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Purpose of University Essays

by Rae

Purpose of University Essays

Purpose of University Essays

Some people believe the aim of university education is to help graduates get better jobs. Others believe there are much wider benefits of university education for both individuals and society.

Discuss both views and give your opinion.

University education plays an important role in many countries nowadays. It’s not only an evidence of one’s education qualification and skills, but also a pass to open future career gate. A common view is that helping graduates get better jobs is the aim of university education, while many others also argue that there are more benefits in a broader sense.

It is true that getting a good job is the main goal in most people’s mind. Universities offer a variety of courses to tailor to the needs of different jobs in different industries, so that most students will be prepared for joining the workforce after they graduate. In addition to that, many people see education as an investment as costs of university educations are generally expensive for most families. Therefore it’s commonplace for people to do it in the hope of getting a better job and thus having the ability to earn a higher income.

However, some people believe that university education can bring far more benefits for both individuals and society. I personally agree with this opinion. At individual level, university education does not only offered students a place to learn knowledge and skills for jobs, but also prepare a platform for them to become a better person. For example, there are various types of facilities provided for use, student-run clubs and societies where students can develop their interpersonal skills and leadership, as well as make friends. People who have finished university education may have a higher the society with their hard and soft skills acquired from university, which is likely to get them a decent job as well. Therefore, it can said that university education provide wider benefits for both individuals and society.

To conclude, it is common for people to do a university degree hoping it can get them a better job in the first place. However, i agree more with those who believe university education can bring more benefits to individuals than just a good job, as well as to the society.


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Essay on the Function of University

by george loizides

Some people think that universities should provide graduates with the knowledge and skills needed in the workplace. Others think that the true function of a university should be to give access to knowledge for its own sake, regardless of whether the course is useful to an employer.

What in your opinion should be the main function of university?

It is beyond any doubt that universities have seen a burgeoning growth during the last decade with overwhelming numbers of students enrolled to the various programmes either undergraduated or graduated education. It is widely accepted that there is an apparent tendency of people of all ages pursuing studies nowadays; however some argue whether this inextricable situation can lead to secure a job in future or seeing better job opportunities.

The advent of new technological advances in our life and the inauguration of new technologies in the workplaces force employers to seek skilled people with specific requirements who are adept of performing well for filling special vacancies. For instance, one fledgling field that has started to grow in many universities is Biostatistics and the versatile, albeit well established field with an incredibly rapid growth of Information Technology. The crux lies on that even if an avalanche of applications had been accepted from universities in these areas then only a few graduates from top universities have been channeled out to related industry.

Undoubtedly, many universities physically outside Ivy league tend to downgrade their acceptance standards. Thus they enroll as many students as possible in order to subsidise their research only, without pondering the needs of the industry for supplying the right number of graduates. It is based on these concrete grounds that many claim that universities have diverged from their initial purposes.

In conclusion, I am inclined to support the aforementioned opinion. I firmly believe that universities have to find ways to approach and to cooperate with employers to understand their needs and in that way governments have to intervene too.


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Comments for Essay on the Function of University

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May 20, 2015
Very good essay
by: Anonymous

Very good essay indeed! The vocabulary and the ideas are remarkable.

May 21, 2015
by: Anonymous

Amazing essay!I really hope that my brain will manage more in constructing wonderful essay!

Dec 06, 2015
by: chinchu salin

Its amazing....the vocabulary is too good

Jul 29, 2019
An error
by: JSaebi

Your essay was very informative to me, yet there is a mistake in 2nd paragraph, 2nd line: our life should be our lives since you are mentioning people not just a single person.

There's a mistake in paragraph 3 line 3:
They (universities) enroll ... students. Here enroll should be in passive voice or it is better to use another synonym verb.

Fantastic writing by the way, I learnt a lot.

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Purpose of University

by leo

Can anyone rate my essay

Some people believe the aim of university education is to help graduates get better jobs. Others believe there are much wider benefits of university education for both individuals and society.

Discuss both views and give your opinion.

It is true that most high school graduates tend to attend university for career purpose. While I agree that acquiring a university degree certainly can increase the possibility of successful employment, I believe that it is also beneficial to citizen themselves as well as our community.

On the one hand, the primary role for university education is to secure a better job. Most students believe that university would provide them with marketable skills that enable them easily find a job as soon as they graduate. For example, these days in china, many students decide to choose an IT degree, as they think it is a promising industry, allowing them to have better career prospect as well as high salary. As a result, attending university is considered to be the most effective way for individuals to secure a future job as well as improve living standard.

Nevertheless, I believe that higher education put individuals and our nations into great advantages. For one thing, people nurture their independence when they enter into university. This is because, in most cases, students have to live away from their families, many tasks such as; time management, budget control and household works, have to rely on themselves. After they are getting used to overcome these difficulties, their confidence and maturity will grow rapidly. For another, people who acquire a university degree also contribute benefits to our society as a whole. It is simply because a well-developed country requires highly educated people such as; doctors, scientist as well as economists, and those people will allow many industries to flourish.

In conclusion, although university should mainly help young graduates to secure a better job, I believe that it can lead to greater outcomes to individuals and society.

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Oct 14, 2014
by: Anonymous


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Function of University

by Dzung Tran

Could anyone help me review and correct this task 2 writing ?

Thanks so much


Some people think university education should prepare students for employment. Other people think university has other functions. Discuss both views and state what you think is the function of university education.


Some people say that universities only need to educate students for employment. Other people are of the opinion that there are other functions of an university. This essay discusses both two views to see which are the most important functions of an university.

There is no question that with an university it is most important to provide students abilities to be offerred expected jobs. Universities are educational institutes. And the basic purpose of education is to help people to acquire knowledge and apply them to work effectively. Also, the fact that a student is graduated from an university and can get a high-paying position in a large company, in reverse, helps to enhance that university's reputation and makes it more attractive.

However, with a long period of four to six years studying in university, students don't live in a place which is isolated and different to the outer. Therefore some people believe that students receive more than just knowledge from universities. There are chances for students to take part in extracurricular activities like fundraising for charity, doing community services to help the cities cleaner and brighter. Such activities enhance students' social consciousness, then they could become good citizens in the future. Besides, many students live together in residence hall, eat, learn and hang around in conjunction. This may create friendships that are long-lasting. Juniors and seniors act as helpers and mentors for freshmen and sophomores also brings a variation of relationships in universities. The life within university is clearly a loving environment. This may benefit students when they have their own family later.

I absolutely agree that is is most important for an university to provide specialized practical knowledge to students. Nevertheless, I don't put a low value on other activities in universities because I think they are very helpful in forming students' morality and character.

Illustrations like these above support for the conclusion that university education functions do not include only producing high educated persons, but also training human beings.

(332 words)

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Purpose of University

by yooonnn

Some people think that universities should provide graduates with the knowledge and skills needed in the workplace. Others think that the true function of a university should be to give access to knowledge for its own sake, regardless of whether the course is useful to an employer.

What, in your opinion, should be the main function of a university?

Universities play an important role in providing graduate valuable skills. Whether they should provide access to knowledge or equip graduates with skills needed in the work is a debatable issue. I think that graduates should be taught the skills they need to employ at their workplace in unversity.

There are numerous reasons why I believe this. Firstly, the traditional purpose of universities is to produce able graduates who can then go on to join the work force. By only providing information they deviate from this. Secondly, by teaching those skills which are needed in a job they provide the students with more experience. As a result of this when the graduates start working they have some experience rather than being a complete fresher. For instance, if a student is studying the subject business management and he is given some practical experience in the field he would develop some skills which he could then apply to his job. However, if he were only given access to the theoretical information he would find it much more difficult to implement his knowledge in his job. This is where universities play an important role.

Thirdly, nowadays graduate training schemes are quite common in companies. The aim of these programmes is to bridge the gap for students who have only obtained knowledge about the field they are working in through their degree and help them learn the skills which they would need to satisfactorily carry out their job. This could be eliminated by making universities teach these vital skills. The main function of a university should be to develop well rounded individuals who can become productive members of society.

In conclusion, I would say that any individual with the thirst for knowledge can access information on any subject. However, it is the role and function of the university to impart those skills needed for the graduate to be successful at his job.


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Dec 17, 2015
my idea
by: Anonymous

very weak essay

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The Aims of University Essay

by Abbas


I am having IELTS general exam in two days. Can you help in commenting on my sample writing and in particular I appreciate if the tutor here can give me feedback and the expected band score I may get for it.


Some people believe the aim of university education is to help graduates get better jobs. Others believe there are much wider benefits of university education for both individuals and society.

Discuss both views and give your opinion.

It is true that any academic institution such as university can be a great support for students to be prepared for a competitive career world when they graduate, however, most people tend to think that university bigger advantages for the individual and the community as whole. In my opinion, I tend to agree with the latter.

To be able to secure a decent job, people need to go to university. This means the job market requires a set of skills from any candidate to be qualified for a certain job. And those skills can only be gained though academic studying. To illustrate, the most attractive and well paid job professions such as engineer, Lawyer and Physician require a university degree. In other words, only licensed individuals can practice any of them. Therefor the university is the place to resort to if anyone has high ambition in choosing his or her future career path.

On the other hand, universities have broader advantages to the community. Throughout the history, the great minds, whom we owe for their great discoveries, were spotted while studying in university, such as Thomas Edison. The major scientific discoveries were brought to light in the laboratories. In addition to various theories in the field of human science. Currently, the national policy of most of the developed countries rely on the academic bodies. For instance, in the field of astronomy, NASA depends mainly on the scientific researches by the highly ranked universities. The same thing applies to the rest of the fields.

To conclude, I tend to believe that university can have variety of benefits. And its value cannot be restricted in one single goal.

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Jun 06, 2017
Copies of this all over the internet
by: Anonymous

This article is all over the internet and being used too often for IELTS.

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Aim of University Essay

by Rahul

Some people believe the aim of university education is to help graduates get better jobs. Others believe there are much wider benefits of university education for both individuals and society.

Discuss both views and give your opinion.

While it is of opinion of one section of society that university education is helpful in getting jobs, others opine that not only it is beneficial for getting jobs but also it has great benefits for individuals and society. This essay will discuss both opinions.

Firstly, university education provides you opportunities to get better jobs as it develops your skills and knowledge. After your university studies you understand your industry better, you add more value to yourself. Which company would not want this extra benefits ? as it would certainly help their organisation to grow. Moreover, one can make a big network with peoples of same background, which would increase his chances to get better jobs as he could get referrals from his contacts in the companies in which they would be working in. Therefore, it can be certainly said university education increases your chances to land up in a better job.

Furthermore, university education not only increases one’s prospect in getting a better job but also helps individual and society on enormous levels as it enhances one’s soft skills which results in a better interaction with friends and community. Also, one gets used to live in groups, does group activities which betters his socializing skills. This will result in building an individual who would be a better unit in a group and such better units will make a better group and a better society by large as this people will eventually become a part of society after college life. So, it can be said that university studies contribute to make individuals and society better than it previously was.

All in all, it can be said that although university studies help individuals get better jobs, it also has huge contribution in shaping individuals and society.

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