun 01, 2014
by: Anonymous

Well done. indeed well. Congradulation

Jun 01, 2014
band 7.5 from the first time
by: Anonymous

I got a 7.5 from the first time and I only revised it 3 weeks before the exam . ;))

Jun 05, 2014
how can i get 5.5 to 6
by: Anonymous

i have compiled IELTS rejection but i can get 5.5 so who i can do now? i need 5.5 .please help me..

Jun 12, 2014
Simple approach
by: Shanshui Shanghai

I would say not to make it very complicated. As I have said above, just go with simple sentences and simple sentences are not prone to errors. Less the errors the higher the score. With this simple formula, I am confident that I could easily make it to 7 if I were to give the test again.

So, guys, keep practicing and practicing. That is the name of the game. :-)

Jul 16, 2014
i need band 7
by: Anonymous

How did you practice, I mean what are the materials you used? I am really desperate. Writing 6.5 only

congrats for your success

Nov 17, 2014
give your advice plz
by: Anonymous

Please give me your advice:

For instance if I use such following grammar sentence in task2, what my score will?

"The more meticulous attention high ranking authorities pay to boost the economy the more satisfied individuals they will benefit from"


Nov 18, 2014
Score for sentence
by: IELTS buddy

It's not really possible to judge a score on one sentence. There is no context for it.

Even though it has some good vocabulary, I don't really understand what you have written and it does not seem to make sense, so it would likely not score that highly.

Nov 28, 2014
Congratulaion to success
by: Dreamer

Congratulations for your success. what was your materials?

Aug 23, 2015
Happy for u =)
by: Anonymous

Well done, even though small improvement is encouraging! Congratulations =)

However, for those who are only here to show off their high scores and make other people feel inferior really shouldn't be here. Don't understand why they keep doing this in different forums. Is that the only way how they get a sense of achievement? I just found them pretty annoying. If u think that getting 7.5 average makes u superior, what about those who get 8 or 9 in just one go. I believe the ones who are truly wise wouldn't be bragging. Instead they give genuine advice in a humble way. Some people need to grow up!

Sep 17, 2015
by: Anonymous

please how can I get my essay corrected online,
I mean which website do that

Feb 05, 2016
by: Anonymous

Hi Shanshui.

From which website have you got your writing checked???

Sep 03, 2016
by: Anonymous

Amen!! I cant wait to sit for my test this coming saturday!! Great testimony!

Dec 02, 2017
Congrats.. Never Give Up
by: Jithu

All the very best for your PR process

Congrats.. Never Give Up..!!

May 04, 2019
Never give in - I finally got an IELTS band 7!
by: Ajay Kumar

You would have to anyways appear again for the examination, as you have scored 7.5 in Listening and 8 is required. Did you get the 7 in writing the third time?

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