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Stress Management Essays

by Manisha

Stress Management Essays

Stress Management Essays

Stress is now a major problem in many countries around the world.

What are some of the factors in modern society that cause this stress, and how can we reduce it?

In present times, stress has become a very common problem that people are facing all over the world. This essay will examine its potential causes and possible ways of reducing it.

The predominant factor for leading a stressful life is work pressure. As industries are growing rapidly, the competition among them is also increasing day by day, thus enforcing employees to work harder and harder to maintain their company's reputation and position in the competitive world. Consequently, in order to meet their task deadline, people always feel constant pressure upon them. For instance, it is evident that due to work pressure many IT professionals face problems related to mental health such as depression and anxiety. The other factor responsible for this tension is nuclear families. For working couples, managing both work and home at the same time is a challenging job especially when they are leaving away from their parents, and hence, they do not have anyone at home to depend upon for small assistance.

There can be a number of ways to release this anxiety and pressure. Firstly, people need to learn to maintain work-life balance which is essential for leading a happy and fulfilling life. There are many stress management programs available these days that are very helpful in handling mental pressure. Secondly, physical activities are considered as a stress buster by many medical professionals. For example, yoga and power yoga have proven to be successful in improving both mental and physical health. Thus people can join some sports or physical activity on a regular basis to reduce their day to day life stress.

In conclusion, work-related stress and fast-paced life are the main reasons for stress among people. However, people can manage it effectively by doing physical exercises and meditation as a daily practice.

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Stress in Modern Society

by Laura

Hi can someone review my writing for this change in society essay and give it a band score if possible please?

In some societies, stress is now regarded as a major problem, and it is thought that people suffer from more stress than they did in the past.

However, others feel that the amount of stress people have today is exaggerated. They say that previous generations were under more pressure, but the idea of suffering from stress did not exist.

Discuss both these views and give your own opinion.

It is undeniable that life has been upgraded remarkably for the last decades. People live an easier and more convenient life, yet are put under a lot of of pressure, which is now one of societies' biggest issues. However, some people argue that people today do not suffer from as much stress there was in the past when the concept of stress did not exist. I personally think that each generation deals with different kinds of pressure.

To begin with, people in modern societies tend to have numerous concerns whilst pursuing a high living standard. Employees are forced to work longer hours which results in a large amount of stress. Modern problems in finance, business, education and relationships usually put people in distress as well. Moreover, pollution caused by technology development has brought about a lot of serious diseases adding up to the endless list of today's concerns.

On the other hand, life of the previous generations was no less stressful. Without the help of technology, people in the past would have a lot of difficulties in doing everything on their own. Furthermore, as a result of war and ages of economic depression, poverty and diseases became the largest problems most people had to face. However, they were not likely to suffer from emotional instability from pressures. Common today's mental illness resulting from stress such as bipolar, eating disorder, social anxiety did not exist.

In conclusion, I think that the pressure that each generation is under aredistinct and incomparable. Nevertheless, unlike us, our ancestors had learned to manage it quite well.

Comments for Stress in Modern Society

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Jun 30, 2014
8 bands
by: Anonymous

great. i couldnt find a mistake. keep it up

Aug 04, 2014
by: Anonymous


Sep 15, 2015
by: Anonymous


I've taken the liberty of correcting your essay. Unfortunately there is no way to highlight the mistakes in red, so you'll have to read and compare to what you have written.

However, some people argue that people today do not suffer from as much stress as they did in the past when the concept of stress did not exist

To begin with, people in modern societies tend to have numerous concerns whilst pursuing a high standard of living

Employees are forced to work longer hours, which results in a large amount of stress

Common today's mental illnesses, resulting from stress such as bipolarity, eating disorder, social anxiety did not exist.

Sep 05, 2016
by: Anonymous

a pretty good essay

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Causes of and Solutions to Stress

by Fizza

Stress is now a major problem in many countries around the world.

What are some of the factors in modern society that cause this stress, and how can we reduce it?

In the contemporary world, the issue of stress has been found to affect almost everyone at some point in their lives. This essay will look into the precedents of rising stress levels in society, and potential measures that can be taken to avoid or reduce it.

The reasons of stress can either be physiological or psychological. Among the former, the use of screens is the leading factor. In the present information age, the lifestyle of people and the nature of their jobs have altered. One of the most notable changes is a very high tendency of screen use in the form of desktops, laptops and mobile phones among others. Spending long hours focusing on screen causes the muscles to stiff and boost the stress level. If we talk about the latter, people belonging to almost all age groups residing across the globe face tensions about various matters related to education and jobs due to heightened competition in these fields. Such worries coupled with uncertainly about future lead to increased stress levels.

Although the problem of stress is definitely prevalent in current context, there are a number of stress management techniques that can be learned to tackle this issue. First, one must take short breaks for simple exercises while doing office work or while studying to relax the muscles and avoid stress. Second, consultation with a sincere friend or a psychiatrist for catharsis can turn out to be helpful when someone is facing high stress level. In addition to these, one must also try to stay away from certain situations that cause stress for example toxic relationships, dishonest friendships and political environments.

In conclusion, due to changes in overall society, people are more likely to experience stress. Although it is a pressing issue, it can be solved easily through adopting some crucial yet uncomplicated measures.

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