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IELTS Sample Writing

On this page are links to IELTS sample writing scripts for task 2 that have been submitted by actual IELTS candidates who are preparing for the test.

Below each IELTS sample writing are comments on the writing so you can see the strong and weak points of each piece of writing.

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Student Sample Essays:

Click below to see sample essays from students.

Below each essay you can leave your own comments or ask a question if you have one.

IELTS Essay - Focusing on products and brands 
Some people focus too much on products and brands that they buy/use. Do you think this behavior has more advantages than disadvantages. It is …

IELTS Essay: Teenagers working while studying 
Please provide feedback on this essay: It is a good idea for teenagers to have jobs while they are still students. To what extent do you agree …

IELTS Homeschooling Essay 
Homeschooling is better then school. Do you agree or disagree? It is irrefutable that study is an essential part of our life we can not survive …

IELTS Task 2 - Industrialisation and Environmental Problems.  
Industrialization is the cause of environmental problems in a country. Do you agree? Industrialization is very important during this decade. …

IELTS Student Essay:
Overpopulation of urban areas has led to numerous problems. Identify one or two serious ones and suggest ways that governments and individuals can …

Student Sample Essay:
Some of the methods used in advertising are unethical and unacceptable in today’s society. To what extent do you agree with this view? In today’s …

IELTS Writing Task 2:
Private Education
Some people believe that the responsibility for providing education should be borne only by the government and that private education should be banned. …

IELTS Sample Writing:
International Pollution Issues
Facing many international pollution issues such as the energy shortage and global warming, some people believe that individuals have limited abilities …

IELTS Task 2:
The Influence of News Media
The popularity of news media often has significant influence on people’s lives. Some people believe this to be a negative development. Do you agree …

Task 2 IELTS Writing:
Government Assistance to Artists
Some people believe that the government should provide financial assistance to all artists including painters, musicians and poets. Others think that it …

IELTS Sample Writing:
Global Environmental Damage
Reducing global environmental damage should be handled by governments rather than individuals. To what extent do you agree or disagree? The damage …

Task 2 Sample Writing:
Learning from Books
“Not every thing that is learned is contained in books.” Compare and contrast knowledge gained from experience with knowledge gained from books. In …

Task 2 IELTS Sample Writing:
Children and TV
Many modern children spend a great deal of time sitting in front of a television or computer screen. This is extremely harmful to their development. Therefore, …

IELTS Sample Writing Task 2:
Relocating Industries and Business to Regional Areas
In some countries, governments are encouraging industries and businesses to move to regional areas outside the big cities. Do the advantages of this …

IELTS Sample Writing Task 2:
Spending on Sport or Education
Governments should spend more money on education than sport. Do you agree or disagree? There is no doubt that almost every field has developed …

Task 2 Essay Sample:
Developments in IT
In the last 20 years there have been significant developments in the field of information technology (IT), for example the World Wide Web and communication …

IELTS Writing Task 2:
Mobility due to improved transport and communication
Today, people in many countries can live and work anywhere they choose, because of improved communication technology and transport. Do the advantages …

Task 2 IELTS Sample Essay: Smoking 
Smoking is a bad habit. Do you agree or disagree? smoking is a dangerous bad contains causes different diseases and damages our …

Task 2 Writing: Dependence on Computers 
School children are becoming far too dependent on computers. This is having an alarming effect on reading and writing skills. Teachers need to avoid using …

Sample Task 2 Writing:
Competition at School
Some people think that a sense of competition in children should be encouraged. Others believe that children who are taught to co-operate rather than …

Task 2 IELTS Writing Sample:
Youth Crime - Reasons and Solutions
Levels of youth crime are increasing rapidly in most cities around the world. What are the reasons for this, and suggest some solutions. There …

IELTS Sample Task 2 Essay:
Child Obesity
The percentage of overweight children in western society has increased by almost 20% in the last ten years. Discuss the causes and effects of this …

Task 2 Sample Essay:
Number of Elderly People
In future it is expected that there will be higher proportion of older people in some countries. Is this positive or negative development? …

Task 2 Essay: Study and Other Activities 
Full time university students spend most of the time studying. They should be doing other activities too. To what extent do you agree or disagree. …

Task 2 Sample Essay:
Foreign Aid
Does foreign aid help donor countries more than the recipients? Foreign aid programs have been criticized for profiting the donor country over the …

Task 2 Essay: Driving Age 
The best way to reduce the number of traffic accidents is to raise age limits for younger drivers and to lower age limit for the aged ones.  Do …

Task 2 Essay: Child Labour 
In many countries, children are engaged in some kind of paid work. Some people regard this as completely wrong, while others consider it as valuable …

Task 2 Essay:
Teaching 'Finance' at School
Financial education should be a mandatory component of the school program. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this statement? In present …

Task 2: Education and a Country's Development 
Some people say that the education system is the only critical factor for the development of a country. To what extent do you agree or disagree with …

Task 2: Advertising 
Some people say that advertising encourages us to buy things we really do not need. Others say that advertisements tell us about new products that may …

Task 2: Public Transport and Cars 
The rising levels of congestion and air pollution found in most of the world cities can be attributed directly to the rapidly increasing number of private …

Task 2: Importing Food 
Today’s food travels thousands of miles before it reaches customers. Why is this? Is this a positive or negative trend? Nowadays, an increasing …

Task 2: Home-schooling 
Children should never be educated at home by their parents. What is your opinion? Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer. In …

Task 2: Developed Countries Helping Developing Countries 

Task 2: The advantages and disadvantages of examinations 
Tests and examinations are a central feature of school systems in many countries. Do you think the educational benefits of testing outweigh any disadvantages. …

Task 2: Gap Year 
More general question about the paragraph order in a Pro contra essay: The opinion you agree with is first or second paragraph? And inside the paragraph …

Task 2: Necessity of Mobile Phones for Children 
The dangers and complexities of modern world have made mobile phone an absolute neccessity forchildren. To what extent to you agree or disagree? …

Task 2: Standards of Living & Happiness 
So i tried a (single) opinion essay: I made 7 in the writing section on my first attempt to do IELTS but really need 8. So any critique is welcome. …

IELTS Sample Writing Task 2: Government Spending - Education or Sports? 
Governments should spend more money on education than on recreation and sports. Do you agree or disagree? In these modern times of serious competetion …

Task 2: Inequalities in Society 
The problem with society today is that it is essentially unbalanced, with some people being paid huge salaries to work very long hours, whilst others …

Task 2: Spending on Education or Sport 
Should more government money be spent on education or sports? IT is undeniable fact that the importance of education can not be neglected at any cost …

IELTS Sample Writing Task 2: Reducing the Working Week 
The length of the working week does not reflect modern lifestyle needs. It should be substantially reduced to give people more leisure time and time with …

Task 2: Use of Leisure Time 
Some people think that it is important to use leisure time for activities that improve the mind, such as reading and doing word puzzles. Other people …

Task 2: Equality at Work 
Most high-level positions in companies are filled by men even though the workforce in many developed countries is more than 50 percent female. Companies

IELTS Sample Writing Task 2: Government Spending - Education or Sports? 
Governments should spend more money on education than on recreation and sports. Do you agree or disagree? Education, recreation and …

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