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Task 2 IELTS Sample Writing:
Children and TV

by Katiss

Many modern children spend a great deal of time sitting in front of a television or computer screen. This is extremely harmful to their development. Therefore, parents should strictly limit the time that children spend in this way.

To what extent do you agree or disagree?

It is generally accepted that spending too much time in front if the TV harms childrens’ development. Therefore, in my opinion, parents should by all means limit their childrens’ TV and computer screen time, especially while they are younger.

Watching TV or using a computer can be addictive, even for adults. Parents must prevent their children from developing bad habits, like spending a lot of their time in front of the TV, early on. Not only should parents strictly limit their childrens' screen time, they also need to be role models. Certainly, younger children will need more guidance, while teenagers can be given more responsibility in how they spend their time.

Moreover, watching TV is a passive way to spend time with no social interaction. While this point is not so much about computers, physical exercise and playing with other children are essential activities for a healthy development. Spending a lot of time in front of computer or TV screens limit’s a child time for such activities.

Especially younger children can not concentrate for an extended time span without breaks. Watching TV or playing computer games for many hours can hurt their ability to concentrate on their homework or a book later on. So even if the content watched is age adequate and educational watching it for too long can be harmful for a child.

All things consideres, there are many reasons why parents are well advised to monitor their childrens’ use of TV and computers closely. Especially younger children should be guided to spend their time in active and healthy ways.


IELTS buddy

Corrected Version:

It is generally accepted that spending too much time in front of the TV harms childrens’ development. Therefore,in my opinion, parents should by all means limit their
childrens’ TV and computer screen time, especially while they are younger.

Watching TV or using a computer can be addictive, even for adults. Parents must prevent their children from developing bad habits, like spending a lot of their time in front of the TV, early on. Not only should parents strictly limit their childrens' screen time, they also need to be role models. Certainly, younger children will need more guidance, while teenagers can be given more responsibility in how they spend their time.

Be careful - in this paragraph you are not giving enoughspcific reasons WHY they should limit their viewing. Instead you are giving solutions as you mention that parents 'must prevent this bad habit early on' and they should be 'role models because children need more guidance'. These are not actually answering the question.

Moreover, watching TV is a passive way to spend time with no social interaction. While this point is not so much about computers, physical exercise and playing with other children are essential activities for healthy development. Spending a lot of time in front of computer or TV screens limit’s a child time for such activities.

Especially In particular, younger children can not concentrate for an extended time span without breaks. Watching TV or playing computer games for many hours can hurt their ability to concentrate on their homework or a book later on. So even if the content watched is age adequate and educational, watching it for too long can be harmful for a child.

All things considered, there are many reasons why parents are well advised to monitor their childrens’ use of TV and computers closely, especially younger children who need to be guided to spend their time in active and healthy ways.



Your grammar and vocabulary are fine, as is your organization.

Just be careful to make sure you are answering the question as your first paragraph does not appear to do this.

Especially = this is used to begin a phrase after a comma, not in the way you are using it.


Comments for Task 2 IELTS Sample Writing:
Children and TV

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Jan 08, 2013
children and TV
by: ha

this is a great change for learner

Sep 11, 2013
Computer and TV Exposure by Children
by: Niner X

New generation of youngsters, especially children under school and pubertal age groups are television and computer addicts, evidenced by long hours of time being with those modern technologies. Indeed, this social trend is alarming since it could affect their social, mental, and physiologic functions. Along with this, I strongly believe that parents should impose specific discipline appertaining to the length of time their children utilize those gadgets.

Irrefutably, computers and televisions are informative, entertaining, and enjoyable not only to children but for adult as well. Diverse advantages have been brought to the modern world because of new media as those, however, long hours of time spent in front of television and computer screens would mean disturbing effects to children. For one, health issues due to radiation and prolonged sitting could lead to eye, back and posture problems for these young audiences. Similarly, it could minimize their time to interact with families and friends, thus, deterring with their social life.

That said, parents being the major guardians of these kids should rigorously set specific periods of exposure to televisions and computers. Basically, an active role is essential as parents must create and innovate alternative activities on how their children can spend their time with pleasure. They can guide the children to learn time management and effective self-discipline. Similarly, parents can institute some programs to encourage children to do other activities, away from those technologies, accompanied by gifts, rewards, and praises as ways of appreciation and recognition of accomplishments. Most importantly, parents must serve as role models, ‘practicing what they preach’ as old adage say, as children tend to imitate what they see from elder ones.

Conclusively, using computers and viewing through television over an extensive period of time is an observable worrisome trend, among children. Parents should never leave this issue unattended, thus, must enforce due time restraint before it turns to be their children’s unbreakable habit.
38 minutes

Oct 09, 2013
A similar question and response. Please give your comments & potential band score.
by: Abdullah Al Shahwani

Children today spend more time watching television than they did in the past. Describe some of the advantages and disadvantages of television for children.

Today's children have an unprecedented access to technological devices, primarily, television, computers and video games. This intense exposure to gadgets of all kinds can have far-reaching effects on minds and bodies of these children. On one hand, unlimited amount of information is in their easy reach, on another, they are missing out on healthier and more social activities.

Television is, perhaps one of the most integral parts of the connected world we are living in. Having access to television provides children with the most diverse knowledge and builds in them the ability to investigate things in a broader perspective. For example, channels like National Geographic, ignites an interest and teaches children to respect the Mother Nature, simultaneously, motivating them to be more caring towards it. Moreover, television is a medium that can be easily monitored by the parents as opposed to outdoor activities where children are on their own.

Despite the benefits television has to offer, there are significant shortcomings as well. Firstly, viewing television for longer durations can limit the physical activities of children, which is detrimental to their health. Secondly, it degrades their social skills making them isolated and enclosed. Lastly, apart from all the informative content, television does contain certain undesirable material like sex and violence, which the children may come across.

To conclude, like any other human invention, television possesses both positive and negative features. It is, therefore, upto the parents to be vigilant and properly police their children's daily television time.

Jan 30, 2014
Very good
by: Anonymous

This is a really good site. I love it great contents. Thanks ielts buddy.

Apr 22, 2014
children and tv
by: tia

nowadays technology become increasingly independence in our lives.we can see that every day the children cannot escape from the television.It is true that almost activities of the children spend their times for watching television.Thus,i strongly agree that parents should strictly limit the time that children spend in this way because the children can get antisocial in their future and effect their bad behavior.

To begin with,it is true that the television brings their children get more knowledge.they can know and learn something new information from the television.Meanwhile,many programs like cartoon that the children prefer to watch television than they go outside to play with their friends.For example,when they watch the television then they do not care people around them.They are very enjoyed it due to interesting the programs.It makes them become lazy to interact with each other.Hence,parents should strictly limit the time for children because they must play more outside even they must study at home to do homework or other things that are useful to them.If they cannot stop to watch tv and they do not want to interact with their friends,they would antisocial in their future.

furthermore,due to many programs on television,many things that children may not to watch such as violence or adults makes children to bring bad influence.

May 03, 2014
by: Anonymous

Children need parents care to deal with this beautiful life . Children spend more time in doing deferent kind of activities such as watching tv and playing electronic games than siting with their parents .so in this assay i will look at this issue from deferent argent before giving my own point of view .

May 08, 2014
children spend more time in front of t.v
by: haroon urd

It is hard to say is the television good or bad because there is many both advantages and disadvantages of it. I will try to mention some of them.

I think, the most important advantage of television is that it is a huge source of information's, knowledge and entertainment. There are plenty of channels with different topics. It provides every kind of information's and entertainment: Great films, shows, documentaries, science programs, cartoons and so on. You can watch the newest information's from all the world, it helps you to be up-to-date. You only have to turn on your tv-set and you can get some news. Sometimes it is very convenient. Watching television can be also great way to spend a free time. There are some really interesting programs about for example our hobbies. It can by also good way to spend evening, watching curious films.

From the other hand, there are also many disadvantages on watching television. It become to be very popular and common. Almost everyone has his own tv-set. People spend to much time watching stupid programs and shows. They become a slaves of 21' black box. You can't talk with them about anything isn't connected with television. Their life is depend on tv-schedule. The whole families watches television eating dinner, sapper, spending their free time in this way. Instead of going to the park, wood, to the lake or for a trip.

Nowadays there is many violence on tv. Jung children are watching full of violence and brutality cartoons and movies. They spend whole day siting in front of screen. Every tv-station broadcasts many commercials, the movies are being interrupted and we are watching commercials for few minutes. We also have to single out the really interesting programs and movies because there is many stupid and boring programs.

I have show only a few features of television. Of course it is only a small part. Watching television can give us many positives things like news, entertainment and knowledge but it can by also dangerous. I watch very rarely television, generally only eating my breakfast or sapper. I am not interested in information's from the world and I have much better ways to spend my free time...of course if I have it.

Jul 23, 2020
by: Sandeep Mishra

Though TV programs and digital games are not good for young age kids, but nowadays it is trending and involved very much in daily life. I consider that guardians must guide children what to watch and what to listen because these things are going to decide their future.
Firstly, I would like to spread some light on why children should act same as their friends do. This give them an opportunity spend time with their mate also however, it will help them to explore things in a broader way. In addition to this, they will acquire multicultural knowledge, language and religion.
Secondly, I consider that kids must be directed by their parents instead of permitting them to do things as per their friend. Because we don’t know more about their friend’s behavior, like & dislike. As we all know that all TV programs and digital games are not good. For example, recently a game called Joker was launched and many people died while playing the game because that had a speech which was pressurizing youngsters for suicide. However, physical games are better than digital games.
As we all know that children are easily moldable towards anything because their mind is eager to learn new things and guardian can inculcate good etiquette inside them. Kids can be taught many things. Notwithstanding, parents should focus on a particular training so that they can obtain mastery in that specific field.
In conclusion, I would say that instead of giving them assent to do same thing as their friend does, guardian should play a role of mastermind in order to show them a pertinent way.

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