IELTS Computer Delivered Tests + Band Score

How to use numerical data in IELTS Task 1

by Pals

I didn't refer to the data. Will this affect my score?


I attended Academic IELTS recently. I just have a point to discuss with regards to the writing test task 1 - I started with introduction and described the graph. Highlighted key comparisons and concluded with overall comments. I described the trend as and when required.

However I completely missed to put the numerical detail. How does it going to affect my marking. Kindly advise.

Comments for How to use numerical data in IELTS Task 1

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Sep 20, 2015
Forgetting data
by: IELTS buddy


If you look at the IELTS public band descriptors for the Task 1 writing it says this for Task Achievement at band 5:

There may be no data to support the description

So you will likely be limited to a band 5 for this criteria.

However, there are 3 other criteria (coherence and cohesion; lexical resource; grammatical range and accuracy) so your final score will depend on how well you did in these.

Good luck

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How do I write percentages?

by Ksenia


How should I write the quantity information considering percentage of something?

*ten per cent
*ten percent

or may be there are some other variants?

Thank you very much in advance!

Looking forwards to your answering!

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Dec 08, 2015
Writing Percentages in IELTS Task 1
by: IELTS buddy

Hi Ksenia,

Any of those are ok.

Both the uses of 'percent' and 'per cent' are used in English (it's really just a matter of preference) and the number with symbol is also ok.

One advantage of saying 'ten per cent' is that you get three words compared to fewer words towards your word count for the others ;)

It is important though to vary the way you use numbers. There is some useful information about this here:

Increasing flexibility with numbers

Dec 09, 2015
by: Ksenia

Thank you very much for the answer! ^_^

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