IELTS Computer Delivered Tests + Band Score

Task 2 Writing: Dependence on Computers

by Lenur Toshpulatov
(Termiz, Surkhandarya, Uzbekistan)

School children are becoming far too dependent on computers. This is having an alarming effect on reading and writing skills. Teachers need to avoid using computers in the classroom at all costs and go back to teaching basic study skills.

Do you agree or disagree?

There is no doubt that almost every field has developed significantly over the past few decades and it is visiable in the field of education. At present time, modern technology has became in our system of study. In many countries students can use computers in their classrooms and they have no to copy notes by hand in the blackboard, because the teacher gives them a photocopy. As a result, both teachers and students are losing their ability to think by themselves.

First of all, many young students are using computers in their classroom at the same time they are becoming little lazy and and their ability such as, mathematical. Because, students easily can calculate mathematical questions.

On the other hand, before thinking about drawbacks of the computers people should more pay attention to advantages of computer for people. Computer have disadvantages as well as more benefits. One of the main good point is students can acces to the internet than other communication systems.

Secondly, no one can deny that internet has opened students way of learning a new world. It is clearly seen that students have to wait for a book that alredy been booked by other students. In fact, students can be used easily to the internet to find more information and also for research .

Thirdly, as many people have claimed that, how effects of computer good or bad it depends to how people use computers beneficial or futile. For instance, computers can be used to rob banks with way of hacking or can be used to make people’s life quite faster, easier and also more comfortable.

From my point of view, as it has written above that teachers should avoid using computers in the classroom at the same time they should have more social and emotional knowledge.


IELTS buddy

Corrected Version:

There is no doubt that almost every field has developed significantly over the past few decades and it is visiable visible in the field of education. At the present time, modern technology has became exists in our system of study. In many countries students can use computers in their classrooms and they do not have no to copy notes by hand in from the blackboard because the teacher gives them a photocopy. As a result, both teachers and students are losing their ability to think by themselves.

First of all, many young students are using computers in their classroom and at the same time they are becoming little lazy. For example, their ability to do well in subjects such as maths is declining because they can easily calculate maths on a computer. (I'm just guessing what you
mean here - your ideas in this paragraph are very unclear).

On the other hand, before thinking about the drawbacks of the computers people should more pay attention to their advantages of computer for people. Computers have disadvantages as well as more benefits.(I've deleted this as you are repeating yourself). One of the main good point benefits is students can acces to the internet (than other communication systems - I don't understand how this fits here)

Secondly, no one can deny that the internet has opened students way of learning to a new world. It is clearly seen that students do not have to wait for a book that has already been booked by other students. In fact, students can be used easily to use the internet to find more information and also for do research .

Thirdly, as many people have claimed that, how effects of computer good or bad it depends to how people use computers beneficial or futile.(I can't really correct this as I'm not sure what you mean - the grammar errors make it very confusing) For instance, computers can be used to rob banks with way of by hacking or can be used to make people’s life quite faster, easier and also more comfortable.(the question is about education so you are going off topic if you talk about robbing banks and hacking)

From my point of view, as it has written stated above, that teachers should avoid using computers in the classroom and at the same time they should have more social and emotional knowledge.(don't put new ideas in a conclusion - you have not mentioned this 'social and emotional knowledge' before)



You have some very short paragraphs - have a look at some of the sample essays on the ieltsbuddy site to get more of an idea how to organize your writing:

Model Essays

Your writing is also very mixed - you have some parts that are ok, but at times your writing is very confusing. You would benefit from some teaching with regards to improving your writing which you can't really gain from the internet.

For example, you have some very confusing sentences where it is not clear what you mean:

Thirdly, as many people have claimed that, how effects of computer good or bad it depends to how people use computers beneficial or futile.

One of the main good point is students can acces to the internet  than other communication systems.

Things like that will really affect your band score.

At the present time = we use present simple with this so you can't say "has beome"

"Because, students easily can calculate mathematical questions".= don't do this as it is a "fragment" i.e. not a complete sentence. 'because' joins clauses. I will do a lesson on this but do a search on the internet on this if you wan't to find out more.

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Comments for Task 2 Writing: Dependence on Computers

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Mar 28, 2012
Thank you.
by: Lenur

i wanna get feedback about my mistakes. thank you in advance for your advice.

Jun 23, 2013
by: Anonymous

Hi I would like someone to correct my essay and to mark this please :)

The new generation of children have computers and they become dependent since they are young. It has a consequence on reading and writing skills that is why professors should teach without computers.

First, I think using Internet has good avantages, the student can research easily a meaning on Google for example. Futhermore, the computer is useful, it will faster to search on internet than using a dictionnary. By the way, the children can save their work on Word or Excel and put in a USB Disk or share it to other students. Then, using less paper can be good for the environnement, this can save a lot of trees.

However, the computers have a bad influence on students with the video games : if they start to play since they are young, they will be dependent. And this will bring some damages on their eyes, they will have to wear glasses. It is hard for the teachers to look at all the students if they are not on Facebook or anything, they can’t be focused on their teaching. Students will always wirte on Word and it will correct the mistakes so it is not a good idea for their writing. Finally, it is less expensive to teach basic study because it costs a lot to buy a computer for each student.

To conclude, in my opinion, students should use computers but only in particular academic. It will be perfect if students can stay focus on studies altough they want to go on Facebook and play video games.

Sep 16, 2014
School children and computers
by: Anonymous

School children are becoming far too dependent on computers. This is having an alarming effect on reading and writing skills. Teachers need to avoid using computers in the classroom at all costs and go back to teaching basic study skills.

Do you agree or disagree?

Technology has significant impact on education since last two decades. Since that time, children are more interested to familiarise themselves to learn on computers rather than learning in classroom, which in result making them dependent on computers and losing basic study skills. Nevertheless, computers have pros and cons on children education like a coin has its two sides. In the following paragraph I am going to discuss the negative points of computers on education.

To begin with, using computers in classroom is deteriorating reading and writing skills of students. This devastating impact has led students to even forget the spellings. Moreover teachers even use technology to provide lessons in classroom which often distract students from the topic by getting fascinated with technology. In past years, teachers use writing boards to give lectures and students use notepad to write notes in order to remind the lectures but these days teachers comes with a photocopy of notes for each students, which effect their capability of reminding topics and writing skills.

However, this technology has many advantages. Firstly, students can read books online if they cannot get from other sources like libraries, schools. They can increase their knowledge on particular topic by searching on google and will not restrict to their classroom. In addition, students can even downloads lectures if they missed it by any chance and this will keep them on track.

Furthermore, students can even accurate their basic writng techniques as computer has the ability to correct the misspelled words and also the sentence structure. By giving photocopy notes, teachers can as well provide lectures on time as they don't have to dictate their notes for students.

In the nutshell, students and teachers should use computers but to a limit. If they exceed their limit it will definitely ruin students skill.
Although the computers in education sector has disadvantages but the advantages outweigh the drawbacks. I partially agree with this statement.

Jun 02, 2015
is there any notes on this introduction?
by: Anonymous

In the last two decades, the education systems has became more and more rely on computers and programs for teaching the school children which lead to dangerous effects on their reading and writing skills (RW.S). Therefore, this essay will be concentrated on the benefits of avoiding computers by teachers especially in the elementary schools to improve the (RW.S).

Aug 10, 2016
Effects of computers on reading and writing skills
by: Anonymous

Computers have become the integral part of education but have some disadvantages regarding reading and writing skills.

These are:

Disability to write and learn correct words.
Poor writing speed and mistakes.
Ignorance of correct and wrong Spellings.
Unaware of irrevent material.
Poor habit of printed notes rather than writing by own using own ideas.

Aug 17, 2016
Very useful
by: Anonymous

Thanks for the essay and feedback.

Feb 04, 2017
attempt to write on this topic - Dependence on Computers Essay
by: Anonymous

In recent times, the need to improve teaching method is an issue all over the world. Nowadays, school teachers incorporate computer learning in classroom and it has affected young children their thinking and reading abilities. It is without a doubt that this new method of learning has proven to be effective as it makes learning interactive, children are able to adapt quickly in using computer tools and application to aid them in reading and writing lessons even while they are at home.

Firstly, computer learning is a creative way of teaching as children in this new era have been exposed to computer technology and social media in one way or another. For instance, in terms of reading out loud, teachers use computer to record their reading skills and analyse the areas which they are not doing well. As a result, by doing so, students can hear their own pronunciation and teachers can focus effectively in areas that needs further improvements.

Secondly, students are more likely motivated to study since the lessons are visually stimulating for example, using animation, the characters in storybooks are interactive and students are able to remember the stories better as compared to reading from books pages after pages. Therefore, they are able to retain more information and can retell the story through their experiences. In addition, this way of learning is also training them to be more expressive in describing scenes and events.

Lastly, computers also offer intelligence tool in correcting essays and sentence writing, such as proofreading of essays, correct spelling mistakes, and help students to form complex sentences. What is more sophisticated is that students can even edit and supervise homework on their own at home with the help of these application tools, which leads to students to become independent, and this method of self-learning in most cases, is more effective as compared to group tuition.

In conclusion, IT has shaped the way students is being taught by making the lessons interactive, interesting, and students can supervise their homework on their own. Therefore, it is in my opinion that teachers should continue to use computer to enhance their teaching techniques, yet not overly dependent on it. (362 words)

Mar 19, 2017
Kindly check please if I either hit the TA or went off topic on this particular essay. Thank you.
by: Anonymous

In today's era, young individuals lean more on technology, especially in computers, for enhancing their learning skills, and this have caused a disturbing result in their academic performance, thereby, prompting others to infer that usage of such equipment be strongly avoided by educators. Nevertheless, I believe that controlled utilization of computers provide huge benefits in the class lectures.

One of the upside of using computers during lectures is that it vastly improve the children's learning in a sense that teachers can make use of creative techniques to capture their interest. This greatly enhance the method of delivering information towards the students through visual images attached to lecture topics, activation of the auto-correct feature during writing sessions, and having computer- based exercises that will enrich their lexical resources and grammatical use. Consequently, this will engage more of the students in class participation seeing that they prefer the use of computers than the basic ways of learning.

Another factor to consider would be that through the application of modern technological device, educators will be able to save more time and effort in planning lesson strategy. There would be no need for paper materials or classroom boards when giving lectures for it can be encoded beforehand in the computer, thus, eliminating the chance of pupils getting bored while waiting for the teacher to finish writing on the board. Aside from this, teachers are less inclined to spend money in preparing visual effects for classroom activities because this can also be found and done in the said device, thereby, making the usual study skills less appealing.

In conclusion, it may be an effective method of studying when rudimentary teaching is applied to avoid children from being addicted to computer use, however, the advantages of computer-based feature cannot be refuted, therefore, in my opinion, it is a more effective way of enhancing student's reading anf writing skills.

Aug 06, 2019
thank you
by: Anonymous

Thanks for the essay that we post here.

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